Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Engineering Technology
23.854.1 - 23.854.8
Dr. Ronald H. Rockland received his B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. in bioengineering and electrical engineering from New York University, and received an M.B.A. in marketing from the University of St. Thomas. After almost 25 years of industrial experience in research, engineering, marketing and sales management and general management with several high technology corporations, he joined New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in 1995 as an Assistant Professor. He is currently the chair and professor of the Department of Engineering Technology, with a joint appointment in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Previous to that he served as Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies for the Newark College of Engineering of NJIT.
His research in industry was in the area of pacemakers and defibrillation, and his research at Medtronic Inc led to five patents. He was a principal investigator for a three year, $1 million NSF grant entitled Medibotics: The merging of medicine, robotics and IT, and was a co-principal investigator for a $2.5 million grant on pre-engineering workforce enhancement from the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education, as well as a principal investigator for a Whitaker Foundation grant. His current research is in biological signal processing, related to cardiovascular signals, and in enhancing STEM education through use of engineering principles. He has written over 50 articles in both journals and conference proceedings, in both the educational and biomedical fields.
Dr. Rockland was the recipient in 2004 of the F.J. Berger award, a national engineering technology award presented by ASEE, and a 2000 award winner in Excellence in Teaching for NJIT, was named a Master Teacher in 2004, and was the chair of the Master Teacher’s Committee. He is also very active in the Engineering Technology community, have served in numerous capacities for the Engineering Technology Division (ETD) of the American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE), most recently as the Chair for ETD, as well as serving as a commissioner on the Technology Accreditation Commission (TAC) for ABET. He was selected in 2011 as a Fellow of the American Society of Engineering Educators.
Dr. John D. Carpinelli is a professor of electrical and computer engineering and Executive Director of the Center for Pre-college Programs at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He has served as coordinator of activities at NJIT for the Gateway Engineering Education Coalition and as a member of the Coalition’s Governing Board. He previously chaired NJIT’s Excellence in Teaching Awards Committee and is Past Chair of the University Master Teacher Committee.
Learning outside the classroom - Flipping an Undergraduate CircuitsAnalysis CourseWhile the use of technology has increased in education, much of that technology, such as use ofPowerPoint, SmartBoards and use of the Internet, has been used in the same pedagogicalapproach, which is lecture in the class, followed by homework by the students outside of theclassroom. While student engagement through active learning has been demonstrated to enhancelearning, one of the challenges to faculty is how to include these active learning methods whilestill trying to cover sufficient material.Over the last few years, the use of technology has opened up another instructional strategy,called flipping the classroom. In this strategy, students take on a greater responsibility for theirlearning, and lectures that would normally be given by the professor in the classroom are nowavailable online. Therefore, the classroom time can be used to engage students in problemsolving activities, while the professor acts more like a facilitator of learning rather than alecturer.In a four year Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology program, one of the sections of ajunior level circuits course was converted to a flipped course, as a beta test for this concept.Over the last few years, lecturers in the course by the author have been converted into smallerlearning objects, resulting in videos of less than 10 minutes. In many cases, a lesson may becomprised of 3-4 of these videos. The videos were created using Camtasia Relay, and uploadedto a Course Management System webpage (using Moodle), in a structured sequence. Whilemany of these videos were created from previous PowerPoint slides developed by the author,many others were created using a specialized tablet called PaperShow, which enables screencapture and video while writing on a specialized paper tablet.Over 50 videos were created for this course, and each week students were expected to review thevideos related to the upcoming week’s topics. Assessments were developed for learningoutcomes for each week, along with assessments on the student’s perception of the effectivenesson the video material.This paper will describe the process of creating these videos, the structure of the course, and asummary of the assessments of both the student learning and the perceived effectiveness of thisprocess.
Rockland, R. H., & Hirsch, L., & Burr-Alexander, L., & Carpinelli, J. D., & Kimmel, H. S. (2013, June), Learning outside the classroom - Flipping an Undergraduate Circuits Analysis Course Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19868
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