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Information and Communications Technologies literacy of the University of Buenos Aires Engineering students

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Defining and Refining Technological and Engineering Literacy

Tagged Division

Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.748.1 - 23.748.11



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Paper Authors


Osvaldo Clua University of Buenos Aires

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Born in Buenos Aires in 1953, received the degree of Electronic Engineer in 1979 and Informatics ENgineer in 1981.
Worked in Agua y Energia Electrica as a professional Engineer from 1981 to 1992. Joined the University of Buenos Aires in 1979 as part time and in 1998 as a Full time Professor. Earned the title of Paedagog Engineer from IGIP in 2008.
Reviewer on both, technical and education oriented conferences in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Received several awards for the actuation in education including INTERTECH, ICECE and IGIP. Director of a project in Digital preservation of heritage and member of projects in Automation. Member of a program for enhancement of computer literacy at the University of Buenos Aires

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Maria Feldgen University of Buenos Aires

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Maria Feldgen is an associate professor and researcher in computer science at the University of Buenos Aires (School of Engineering). Her research interests include Engineering Education, Distributed Systems, and Ubiquitous Computing. Her main research interests are around classroom assessment techniques for design capstone courses, heritage digital libraries and sensor networks. She was the former president of the IEEE Education Society Chapter in Argentina. Contact her at

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Information and Communications Technologies literacy of XXX (edited for blind review) students A number of labels have been proposed to describe young people currently at theuniversity level. These include “net generation”, “Google generation”, “millennial” o “digitalnatives”. These terms are used to highlight the significance of digital technology in their dailylife. Some authors predict a significant change in the way these young people communicate,create, socialize and learn. These authors also suggest that there must be a significant impact ofthis digital natives lifestyle in education, foreseeing a clash between them and the non digitalnative (or digital immigrant) generation we, their professors, belong to. Other studies showevidence against a conception of the digital native as based purely on generational differences. However, new information and communication technologies (ICT) have to be introducedin the classroom and can provide new means of interacting during the teaching and learningprocess. In order to use the ICT a common knowledge base must be established among studentsand faculty. And the first step is being aware of the knowledge students have and how they usethese new technologies. As part of a comprehensive ICT adoption program at the XXX (Edited for blindreviewing) University, we conducted a voluntary survey during the first 2012 term aimed to havea panorama on how the students of Computer Science Department of the Schools of Engineersuse and are familiar with some instances of the ICT. In this paper we will present the survey, the first results and some conclusions. The aim ofthe survey is to identify possible environments where students and faculty can interact andlearning is possible. Building such environments is highly dependent on previous experience ofstudents to ICT and its breadth of use. Using the results we will be able to cluster our studentsaccording to their integration of ICT in their lives and to develop a way of establishing acommon base that faculty can use in their classes. The survey is anonymous non mandatory andhas been answered by 349 students engaged in different courses of the department and pursuingsix years studies on different engineering field specialties, including Mechanical, Chemistry,Electrical, Electronic, Informatics (Computer Science Engineering), Civil and Industrial(Manufacturing and Management) and it is intended to be a continuous practice. Also follow uppersonal interviews with students who volunteered are planned to take place at the time of thiswriting.

Clua, O., & Feldgen, M. (2013, June), Information and Communications Technologies literacy of the University of Buenos Aires Engineering students Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19762

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