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From the Industry to the Student: Project Management of an Industry-sponsored Multidisciplinary Capstone Project

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Capstone and International Experiences

Tagged Division

Multidisciplinary Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

25.657.1 - 25.657.12



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Paper Authors


Jacob T. Allenstein Ohio State University

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Jacob Allenstein graduated from the Ohio State University with a B.Sc. in aerospace engineering and is currently in pursuit of a M.Sc., while working as a Research Associate at the Ohio State University.

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Clifford A. Whitfield Ohio State University

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Clifford A .Whitfield graduated from the Ohio State University with B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in aerospace engineering and is currently working as a Lecturer-B.E. and a Senior Research Associate for the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department and the Engineering Education Innovation Center’s First-year Engineering program at the Ohio State University.

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Bob Rhoads Ohio State University

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Bob Rhoads works for the Engineering Education Innovation Center in the College of Engineering at Ohio State University as the Multidisciplinary Capstone Program Coordinator for Capstone Design. In this position, he coordinates senior engineering capstone projects that are industry-sponsored and involve multiple engineering and non-engineering undergraduate students. He graduated from Ohio State with a bachelor's of science in mechanical engineering. After graduation, he worked in the glass manufacturing industry for more than 12 years in various roles from process engineering to sales engineering to design engineering. While working, he received his master's in business administration and attended several process control and quality trainings. Before coming to Ohio State, he was an engineering technology faculty member for three years at the community college of Zane State College in Zanesville, Ohio. At Zane State, he taught several engineering courses including CAD, solid modeling, statics, strength of materials, machine design, and statistical process control, as well as many others.

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From the Industry to the Student: Project Management of an Industry-Sponsored Multidisciplinary Capstone ProjectThe [Institution Center] at [Institution] has offered, through its Multidisciplinary EngineeringCapstone Design Program a broad range of opportunities for engineering and non-engineeringstudents by incorporating authentic industry-sponsored projects into the curriculum. Theprogram provides students the opportunity to apply their education and develop professionalskills in real-world problems. The program provides opportunities to incorporate differentstudent and industry interests through its four sub-programs; Industry-Sponsored Projects,Industry-Sponsored Product Design Projects; Social Innovation and Commercialization; andJoint Mechanical/Bio-medical Projects.The program enriches the learning experiences of the students by providing an opportunity forstudent design teams to contribute to real industry products. This is further emphasized by directstudent team interactions with the company. Industry sponsors provide domain specificknowledge through all aspects of the design process; and are involved through regularlyscheduled meetings and project design reviews throughout the design process.Students experience the complete design cycle including define problem, createrequirements/specifications, create design concepts, create detail design solution, buildprototype, validate design, refine design and implement design. Professional skills aredeveloped by improving the students' awareness of engineering practices through developingskills that include communication, engineering ethics, professional presentation and etiquette,and project management.This paper provides an overview of project management requirements, techniques, and teachingstrategies to enrich the learning experiences through the aforementioned course sequencemethodologies for an automotive industry-sponsored capstone design project. The points-of-view of an industry sponsor, academic program coordinator, project faculty advisor, and theengineering student will be examined. This project, specifically provided a balance between aninitially open-ended natured design project that led into a more detailed convergent designprocess; and offered student development in engineering intuition through theinductive/deductive processes, using computationally and experimentally wind tunnel gatheredand analyzed data. It will be discussed in detail.The students point-of-view of project management and techniques necessary to provide theindustry with a design, while meeting the requirements and deliverables from the programcoordinator and faculty advisor, will be included;"... the key to make the project a success, was tohave great communications with not only other team mates but also with the advisor, thecoordinator and the company. The project helped develop our professional skills in engineeringwith written deliverables, presenting our findings in a professional manner, and understandingthe industry’s standard for testing and learning from the results."

Allenstein, J. T., & Whitfield, C. A., & Rhoads, B. (2012, June), From the Industry to the Student: Project Management of an Industry-sponsored Multidisciplinary Capstone Project Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21414

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