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Enhancing The Asee Campus Representative Program A Section Chairs Perspective

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2008 Annual Conference & Exposition


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Publication Date

June 22, 2008

Start Date

June 22, 2008

End Date

June 25, 2008



Conference Session

Sharing Best Practices

Tagged Division

Campus Representatives

Page Count


Page Numbers

13.553.1 - 13.553.8



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Charles McIntyre North Dakota State University

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Charles McIntyre is the Chair of the Department of Construction Management and Engineering at North Dakota State University. He received his Ph.D. from Penn State in 1996. As an active member of the North Midwest Section of ASEE, Dr. McIntyre is currently the Chair of the North Midwest Section and the Campus Representative at NDSU. As a Campus Rep he has won number awards for recruiting and retaining faculty for membership in ASEE. He has several ASEE publications in the areas of active and cooperative learning. At NDSU he is very active in a number of pedagogical programs, including the Teaching Academy, the Mentor Program, and the Peer Review of Teaching Program. He is the recipient of the "Robert Odney Excellence in Teaching Award" and the "Peltier Award for Innovative Teaching."

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

Enhancing the ASEE Campus Representative Program A Section Chair's Perspective


The ASEE Campus Rep Program is a key component for recruiting and retaining membership in ASEE. As quoted on the ASEE web site, “The growth, stability, and effective operation of ASEE in accomplishing its mission of promoting excellence in engineering education are directly dependent upon Campus Representatives across our nation.” ASEE provides a number of resources to assist Campus Reps in the performance of their required and suggested duties. However, as documented in several surveys (North Midwest Section and Southeast Section), the Campus Rep Program is not performing up to expectations. There are several reasons to explain this lack of expected performance as documented in other works2. A Section Chair shoulders some of the responsibility for the continued maintenance and enhancement of the Campus Rep Program within the Section. This paper documents some of the approaches and methods that a Section Chair can undertake to help support the Campus Rep Program.

Responsibilities of the Section Chair and the Section Campus Representative1

Based on information provided in the ASEE Geographic Zones and Sections Operating Manual, one of the duties of the Section Chair is to “designate a Section Campus Representative to foster and oversee the Section's Campus Representative activities.” Consequently, the Section Campus Representative (Rep) should ... “organize and work with local Campus Reps and assist in encouraging attendance at meetings, soliciting and promoting membership in the Society, getting feedback from local faculty members and seeking nominations for ASEE awards.” The Section Campus Rep is responsible for updating the list of Campus Reps in the Section and notifying the ASEE Membership Department of any changes. In lieu of an active and conscientious Section Campus Rep, these duties, by default, become the duties of the Section Chair. However, several of the recommendations and suggestions presented in this paper may be conducted by either the Section Chair or the Section Campus Rep. Effective and ongoing communication between the Section Chair and the Section Campus Rep is needed to decide who should address each of the issues presented in this paper.

In general, before making changes to any process or program, one must become knowledgeable of the overall process or program. From the perspective of a Section Chair, with regard to the Campus Rep Program within the Section, the Section Chair must: 1.) understand the responsibilities of a Campus Rep, 2.) become familiar with the resources that are available for Campus Reps, and 3.) determine “who are the Campus Reps” withing the Section. After completing these tasks, the Section Chair can develop methods to measure the performance of the Campus Rep Program within the Section and then based on the findings or results of the measures -- take corrective action and develop a plan of continuous improvement.

McIntyre, C. (2008, June), Enhancing The Asee Campus Representative Program A Section Chairs Perspective Paper presented at 2008 Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 10.18260/1-2--4032

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