Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Community Engagement Division
23.670.1 - 23.670.13
Aimee Navickis-Brasch is a registered professional engineer with over nineteen years of experience in Hydraulic and Stormwater Engineering including positions with: Bovay Northwest Consulting Engineers (Dames and Moore), Boeing, and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The majority of her career was spent working for WSDOT as a headquarters hydraulic and stormwater engineer where she was responsible for providing statewide support including; design, research, training, mentoring, and policy development. For eight years, she was the primary editor of the WSDOT Hydraulics Manual and the co-editor of the 2011 Highway Runoff Manual. Navickis-Brasch recently resigned from her position at WSDOT to pursue a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the University of Idaho with an emphasis in Engineering Education, Water Resources, and Stormwater Management. She received her bachelor of science in Mechanical Engineering from Gonzaga University and a master of science in Civil Engineering from Washington State University. Navickis-Brasch is also an adjunct member of the Civil Engineering Faculty at Gonzaga University where she teaches Stormwater Management and Senior Design.
Dr. Anne L. Kern is an assistant professor in curriculum/instruction, science education at the University of Idaho. She researches methodologies in education, specifically in science teaching and learning, science teacher development, and science integration in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Her research focuses on using place-based pedagogies in understanding STEM content, particularly with American Indian students and communities. She is the Principle Investigator for the NSF funded Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers, Back to the Earth.
Dr. Jillian Cadwell was an assistant professor in the Civil Engineering department at Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. Dr. Cadwell’s research incorporates an interdisciplinary study of ecology and fluid mechanics with a focus on the role of contaminant transport in the ecological health of aquatic environments. She recently resigned from her position at Gonzaga to start her family.
Dr. Cadwell currently consults on a $1.2 million NSF grant that she procured in partnership with the University of Idaho faculty in Curriculum and Instruction, UI Extension, and two local Native American Indian Tribes: the Coeur d'Alene (CdAT) and Spokane (ST) tribes. The grant, ITEST, Strategies Project—Back to the Earth (BTTE), is addressing a national call to increase the STEM workforce pipeline by supporting and improving the STEM educational experiences for Native American students. Dr. Cadwell is a member of the grant leadership team with expertise in STEM content, curriculum development, and technology education. The team is using an interdisciplinary framework to reach under-served populations. The BTTE project delivers a culturally relevant and content rich STEM summer and after-school program for students in grades four through six on the Coeur d’Alene and Spokane reservations. Dr. Cadwell coordinates and oversees the development and implementation of the engineering activities for the program curriculum.
Dr. Fritz Fiedler obtained his B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of New Hampshire, and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University. He spent six years as a water resources engineer before joining the University of Idaho. His research interests are broad, including interdisciplinary water resources, measurement and modeling of hydrologic and environmental systems, and engineering education.
How Land Use Change, Changed CultureToday, in the United States there is a call to “enlarge the pipeline of students who are prepared toenter college and graduate with a degree in science, engineering, or mathematics”. This isparticularly important in American Indian communities where connection with the landscapehave been a point sovereignty and land preservation/restoration. Native communities are at acritical point in educating their youth.In response to the need to connect Tribal youth with STEM education in a way that ismeaningful and relevant, a three-year project was developed to deliver a culturally-basedSTEM education program focused on place for students on the Coeur d’Alene andSpokane reservations. The program was conceived in partnership with Tribal stakeholders inorder to enhance STEM content learning among Tribal youth.While engaging tribal communities in engineering education can be mutually benefit thecommunities, students, and engineering educators, it can also create challenges incommunication and expectations. Although the need and intentions are clear, questions aboutcontent, implementation, and context exist. How best can these concepts be clearlycommunicated?To facility communication between the Tribal community, educator, and STEM experts, a modelwas created to visually display how cultural and historical events could support STEM content.The proposed curricular model, integrates community focused needs with engineering designembedded with STEM content. This model, known as the “Flow Chart”, provides a visualdisplay of an integrated engineering design unit that is culturally rich and content focused.Preliminary results on the effectiveness of this model to facility communication and effectivelyproduce culture in a place based engineering curriculum will be presented as well as lessonslearned through implementing a tribal community-based educational initiative. Furtherdemonstration of how this model could be applied to support collaboration amongst othercommunities and cultures will also be discussed.DRAFT FLOWCHART – UNIT 1 HOW LAND USE CHANGE, CHANGED CULTURE History/Culture STEM Place Hangman Creek CDA Tribe Native Inhabitants Pre-Existing Condition • Traditional Land use - hunting, fishing, • Prairie and Forested Land Cover gathering, …. • Stream with fish passage & spawning • Technology at the time? (trout and Salmon) • Traditional clothing and shelter? Mission Period CDA Tribe Native Inhabitants and Modified Land Use Missionaries • How did farming change land use? • Missionaries introduced farming • Any impact on stream? (benefits to Tribe? Economic?) • Did land change during tribal farming? • Constructed dwellings and condensed communities around church. • Technology changes? Allotment Farming by Non Tribal Members Post Allotment Condition • Less than 4 tribal families farming • Expanded farming land use (Why?) • Removed native vegetation (prairie) and • Extensive development of land including cleared forested areas more farming and new roads, etc. • Modified topography, drained wetlands • What motivated development and tree to remove water from farmable land removal? • Straightened stream channel for road • Technology changes? construction Impacts on Tribal Yield Impacts on Watershed • How did land use modification and Modified Natural Drainage • Altered natural hydrology (movement of reduction of fishing (salmon) change water, distribution, and quality of water) culture? • Increased energy of drainage flows from • What other changes occurred to flat, bare, farming land (flash floods) culture? • Streambed capacity reduced from • Technology changes? excessive soil transported in drainage • Temperature increase in stream • Transition surface to ground water • Created Fish Passage Barrier Restoration Restore Culture Values Restore Natural Hydrology • Preservation and honor of land • Reduce energy of drainage flow - • Technology changes? Stabilize soils and restore native • Change to Land management practices vegetation to native traditions • Restore Fish Passage - some stream channels realignments and wetlands • Change Land management practices
Navickis-Brasch, A. S., & Kern, A. L., & Cadwell, J. R., & Laumatia, L., & Fiedler, F. (2013, June), How Land Use Change, Changed Culture Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19684
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