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Integrating Contemporary Environmental Issues in an Introductory Environmental Engineering Course

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

What Else do Environmental Engineers Need to Know

Tagged Division

Environmental Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.902.1 - 22.902.11



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Paper Authors


Mahbub Uddin Trinity University

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Dr. Mahbub Uddin is a professor of Engineering Science and the Chair of the Entrepreneurship Program at Trinity University. He led Trinity University to establish the Center for Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship program. He is a pioneer in integration of entrepreneurship, nanotechnology and six-sigma into the undergraduate engineering education. He has published extensively in areas of his expertise and in education. Dr. Uddin is an active member of AIChE and ASEE. His honors include: DOW Chemical, Outstanding Young Faculty Award, New Engineering Educators Excellence Award, ASEE, Outstanding New Engineering Educators Award, NEEE, Dr. and Mrs. Z. T. Scott Faculty Fellowship Award for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching and Advising, Trinity University, and Fellow, American Society for Engineering Education.

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Integrating Contemporary Environmental Issues in an Introductory Environmental Engineering CourseEnvironmental engineers and scientists need to constantly be aware of contemporaryenvironmental issues. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that our students develop a culture ofreading newspapers, journals, and government/industry publications on a regular basis to becomeaware of the contemporary environmental issues and be prepared to discuss and debate theseissues. In an introductory environmental engineering course each student is required to report onseven articles that he or she read from a variety of sources such as local/national newspapers,environmental journals, internet, etc. Students need to submit a brief summary of theenvironmental news along with the source to the entire class as soon as they read about it.Students also give a five minutes presentation and conduct class discussion/debate on acontemporary environmental issue as soon as it appears as a news item. Student maintains aportfolio/journal of all the articles on contemporary environmental issues they read over thesemester. At the end of the semester each student is required to submit his/her portfolio of sevenarticles along with his/her reflections and assessment of each articles. In addition, studentsconduct environmental caucuses similar to town hall meetings, and write two term papers oncontemporary environmental issues.This paper will discuss the strategies, experiences, assessment, results and outcomes ofintegrating contemporary environmental issues in an introductory environmental engineeringcourse.

Uddin, M. (2011, June), Integrating Contemporary Environmental Issues in an Introductory Environmental Engineering Course Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18220

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