Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
23.865.1 - 23.865.7
Dr. Bill Bailey is currently an assistant professor of industrial engineering technology and quality assurance at Southern Polytechnic State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Technology Management (Quality Systems Specialization) from Indiana State University. He also holds a Master of Science in Industrial Technology degree from North Carolina A&T State University, and a Baccalaureate degree in Psychology and English.
Dr. Bailey has extensive manufacturing experience, including lean implementation and training and development. He has developed programs and taught in a community college for several years. He has served as an examiner for several Baldrige based quality award processes, including The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and state awards in North Carolina and Georgia. His research and consulting interests include the improvement of organizational performance through quality initiatives such as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Process, Six Sigma, Lean, etc., and the application of these initiatives to education, manufacturing, services and healthcare.
Leveraging Scarce Resources to Preserve an Important, Low Enrollment Manufacturing ProgramMany manufacturing programs are resource intensive. They require considerable laboratoryspace, expensive equipment, and instructors for both day and evening courses. Although theseprograms are often very important to the institution and to local business and industry, theysometimes have low enrollment. This paper will describe strategies for leveraging existingresources to preserve important but low enrollment programs.These strategies will be described in the context of a case study. The subject of the case study isa two year Tool, Die and Mold Making program. This program was very important to localindustry, and as such was important to the community college which offered it. Although theneed for Tool, Die and Mold Makers was a critical one, they were not needed in large numbers.Additionally, most students were full time employees, and could be on any shift. There was aresulting need to offer both day and evening courses.In order to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of the program, the course offeringswere rearranged, combined labs and flexible lab spaces and hours were used, online learning wasutilized for the classroom portion, and as a supplement to lab portions of the program. Thesestrategies enabled the program to serve the all of its students with a minimum of resources.For example: The program was able to better utilize its physical resources by combining first andsecond year lab spaces. This also led to better utilization of instructor resources. A singleinstructor was able to supervise lab session for multiple courses at the same time. Open lab timesalso provided more flexibility for students. On-line resources were used to provide furtherflexibility and utilization.
Bailey, B. D. (2013, June), Leveraging Scarce Resources to Preserve an Important, Low Enrollment Manufacturing Program Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19879
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