Vancouver, BC
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
June 29, 2011
Computers in Education
22.907.1 - 22.907.16
Dr. John P. Hogan is an Associate Professor of Geology in the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Geology in 1990 and 1984 from Virginia Tech. He also holds a B.S. in Geology from the University of New Hampshire. His research interests include igneous petrology, structural geology, and tectonics. He has active projects in Maine, Oklahoma, Missouri, Egypt and southern Africa. He is also interested in enhancing student learning through integration of technology with active learning strategies.
Dr. Dan Cernusca is Instructional Design Specialist in the Department of Global Learning at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in Information Science and Learning Technologies in 2007 from University of Missouri, Columbia. He also holds a B.S. and a Ph.D. from the University of Sibiu, Romania with a specialization in manufacturing technologies and respectively cutting-tools design. His research interests include Design-Based Research in technology-enabled learning contexts, technology-mediated problem solving, applications of dynamic modeling for learning of complex topics, and the impact of epistemic beliefs on learning with technology.
Integrating Gallery Walks and Wikis in a Synergic Instructional Activity: An Exploratory Study of Students’ PerceptionsA plethora of strategies exists to create opportunities for active learning in higher educationclassrooms– however the effectiveness of such transient learning environments in transferring theirbenefits outside the classroom remains nebulous. We present exploratory results of student’sperceptions of a synergic integration of Gallery Walks (an active learning strategy) with a course Wiki (acollaborative Web tool). This integration was designed to extend the benefits of active learning beyondthe classroom and into a more permanent and accessible digital learning community.In a “Gallery Walk” students, or small groups of students, will spend a limited amount of time on aproblem or task presented to them on a large post-it note. At the end of each session, a bell sounds, andthey move to the next post-it note. After each group viewed all post-it notes, the final group provides anoral summary of the problem. However, at the end of class, the active learning momentum evaporates,and for many students the time spent on anyone problem remains a scant five minutes.We mitigated this limitation by integrating the Gallery Walk Exercise into the course Wiki. At the end ofclass each group claimed ownership of one of the post-it note problems and used this and additionalmaterial to populate their entry on a dedicated Wiki page. Each wiki contribution was then evaluated(e.g., accuracy, content, usefulness) with the aid of a grading rubric by two other groups in the class. Thewiki transformed a transient cooperative active learning environment into an extended cooperativeactive learning community. It also expanded the opportunities for synthesis and reflection by allowingunlimited access to all the problems and solutions by the entire class.An anonymous exit survey was administered online at the end of the course to measure students’perception on the impact of this instructional strategy. Participation was voluntary and 18 of the 19students registered in the course participated. The survey used an involvement scale for both GalleryWalks and Wikis, and a series of open-ended questions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of thesetwo instructional tools. The scale used was adapted from a validated set of twelve items initiallydeveloped to offer a diffusion of innovation perspective on user involvement (Kappelman, 1995)1. Thescale used a semantic differential, 9-point scale, with the middle representing the perceivedinvolvement with the lecture. The involvement scale showed a very high internal reliability (Cronbach’salpha of .96). A one-sample t-Test using the middle of the scale (the lecture involvement) as the testvalue indicated a statistical significant higher involvement for the Gallery Walk than the lecture(t(17)=4.1, p < .01). However, even if the value of perceived involvement was higher for Wikis than forlecture, we found no statistically significant difference between them. These findings indicate thatstudents perceived Gallery Walks as out-of-norm-classroom activities, while Wikis felt more like anextension of the classroom activities. Students’ open-ended feedback on the two instructional toolscomplemented these quantitative findings. Based on these findings, we make suggestions to modify theinstructional structure to increase the synergy of the proposed instructional strategy.1 Kappleman, L.A.(1995). Measuring User Involvement: A Diffusion of Innovation Perspective. The DATA BASE forAdvances in Information Systems, 26(2&3), 65-86.
Hogan, J. P., & Cernusca, D. (2011, June), Integrating Gallery Walks and Wikis in a Synergic Instructional Activity: An Exploratory Study of Students’ Perceptions Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18229
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