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How Do We Provide An International Experience For Undergraduate Technology Students At Regional Campuses?

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2006 Annual Conference & Exposition


Chicago, Illinois

Publication Date

June 18, 2006

Start Date

June 18, 2006

End Date

June 21, 2006



Conference Session

Engineering Without Borders Programs Involving Students

Tagged Division


Page Count


Page Numbers

11.691.1 - 11.691.13



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Paper Authors


Iskandar Hack Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

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ISKANDAR HACK is currently an Associate Professor at Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne (IPFW). He received his MSE at Purdue University at West Lafayette, Indiana, and is a registered Professional Engineer in Indiana. He has taught at IPFW since 1984. He has taught in Malaysia for about two years, as well as workshops in Abu Dhabi and Accra, Ghana. His interests are embedded microprocessor systems, field programmable gate arrays, and digital circuits.

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CARMEN BOJE Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

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Carmen is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology at Indiana-Purdue University Fort Wayne since 2004. Prior to position at IPFW she was at Indiana-Purdue at Indianapolis. She has also taught in her native Romania and Italy.

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

How Do We Provide an International Experience for Undergraduate Technology Students at Regional Campuses?


In comparison to students from other countries, American students are lacking in global skills and knowledge that would be greatly enhanced with the student having an international experience. This paper presents the evidence that there is an overwhelming need for providing international experience for students in technical fields and evidence that American students are not receiving such experience. The lack of student participation is especially prominent at Community Colleges or regional campuses, where large number of students tends to live at home and commute to campus. The paper then presents several programs that have been attempted at various institutions and discuss their shortfalls. Finally the paper examines several programs that offer promise in providing such experience.

The need for International Experience

According to Byron Newberry, [1] and J. C. Swearengen, S. Barnes, S. Coe, K. Subramanian [2] globalization of manufacturing professions will require its practitioners to master engineering methodologies, cultures and languages from more than one country. And in an era of global manufacturing people will need cross-cultural skills and experience that will allow them to successfully deploy science/engineering/management competences in collaboration with any person anywhere in the world. In order to compete in a global industrial marketplace “people skills” will require much more than sensitivity to the needs of fellow workers. The ability to work in teams and to be able to implement strategies and manufacturing solutions across nationalistic lines will be absolutely necessary. You might be sourcing code from India, manufacturing raw materials in Beijing, China, assembling in Malaysia and distributing through other countries. Michael Valenti mentioned in [2] that the “workplace is more likely to be a global one… graduates need to know that making products and services for the world market is the key… students must be prepared to be transferred abroad if necessary”. By the year 2020, manufacturing as a process will be “multidisciplinary, multicultural and highly transient” [24]. Engineers should be able to work productively with radically different cultures, educational background, technical standards, quality standard, professional registration requirements and across the time zones. Companies struggle to find talented U.S. graduates with international experience because “internships abroad have not entered the curriculum of very many American engineering schools… The ability of U.S. Engineering graduates to function in developing countries, and who speak another languages and appreciate professional and cultural differences will make international trade successful for U.S.- based companies” [2]. Two national ACE surveys [3] - a telephone sample of 1,006 Americans aged 18 and older, and a telephone sample of 500 four-year-college-bound high school seniors examines the international experiences and attitudes regarding the importance of international education, as well as global knowledge. The student survey tests international experience, attitudes about

Hack, I., & BOJE, C. (2006, June), How Do We Provide An International Experience For Undergraduate Technology Students At Regional Campuses? Paper presented at 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Chicago, Illinois. 10.18260/1-2--1419

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