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Engaging Male Faculty in Institutional Transformation

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Institutional Transformations

Tagged Division

Women in Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.490.1 - 23.490.12



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Paper Authors


Canan Bilen-Green North Dakota State University

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Canan Bilen-Green is Dale Hogoboom Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and Director of the ADVANCE Program at North Dakota State University. She holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Statistics from the University of Wyoming and a M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Bilkent University. She was recently appointed to serve as the Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement, a new position created as part of institutionalization of the NSF ADVANCE Program at NDSU.

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Roger A. Green North Dakota State University

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Roger Green received the B.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Wyoming in 1992, 1994, and 1998, respectively. During his Ph.D. studies, he also obtained a graduate minor in statistics.

He is currently an Associate Professor with the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at North Dakota State University, where he teaches courses in signals and systems, digital signal processing, random processes, communications, controls, embedded systems, and others. His main research interests include digital and statistical signal processing, time series analysis, spectral and time-frequency analysis, array processing, real-time systems, and data adaptive techniques.

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Christi McGeorge North Dakota State University

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Dr. Christi McGeorge is an associate professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Science at North Dakota State University (NDSU). She is the internal evaluator for the NSF Advance Institutional Transformation Grant received by NDSU.

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Cali L. Anicha North Dakota State University

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Ann Burnett North Dakota State University

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ASEE Conference – Women in Engineering DivisionEngaging Male Faculty in Institutional Transformation  The NDSU Advance FORWARD project, funded by the National Science FoundationADVANCE Institutional Transformation program in 2008, seeks to develop and implement acomprehensive research-driven strategy to increase participation of women in all science andengineering faculty and academic administrative positions. Specifically, Advance FORWARDstrives to improve the climate across campus, enhance faculty recruitment efforts, increasefaculty retention and advancement, and open leadership opportunities.The Campus Climate component of the project focuses upon both institutional and individualresponsibilities for working toward a gender diverse faculty and a supportive, inclusive, collegialenvironment; institutional rewards are tied to success in these areas. Several aspects of theFORWARD project have been created to intentionally involve men faculty. One unique initiativewithin the Campus Climate component is the Advocates and Allies program designed tospecifically involve faculty men in institutional change to transform departmental cultures andpractices. Advocates are charged with recruiting and training other faculty men as allies, andincreasing their own knowledge of topics such as unconscious bias and male privilege. Anotherinitiative is the Provost’s Commission on the Status of Women Faculty aims to transforminstitutional structures by proposing new policies to support participation and advancement ofwomen faculty; some men faculty serve as members of this committee. Additionally, genderequity/awareness training is offered to all faculty and staff, and climate/gender/equity grants areopen to men faculty in collaboration with women faculty.In this paper, we will discuss strategies for effectively engaging male faculty in institutionaltransformation leading to increased participation of women in all academic faculty ranks andadministrative positions. It is through purposeful inclusion of men faculty that AdvanceFORWARD has been able to reach many individuals on campus that might not have been opento learning about how to create a better campus climate for all.

Bilen-Green, C., & Green, R. A., & McGeorge, C., & Anicha, C. L., & Burnett, A. (2013, June), Engaging Male Faculty in Institutional Transformation Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19504

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