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Integrating Affective Engagement into Systems Engineering Education

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 1

Tagged Division

Systems Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

26.985.1 - 26.985.17



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Paper Authors


Timothy L.J. Ferris School of Engineering, University of South Australia

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Timothy Ferris holds the degrees B.E.Hons, B.Th., B.Litt.Hons. Grad.Cert.Ed., and PhD from University of Adelaide, Flinders University, Deakin University, Queensland University of Technology and University of South Australia, all in Australia, respectively. He is a member of the School of Engineering at the University of South Australia. He teaches courses in systems engineering and research methods and supervises several PhD students in systems engineering. He was a member of the BKCASE project and the lead author of the Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Systems Journal.

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Alice F. Squires Washington State University

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Dr. Alice F. Squires is an Associate Professor at Washington State University (WSU) with over 30 years of technical leadership experience. Prior to joining WSU, Dr. Squires served as Manager of Systems Engineering at Aurora Flight Sciences, Senior Researcher for the nationwide University Affiliated Research Center in Systems Engineering and Online Technical Director for SSE at Stevens Institute of Technology, Senior Systems Engineer consultant to LM, IBM, and EDO Ceramics, Senior Engineering Manager at GD, Senior Engineering Manager at LM, and Advisory Engineer/Scientist at IBM. Dr. Squires is a contributing author and editor to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge ( and the Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering ( She is certified by PMI as a Project Management Professional, and by INCOSE as a Certified Systems Engineering Practitioner, including in Acquisition. Dr. Squires is a lifetime member of the Beta Gamma Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, and Eta Kappa Nu Honor Societies. She is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a member of and Director on the Systems Engineering Division board of ASEE, and a member of the ASEM, NDIA, INCOSE, and PMI. Degrees earned include a BSEE from the University of Maryland; a MBA from George Mason University; and a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from the Stevens Institute of Technology. Her areas of expertise include Systems Engineering, Engineering and Technical Management, Project Management, Systems Thinking, Online Education, Engineering Education, and Competency Development.

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Fanny Camelia University of South Australia

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Fanny Camelia received the B.Eng degree in industrial engineering from Andalas University, Indonesia, in 2003 and in M.PrjMgmt degree in applied project management from the University of Adelaide, South Australia in 2011. She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in systems engineering at the School of Engineering, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, Australia.
From 2003 to 2005, she was a Research Assistant with the collaboration project between Andalas University and Padang Cement Indonesia (now Cement of Indonesia). From 2005 to 2010, she was a Lecturer and a Program Coordinator with the Ekasakti University, Padang, Indonesia. Her research interest includes systems thinking, systems engineering, engineering education, project management, production, logistic and inventory system.
She was a recipient of an Australian Award Scholarship during her master's degree and Indonesia DGHE Scholarship during her PhD degree.

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Integrating Affective Engagement into Systems Engineering EducationAbstractIn  this  paper  we  address  the  challenges  and  importance  of  developing  the  students’  affective  engagement with the cognitive content offered in systems engineering education. Systemsengineering is concerned with developing the most appropriate total system solution to address aneed. Systems engineering methods used to find this optimal solution include applying asystems perspective while making tradeoffs of the relative benefits of each of a range ofpossible approaches to a problem. However, the practical application of systems engineering isto seek a comprehensive design solution that satisfies a range of constraints and provides anadequate solution that “satisfices”  the  stakeholders. To apply the systems engineering method inorder to gain the advantage of an optimal rather than adequate solution, demands that thesystems engineer believes in the value of the methods, techniques, and perspectives of thesystems engineering method even at times where the method may seem indirect orcounterintuitive to performing engineering work. Therefore, systems engineering educationmust engage the students in both the cognitive domain, developing ability to perform thetechniques,  and  in  the  affective  domain,  transforming  the  student’s  belief  to  recognize  the  positive value of the systems engineering method. This paper discusses the current gap inaddressing the affective domain in systems engineering education, the importance of closingthat gap to enable the effective implementation of systems engineering on the job, and relatedissues and challenges. Following this discussion, the paper proposes a framework for assessingthe  development  of  the  student’s  affective  engagement  in  systems  engineering  methods.

Ferris, T. L., & Squires, A. F., & Camelia, F. (2015, June), Integrating Affective Engagement into Systems Engineering Education Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24322

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