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Learning from a Teacher's Perspective

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Engineering Professional Development for K-12 Teachers

Tagged Division

K-12 & Pre-College Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.1001.1 - 22.1001.13



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Paper Authors


Taryn Melkus Bayles University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Taryn Bayles, Ph.D., is a Professor of the Practice of Chemical Engineering in the Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering Department at UMBC, where she incorporates her industrial experience
by bringing practical examples and interactive learning to help students understand fundamental
engineering principles. Her current research focuses on engineering education, outreach and
curriculum development.

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Julia M. Ross University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Jonathan E. Singer University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Jonathan Singer is an Associate Professor and Program Director of the Secondary Education program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore
County. His research interests are in the area of teacher professional development for the integration of inquiry-based pedagogy. He served on the National Science Teachers Association Executive board from 2005 - 2007 as Research Director.

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Jacqueline Krikorian


Tushar P. Sura University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Department of Education

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Tushar P. Sura, Ph.D., is a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) pursing Master of Arts in Teaching (Secondary Science Education) degree program at Department of Education, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. His interest is teaching chemistry and technology education in secondary schools. He is actively involved in STEM based curriculum development project. He is interested in incorporating his teaching and versatile research experience in science to engage students in preparing them for the college and beyond.

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Learning from a Teachers Prospective In recent years, enrollment in STEM related fields has steadily declined. To combat this,the INSPIRES curriculum (INcreasing Student Participation, Interest, and Recruitment inEngineering & Science) was developed with the goal to increase student motivation to learn byincorporating real world engineering examples and interactive lessons into the class room.Included are hands-on activities, online simulations and animations and a team engineeringdesign challenge which allows students to solve a real world engineering problem usingcreativity and commonly found items. The curriculum being used this year, "Engineering inHealthcare: A Heart Lung Case Study," follows a young girl who suffers from a heart defectwhich requires her to have open heart surgery to repair. The INSPIRES project has evolved from creating curriculum to providing teacherProfessional Development. The most recent step of this evolution has been to extend the teacherProfessional Development (PD) from a two day session to a three week summer session. Thenew PD program has allowed for a more in depth cohesion of engineering content, pedagogy,and reflection. The PD program was split up into three distinct sections. In the mornings, theteachers were team taught the heart lung curriculum by experienced engineering faculty and aninquiry-based pedagogical facilitator. In the afternoons, the teachers applied what they learnedas they taught students that were enrolled in the Upward Bound program. While teaching, theteachers were videotaped and observed by the INSPIRES team. After each lesson, the teachersand the INSPIRES team reviewed the recordings and collectively provided constructive criticismto improve content understanding, teaching pedagogy and curriculum delivery. Although this new PD program provides the teachers with more practice, this extensionto INSPIRES project has a significant associated cost. Prior to attending the PD program, theteachers were videotaped teaching a class involving engineering design and they will also bevideotaped this coming year while teaching the heart lung curriculum. The pre and post videoswill be scored using RTOP (Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol). In addition, the teacherscompleted pre and post tests covering the curriculum content and fundamental concepts (unitconversions, design process, graphing, etc.). They were also required to complete pre PD, postPD and post curriculum enactment surveys on the Importance, Preparedness and Frequency ofseven statements (making connections between science & engineering, engage students in open-ended problems, design exercises using constraints, etc.). The pre/post RTOP scores, pre/posttests and surveys will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the new INSPIRES PD program.

Bayles, T. M., & Ross, J. M., & Singer, J. E., & Krikorian, J., & Sura, T. P. (2011, June), Learning from a Teacher's Perspective Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18255

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