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Gender and Educational Systems in the Continuing Architectural Education: Aptitudes, Attitudes, and Skills Acquisition

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Instructional Innovations and Global Issues in Architectural Engineering Education

Tagged Division


Page Count


Page Numbers

25.663.1 - 25.663.15



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Kuo Hung Huang National Taipei University of Technology

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Gender and educational systems in the Continuing Architectural Education: Aptitudes, Attitudes, and Skills AcquisitionAbstract: Under the trend of globalization, the chances for transnational cooperation inarchitectural field are increasing. The problem every Architecture Department inTaiwan ’s universities and institutions is dealing with is to make the coursesinternationalized. In terms of course planning, currently all architecture relateduniversities and institutions are still opening different courses according to the coreprogram distributed by Ministry of Education. But the course content for each schoolis significantly different. Nevertheless, in the architecture education process,architecture design is undoubtedly the most important. Comparing with othercourses, the credit points for design courses are often far higher than other courses.The course arrangement treats design course as a priority. Currently, the designcourses in some schools still use old models and neglect to provide specializedcourses to students. Students’ willingness to learn is low. Teachers complain students’learning attitude is poor which cause quite a trouble (Guang-ting Wu, 2007). Manystudents of Department of Architecture are filled with excitement, imagination anddreams in design courses which give students a puzzled value toward architecturedesign. Students could not solve the problems faced when designing (Hui-wen Lin,2007). In terms of the design courses, there have been many discussions and opinionsduring the last few years, but the actual design teaching varies between schools. Therefore, research questions will be focused on 1) What are the factors thatinfluence students’ learning willingness in architecture design courses? And 2) Whatare the reasons for “gender” and “education system” to influence students’ learning inarchitecture design courses? Research objectives will be brought up from the abovedescription: 1. Find out the factors that influence students’ learning willingness inarchitecture design courses, and 2. Obtain the significant correlated differences forgender and education system in students’ learning of architecture design. This paper isgoing to discuss the architecture design course in Architecture Division. The factorsthat influence students’ willingness to learn will be discussed. They include CourseContent, Design Comment Making, Teachers’ Teaching and Students’ Learning.Questionnaire analysis is used to understand the significant correlated factors of“education system” and “gender” in architecture design learning. The result can beused as a reference for planning architecture design courses in architecture-relateddepartments of universities and institutions.

Huang, K. H. (2012, June), Gender and Educational Systems in the Continuing Architectural Education: Aptitudes, Attitudes, and Skills Acquisition Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21420

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