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Inexpensive Digital Light Processing 3D Printers in Undergraduate Engineering Labs

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2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Salt Lake City, Utah

Publication Date

June 23, 2018

Start Date

June 23, 2018

End Date

July 27, 2018

Conference Session

Division for Experimentation & Lab-oriented Studies Technical Session 2

Tagged Division

Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies

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Nebojsa I. Jaksic Colorado State University, Pueblo Orcid 16x16

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NEBOJSA I. JAKSIC earned the Dipl. Ing. degree in electrical engineering from Belgrade University (1984), the M.S. in electrical engineering (1988), the M.S. in industrial engineering (1992), and the Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the Ohio State University (2000). He is currently a Professor at Colorado State University-Pueblo teaching robotics and automation courses. Dr. Jaksic has over 70 publications and holds two patents. Dr. Jaksic's interests include robotics, automation, and nanotechnology engineering education and research. He is a licensed PE in the State of Colorado, a member of ASEE, a senior member of IEEE, and a senior member of SME.

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Bahaa I. Kazem Ansaf Colorado State University, Pueblo Orcid 16x16

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B. Ansaf received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering /Aerospace and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Baghdad in 1992, 1996 and 1999 respectively. From 2001 to 2014, he has been an Assistant Professor and then Professor with the Mechatronics Engineering Department, Baghdad University. During 2008 he has been a Visiting Associate professor at Mechanical Engineering Department, MIT. During 2010 he has been a Visiting Associate Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Michigan State University. From 2014 to 2016, he has been a Visiting Professor with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Missouri. Currently, he is Assistant Professor with the Engineering Department, Colorado State University-Pueblo. He is the author of two book chapters, more than 54 scientific articles. His research interests include artificial intelligence systems and application, smart material applications and robotics motion and planning. Also, He is a member of ASME since 2014 and ASEE since 2016.

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While the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 3D printers are now ubiquitous devices in many undergraduate engineering curricula, the Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D printers just became affordable for widespread use in undergraduate engineering labs. This paper will address the similarities and differences between DLP and FFF 3D printers as measured by undergraduate students. While measuring various characteristics of these 3D printers, students became more knowledgeable and accustomed to different 3D printing processes. 3D printing lab/lecture modules are formally introduced in detail in a required, one-semester, three credit-hours, senior-level Computer-Integrated Manufacturing course in two engineering programs, Bachelor of Science in Engineering with specialization in Mechatronics (BSE-Mechatronics) and Industrial Engineering (IE). During the lecture portion of the course students learn about various 3D printing technologies. In the lab, they build a number of various small objects using one of nine FFF 3D printers and three LDP 3D printers. For comparison purposes, they create a tensile test specimens on each type of the 3D printer. Then, they compare the processes (printing speed and additional post-processing work required to obtain the final part), the objects (surface structure and smoothness, object’s dimensional precision, and object’s mechanical characteristics), and materials (environmental impact and cost). Students’ knowledge gain is measured via test questions dealing with additive manufacturing processes and equipment. Student excitement is assessed by evaluating student surveys, discussions, and personal informal interviews. Students’ knowledge of 3D printing processes increased. From the direct laboratory exercises, they understand (and retain this understanding) how the use of different 3D printing processes depends on their application. As a motivational enhancement, they are fascinated with engineering when they see a solid object quickly emerge from a shallow tank.

Jaksic, N. I., & Ansaf, B. I. K. (2018, June), Inexpensive Digital Light Processing 3D Printers in Undergraduate Engineering Labs Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah. 10.18260/1-2--30659

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