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Implementation of an ePortfolio Requirement and Professional Development Seminar Series for an ET Program

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Innovative Curriculum In Engineering Technology

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.808.1 - 22.808.11



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Carmine C. Balascio University of Delaware

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Carmine C. Balascio, Ph.D., P.E. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Bioresources Engineering at the University of Delaware. He earned bachelor’s degrees in Agricultural Engineering Technology and Mathematics from U.D. He earned an M.S. in Agricultural Engineering and a Ph.D. double major in Agricultural Engineering and Engineering Mechanics from Iowa State University. He teaches courses in surveying, soil mechanics, and storm-water management and has research interests in urban hydrology, water resources engineering, and
assessment of student learning. He is a former two-term member of Delaware’s Engineering Licensing board, the DAPE Council. He continues to be active on DAPE and NCEES

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Implementation of an ePortfolio Requirement and Professional Development Seminar Series for an ET ProgramThe University of ________ Department of ___________ Engineering offers aB.S. degree in Engineering Technology (ET), which has been a TAC of ABETaccredited general ET program since 1988. The program typically graduates about20 majors per year. Recent revisions of the ET program that include the additionof a four-year seminar series focusing on professional development anddocumentation of student workplace competencies / program outcomes went intoeffect for students entering fall semester 2010. Students, as a requirement forgraduation, must individually submit integrative and reflective ePortfoliosdemonstrating their mastery of the program’s workplace competencies.Four of the five seminars will meet in the spring semester except for the firstcourse, ____ 165, which meets in the fall and will be used for orientation to themajor and to the university experience. In addition, the ePortfolio concept will beintroduced along with training on how to use the ePortfolio system, which is OSP(Open Source Portfolio) embedded within the Sakai learning management system.The initial seminar, ____ 165 is zero credits and fulfils the university’s First YearExperience requirement. The remaining four seminars are one-credit apiece.With the second seminar, ____ 175, meeting in the spring, first-year students havetwo semesters of exposure and training focused on ePortfolio assembly. Acommon three-hour time slot is reserved for the four seminars that meet during thespring semester. This time will be used creatively and flexibly for variousactivities and will allow for joint meetings of all four classes or separate staggered50-minute meeting times as needs dictate.The second-year seminar, ____ 265, focuses on TAC of ABET accreditation,ePortfolio development, entrepreneurship, ethics, and professional practice issues.The third-year seminar, ____ 365 will include discussion of entrepreneurial issuesand professional preparation for the university’s required discovery learningexperience (DLE) – typically either undergraduate research or an internship for ETmajors. Seniors will have completed their DLE by the time they register for thefinal fourth-year capstone seminar, ____ 465. Oral presentations by seniors in____ 465 about their internship or undergraduate research experiences will enrichtheir communications skills and provide younger students with examples ofprogram expectations and opportunities. Students will be encouraged to developversions of their ePortfolios that can be released to potential internship sponsors oremployers.EPortfolio progress will be monitored and feedback provided through the seminarseries every year. An evaluation rubric will be used to determine if the submittedePortfolios meet acceptable standards or if they will require revision andresubmission. Student ePortfolios will be routinely evaluated as part of thedepartment’s continuous quality improvement plan for the ET program and asevidence for its TAC of ABET accreditation.

Balascio, C. C. (2011, June), Implementation of an ePortfolio Requirement and Professional Development Seminar Series for an ET Program Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18089

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