Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Multidisciplinary Engineering
23.552.1 - 23.552.8
Dr. Skokan has retired from her tenured position at Colorado School of Mines and is now a half-time research professor. Her research emphasizes engineering education as well as geophysical engineering for underserved communities in humanitarian engineering applications. In the other half of her time, she lectures on cruise ships particularly on the topic of Geology of Central America. Life is good!!!
Ravel F. Ammerman is a Teaching Professor of Electrical Engineering at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. He has over 32 years of combined teaching, research, and industrial experience. Dr. Ammerman has coauthored and published a number of award winning technical articles, published in archival journals. His research interests include renewable energy integration, engineering education, computer applications in power system analysis, arc flash hazard analysis and electrical safety.
William Hoff received a BS and MS degree in Physics, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois-Urbana. After working as a staff engineering at Lockheed Martin, he joined the faculty at the Colorado School of Mines where he is now an associate professor. He teaches undergraduate courses in electronics and graduate courses in image processing and computer vision.
Evaluation of Hybrid Instruction in an Introductory Electronics CourseRecent literature has indicated that students today are becoming more comfortable withusing online resources and they may prefer many aspects of online instruction totraditional classroom instruction. They like the ability to learn from home at a time oftheir choosing and like the self-paced nature of online learning. Online instruction can bemore student-centered and flexible. Personal contact with faculty, however, is stillvalued by students. To further study the concept of combined online and traditionallecturing, we have developed, delivered, and assessed a hybrid set of lectures for a coursetitled “Introduction to Electrical Circuits, Electronics, and Power”. This course isrequired of Civil, Mechanical, Environmental, and Electrical Engineering majors and isoften chosen as an elective by other engineering majors. In the hybrid delivery of thiscourse, a set of lectures were taped and presented to a class using Blackboard. The on-line lectures took place for one third of the class sessions while the other two-thirds of thesessions remained in the traditional face-to-face format. Approximately 240 studentsregister in this course each semester. With four sections, the average class size is 60.Assessment of the success of the program took place by a statistical comparison ofcommon homework assignments, each of three common hour exams, and the commonfinal exam for four sections from a single semester. Three sections received the standardlectures while the other one experienced the hybrid format. The sections were taught bythree different instructors. They hybrid section and one of the traditional sections wastaught by one instructor, while the other two sections were taught by two additionalfaculty. The hybrid section performed equally to the other sections in homework, hourexams, and in the final exam. Our conclusion is that the hybrid section is a more efficientuse of professor time, allows the students to begin the process of life-long learning, andproduces equal results to the more traditional offering.
Skokan, C., & Ammerman, R. F., & Hoff, W. (2013, June), Evaluation of Hybrid Instruction of an Introductory Electronics Course Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19566
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