Seattle, Washington
June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015
June 17, 2015
Building Pathways that Promote Pursuit/Persistence in Engineering
Minorities in Engineering
26.1052.1 - 26.1052.17
Assistant Dean for Retention, Diversity, and Inclusion, Kansas State University
Linda P. Thurston, Ph.D., is Associate Dean for Research in the College of Education at Kansas State University and Lydia E. Skeen professor in the Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs. She served as a program director (IPA) with the National Science Foundation in the disabililty, gender and evaluation programs. Thurston has been PI on NSF and USDE awards for gender and disability projects, and is currently co-PI on the KS-LSAMP project. Her research foci include gender and disabilities issues in post-secondary STEM education, mentoring and program evaluation. Thurston has conducted research and taught about disability, gender and evaluation issues for over 35 years.
Professor of Biology and Associate Dean for Research, College of Arts & Sciences
___________ Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (__-LSAMP): Pathways to STEMAbstractThis paper describes the NSF Funded __________ Louis Stokes Alliances for MinorityParticipation (___-LSAMP): Pathways to STEM program. The program was created as acooperative project by the Colleges of Agriculture, Education, Engineering, and Arts andSciences at ___________. The program is designed to improve retention and graduation rates ofunder-represented minority (URM) students in STEM programs at minority serving collegesalong with support for transition, retention, and graduation of these students at a four year land-grant University. The paper includes descriptions of the partner institutions, existing supportprograms, new support activities, and assessment results from the first year of the program.___-LSAMP is led by ________________in partnership with three minority-serving communitycolleges in the southwest part of the state, plus a minority-serving private college in urban_______________. All members of ___-LSAMP have established recruitment and retentionprograms aimed at serving the needs of under-represented minority (URM) students includingAfrican-Americans, Native Americans/American Indians, and Hispanic/Latino students. ____-LSAMP builds upon existing support programs and allows expansion of efforts and extensivecoordination among the partners to facilitate recruitment and retention of transfer students to______.Partner institutions in ___-LSAMP serve the rapidly growing Hispanic/Latino population of thestate. New initiatives for this project complement those already in place, providing synergytoward the overall project goal. These initiatives include focused and enhanced recruiting,training for admissions personnel and academic advisors, student enhancement programs such asstudent research opportunities and internships, a focus on career counseling, formal and peertutoring, and implementation of improved student tracking. Specialized activities are offered atcritical junctures in the pathway, such as high school to college, freshman to sophomore, andtransition from two-year to four-year institutions.The project design is grounded in educational theories including retention/integration,cumulative advantage, engagement, and constructivism. It incorporates established best practicesfor working with URM students such as STEM identity formation through experiential programsincluding student research and internships, a focus on critical junctures including the first yearand post-transfer year, training of faculty and staff to enhance cultural competency, and buildingof academic integration and STEM self-efficacy.The overall goal of the project is to double the number of URM STEM baccalaureate degreesconferred by ______. In building the infrastructure to support this goal, the capacity of allpartners will be enhanced, communication and coordination to facilitate the success of transferstudents will be embedded in the culture of the partners, and other populations not currently wellrepresented in STEM disciplines such as women, first-generation-to-college, and military-associated students also will benefit.A comprehensive program evaluation assesses project activities and outcomes. The summativeevaluation will assess and document the project outcomes and the impact on students andinstitutions. Quantitative data includes URM student enrollment and graduation. Qualitativeindicators include student perceptions related to interest and achievements along with facultyperceptions regarding institutional culture and project impacts. Formative assessment results forthe first year are included in the paper.
Grauer, B., & Thurston, L. P., & Montelone, B. A. (2015, June), KS-LSAMP Pathways to STEM: A System Approach to Minority Participation in STEM Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24389
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