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Interconnected Laboratory Modules in Metrology, Quality Control and Prototyping area Courses: Lessons Learned and Laboratory Modules Assessment

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

NSF Grantees’ Poster Session

Tagged Topic

NSF Grantees Poster Session

Page Count


Page Numbers

26.1009.1 - 26.1009.10



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Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu Drexel University (Tech.)

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Irina Ciobanescu Husanu, Ph. D. is Assistant Clinical Professor with Drexel University, Engineering Technology program. Her area of expertise is in thermo-fluid sciences with applications in micro-combustion, fuel cells, green fuels and plasma assisted combustion. She has prior industrial experience in aerospace engineering that encompasses both theoretical analysis and experimental investigations such as designing and testing of propulsion systems including design and development of pilot testing facility, mechanical instrumentation, and industrial applications of aircraft engines. Also, in the past 10 years she gained experience in teaching ME and ET courses in both quality control and quality assurance areas as well as in thermal-fluid, energy conversion and mechanical areas from various levels of instruction and addressed to a broad spectrum of students, from freshmen to seniors, from high school graduates to adult learners. She also has extended experience in curriculum development. Dr Husanu developed laboratory activities for Measurement and Instrumentation course as well as for quality control undergraduate and graduate courses in ET Masters program. Also, she introduced the first experiential activity for Applied Mechanics courses. She is coordinator and advisor for capstone projects for Engineering Technology.

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Yalcin Ertekin Drexel University (Tech.)


Radian G Belu University of Alaska Anchorage

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Dr. Radian Belu is Associate Professor within Electrical Engineering Department, University of Alaska Anchorage, USA. He is holding one PHD in power engineering and other one in physics. Before joining to University of Alaska Anchorage Dr. Belu hold faculty, research and industry positions at universities and research institutes in Romania, Canada and United States. He also worked for several years in industry as project manager, senior engineer and consultant. He has taught and developed undergraduate and graduate courses in power electronics, power systems, renewable energy, smart grids, control, electric machines, instrumentation, radar and remote sensing, numerical methods, space and atmosphere physics, and applied physics. His research interests included power system stability, control and protection, renewable energy system analysis, assessment and design, smart microgrids, power electronics and electric machines for non-conventional energy conversion, remote sensing, wave and turbulence, numerical modeling, electromagnetic compatibility and engineering education. During his career Dr. Belu published ten book chapters, several papers in referred journals and in conference proceedings in his areas of the research interests. He has also been PI or Co-PI for various research projects United States and abroad in power systems analysis and protection, load and energy demand forecasting, renewable energy, microgrids, wave and turbulence, radar and remote sensing, instrumentation, atmosphere physics, electromagnetic compatibility, and engineering education.

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Interconnected Laboratory Modules in Metrology, Quality Control and Prototyping area Courses: Lessons Learned and Laboratory Modules Assessment (Overview of the Project Outcomes)As manufacturing industry faces new challenges related to redefining its role and scope in USand western civilizations, manufacturing education in moreover confronted with adapting to thenew face of manufacturing and with improving teaching and learning effectiveness in bothonline and in-class courses and training. The major objectives of our project are to design anduse hardware and software based CNC machine control simulator systems to enhance thecognitive learning of online laboratories and design and use of simulator interfaces for metrologyand quality control systems to enhance the cognitive learning of online labs. We briefly discussthe implementation and integration of our laboratory activities (learning modules and tutorials)that provide students with a realistic interaction with CNC machine in the area of prototyping,metrology, quality control and quality assurance, both at undergraduate and graduate level in ourEngineering Technology curricula.This paper presents the overall integrative approach of advancement, development andimplementation of our state-of-the-art offline and online learning environment to support andenhance students’ learning and training as they use simulated systems to design and conductvirtual and real-time machining experiments and calibration of precision machine tools.We will present a comprehensive assessment and evaluation plan and its outcomes, guided byfive foundational evaluation questions, designed to focus data collection and analysis on a) theproject’s stated objectives and outcomes, b) broader issues such as dissemination of projectinformation and activities, and c) sustainability of project components beyond the life of thegrant.Also we will have an overview of the interdisciplinary aspects of our project and how this wasused to enhance student learning and perspective over their educational journey. This paper iscentered on assessment of the student learning outcomes as main end-goal of our project, duringthe 3-year project life. Sustainability of the project will be correspondingly presented here,including the life beyond the grant of the project. The accomplishments of the long termobjectives of our project are and will continue to be included in the project web page for the re-developed courses carrying the course modules and lectures in a PDF format and LecturePowerPoint presentations for students and other users to browse and download from any locationusing remote desktop and virtual lab server. The interactive components, simulations andlaboratory experiments are available for other universities and our university-affiliated colleges.Online learning will be a channel for use of the developed materials and also their dissemination.

Ciobanescu Husanu, I. N., & Ertekin, Y., & Belu, R. G. (2015, June), Interconnected Laboratory Modules in Metrology, Quality Control and Prototyping area Courses: Lessons Learned and Laboratory Modules Assessment Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24346

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