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High School Engineering Class: From Wood Shop to Advanced Manufacturing

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Evaluation: Exploring High School Engineering Education Initiatives

Tagged Division

K-12 & Pre-College Engineering

Tagged Topic


Page Count


Page Numbers

26.844.1 - 26.844.22



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Paper Authors


Roxanne Moore Georgia Institute of Technology

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Roxanne Moore is currently a Research Engineer at Georgia Tech with appointments in the school of Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Education Integrating Mathematics, Science, and Computing (CEISMC). She is involved with engineering education innovations from K-12 up to the collegiate level. She received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2012.

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Meltem Alemdar Georgia Institute of Technology

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Dr. Meltem Alemdar is Assistant Director and Research Scientist II at Georgia Tech's Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC). Dr. Alemdar has experience evaluating programs that fall under the umbrella of educational evaluation, including K-12 educational curricula, K-12 STEM programs after-school programs, and comprehensive school reform initiatives. Across these evaluations, she has used a variety of evaluation methods, ranging from a multi-level evaluation plan designed to assess program impact to methods such as program monitoring designed to facilitate program improvement. She received her Ph.D. in Research, Measurement and Statistics from the Department of Education Policy at Georgia State University (GSU).

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Sunni H. Newton CEISMC


Jeffrey H Rosen Georgia Institute of Technology

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Jeffrey H. Rosen spent 14 years in the middle and high school math and engineering classroom working on the integration of engineering and robotics into the teaching of the core curricula. For the past eight years, he has been at Georgia Tech's CEISMC working on curriculum development and research on authentic STEM instruction and directing the state's FIRST LEGO League competition. Mr. Rosen has authored or co-authored papers and book chapters that address issues of underrepresented populations' participation in engineering programs and the integration of robotics and engineering into classroom instruction.

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Marion Usselman Georgia Institute of Technology

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Marion Usselman is a Principal Research Scientist and Associate Director for Federal Outreach and Research at the Georgia Institute of Technology's Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC). She earned her Ph.D. in Biophysics from the Johns Hopkins University and has been with CEISMC since 1996 developing and managing university-K-12 educational partnership programs. She currently leads a team of educators and educational researchers who are exploring how to integrate science, mathematics and engineering within authentic school contexts and researching the nature of the resultant student learning.

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Stefanie A Wind Georgia Institute of Technology

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The Evolution of High School Technology Class: From ‘Wood Shop’ to Advanced Manufacturing (Evaluation)The ‘maker movement’ and the addition of engineering standards to the NGSS have spawnedanother major evolution in technology classes throughout the country. At University of________, a new curriculum attempts to bring the ‘maker movement’ to high school audiencesthrough curricular and extra-curricular channels. The course is structured around engineeringstandards and learning goals that reflect engineering and advanced manufacturing content, whilealso borrowing best practices from ‘wood shop,’ other industrial arts classes, and the morerecently popular ‘technology education’ classes. The hope is that this course will bolster many ofthe ‘Attributes of Engineers in 2020’ described by the National Academy of Engineering and 21stCentury Skills—these skills and attributes can be beneficial to any college or career path, not justone in engineering. To accomplish the learning goals, the course incorporates design-buildactivities into entrepreneurial and business contexts, providing relevance to foundational mathskills and science practices while integrating problem solving and cutting-edge technology. Thecourse requires that students draw and render design concepts, communicate design concepts totheir peers, and fabricate design artifacts while engaging in the engineering design process.The purpose of this paper is to explore the results from the first and second year implementationof a maker-infused manufacturing curriculum for high school students in a low income, rural-fringe school system. Results from a portfolio assessment and 21st Century Skills surveys will beprovided as evidence for the effectiveness of the course implementation. Additionally, detailedcomparisons of three historical versions of this type of class will be discussed: wood shop,technology education, and our new maker-infused advanced manufacturing class. Specifically,results are considered in terms of similarities and differences between learning goals for thecurrent course and previous practices, school system-level ramifications of these curricularupdates, including the teacher qualifications, required planning, relevant extra-curricularactivities, and alignment with other coursework. Implications for engineering education, theory,and practice are discussed.

Moore, R., & Alemdar, M., & Newton, S. H., & Rosen, J. H., & Usselman, M., & Wind, S. A. (2015, June), High School Engineering Class: From Wood Shop to Advanced Manufacturing Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24181

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