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Engineering in Healthcare: A Heart Lung System

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Thinking Outside the Box! Innovative Curriculum Exchange for K12 Engineering

Tagged Division

K-12 & Pre-College Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.594.1 - 22.594.14



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Paper Authors


Zachary Vonder Haar University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Zachary Vonder Haar graduated Cum Laude in 2010 with a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. While an undergraduate at UMBC, he participated four years at the varsity level on the swimming and diving team while leading his team to a seventh consecutive America East Championship in his senior season. He will finish his Master's degree in May 2011, also in Chemical Engineering from UMBC. He has been working on the INSPIRES project since May of last year.

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Taryn Melkus Bayles University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Taryn Bayles, Ph.D., is a Professor of the Practice of Chemical Engineering in the Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering Department at UMBC, where she incorporates her industrial experience
by bringing practical examples and interactive learning to help students understand fundamental
engineering principles. Her current research focuses on engineering education, outreach and
curriculum development.

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Julia M. Ross University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Engineering in Healthcare: A Heart Lung System INSPIRES is an interactive curriculum designed for high school students with the goal ofINcreasing Student Participation, Interest, and Recruitment in Engineering & Science. It wascreated to target the ITEA Standards for Technological Literacy and to increase involvement inSTEM related fields. This curriculum allows for students to learn basic engineering designprinciples through a variety of ways including hands-on activities, online animations andsimulations and all culminates in an open ended design challenge that encourages creativity,resourcefulness and teamwork to solve a real world engineering problem. A new curriculum module was created this year entitled: "Engineering in Healthcare: AHeart Lung System Case Study". Like all of the INSPIRES curricula, it focuses on teachingstudents basic engineering principles while introducing them to the engineering design anddecision making process. The students are introduced to the curriculum by watching aprofessionally produced video about Tynisha, a 13 year old girl who was born with a heart defectwhich required life saving open heart surgery to repair. Also, they are introduced to the medicalteam and the device that kept her alive through the open heart surgery, the heart-lung machine.The students then go through a series of hands on activities, online content, animations andsimulations where they learn about the factors that affect the heart lung machine. The studentsthen build and test a heart-lung system which circulates and cools the blood of the "patient" andthen evaluate the effectiveness of their prototype. Over the first five years of the INSPIRES project, the teacher Professional Development(PD) training was limited to two days. But in the past two years, with the support of a NSF-DRK-12 grant and by cooperating with the education department, the PD training was extendedto three weeks. This has allowed the teachers to spend more time to learn, practice and reflect.The PD is split into three distinct sessions. The morning session focused on the heart lungengineering content taught by engineering faculty and an inquiry-based pedagogical facilitator.The early afternoon sessions had the teachers apply what they learned in the morning by teachingthe heart lung curriculum to a classrooms of students enrolled in the Upward Bound Program. Inthe late afternoon session, the teachers and INSPIRES faculty collectively reviewed videotapesof that days session and provided constructive criticism to improve content understanding,teaching pedagogy and curriculum delivery. Of the twelve teachers who participated in the three week PD training, nine willimplement the "Engineering in Health Care: A Heat Lung Case Study" curriculum with theirhigh school students in the fall of 2010. Student learning data will be collected and analyzed todetermine the effectiveness of the curriculum as well as to compare the results attained inprevious years of the program.

Haar, Z. V., & Bayles, T. M., & Ross, J. M. (2011, June), Engineering in Healthcare: A Heart Lung System Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--17875

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