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Implementation of Laboratory-Based Smart Power System

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Innovations in Power Engineering Education

Tagged Division

Electrical and Computer

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.813.1 - 22.813.12



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Paper Authors


vahid salehi pour mehr Florida International University

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Vahid Salehi was born in Tabriz, Iran in 1980. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from University of Tabriz, Iran, in 2003 and M.Sc. degree on Power System Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran in 2006. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Florida International University started from 2009. During 2003 to 2008 he was working in Energy Research Institute (MATN) in Tehran, Iran. His research interests include Power System Studies, Smart Grid, Renewable Energy Integration and Energy Conversion on Power System, Distributed Energy Resource Integration, Dynamic Modeling of Power System, Power System Stability, Protection, Wide Area Monitoring, Control and Protection of Power System. His dissertation related to Development and Verification of Control and Protection Strategies in Wide Area Power Systems for Smart Grid Applications.

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Ali Mazloomzadeh Florida International University

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Ph.D. Student at Florida International University

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Osama A. Mohammed Florida International University

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Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Juan Francisco Fernandez Florida International University

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Received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering in 2010 from Florida International University.
He was awarded the South East Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (SEAGEP) scholarship in 2010 for research conducted in the Energy Systems Research Laboratory . Since 2009, he has assisted in research in common stator studies and implementation of motor drives, 3D machine design and transient mechanical simulation.

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Javier Parra

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Implementation of Laboratory-Based Smart Micro Grid Vahid Salehi, Member IEEE, Ali Mazloomzadeh, Member IEEE, Osama Mohammed, Fellow IEEE Energy Systems Research Laboratory, Florida International University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Miami, Fl. 33174, USA E-mail: vsale001@fiu.eduIn today’s societies, Power System planners need to operate current power systems underincreasingly complex conditions. Conditions such as renewable generation, energy storage,demand response, and electric vehicles introduce the complexity to system operation. With thecomplex conditions being introduces into the current monitoring, analysis, protection and controltechnology for power generation, transmission and distribution networks; current power systemgrids may not be able to meet these increasingly diverse future challenges.The modern power network incorporates communications and information technologyinfrastructures into the electrical power system to create a smart grid. The smart grid will utilizedigital information technology to create a more efficient, reliable, flexible and responsivenetwork. With faster and new technologies in communication and computer incorporated intosmart grids, a new revolution has been created in the power industry, especially in the field ofpower system control. Communication capability is one of the potential benefits for digitalrelays, which communicate not only with a control center, but with each other in a two-wayformat. This in turn will facilitate the overall system-wide protection and control philosophy.The self-managing and reliable smart grid is seen as the future of protection and control systems.The Smart Grid design aims are to provide overall power system monitoring, create controlstrategy to maintain system performance and security and to reduce cost of operation,maintenance, and system planning.The Smart Grid Control gives us capabilities like predicting system behavior, anticipatoryoperation and adaptation to new environment, handling distributed resource, stochastic demandand optimal response to the smart appliances. The smart grid is considered to have observabilitywith nodes data integration and analysis to support advances in system operation and control.The objective of this paper is to apply the concept of real time analysis in smart grid bydeveloping a test-bed smart grid in power system laboratories. Implementing control strategiesfor generation stations as well as power transferring to loads in lab scale by monitoring allsystem parameters have been done in this setup. The laboratory experiment and analysisguarantee a high level of reliability when the smart grid is implemented in the actual field.Educational application of laboratory-based smart grid and its real-time analysis capabilityprovide the platform for investigation of most challenging aspects of real power system.

salehi pour mehr, V., & Mazloomzadeh, A., & Mohammed, O. A., & Fernandez, J. F., & Parra, J. (2011, June), Implementation of Laboratory-Based Smart Power System Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18094

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