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Local and Remote Unrelated Universities Partner on Industry-Taught Course

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

CIP Division Technical Session 1

Tagged Division

College Industry Partnerships

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.873.1 - 23.873.12



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Paper Authors


Charles E. Baukal Jr. P.E. John Zink Co. LLC

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Dr. Chuck Baukal is the director of the John Zink Institute which is the training organization within the John Zink Company which manufactures industrial combustion equipment for a range of industries. Dr. Baukal has over 30 years of industry experience and is an adjunct instructor at 4 universities. He has authored/edited eight books on industrial combustion, has over 150 publications/presentations, is an inventor on eleven U.S. patents, and has a P.E. license.

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Geoffrey L Price University of Tulsa


Geoffrey D. Silcox University of Utah

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Prof. Silcox has been a member of the chemical engineering faculty at the University of Utah since 1987. His research interests include atmospheric particulate matter, controlling and characterizing the emissions of pollutants from the combustion of low quality fuels, and process modeling. He is currently teaching courses in thermodynamics and air pollution control engineering.

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Michael Newton University of Utah, Chemical Engineering Department

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Michael Newton is a recent B.S. in Chemical Engineering graduate from the University of Utah. He had an emphasis in Energy Engineering and a Chemistry minor. Newton is a member of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society and has received many departmental, college, and university scholarships. He worked with Dr. Jost O.L. Wendt of Utah for two years as a research assistant in the oxy-coal combustion group as part of the Institute for Clean and Secure Energy, helping three doctoral students' research efforts. His work was presented at the 2nd International Oxyfuel Combustion Conference in Yeppoon, Australia in September 2011. Additionally, Newton spent a summer taking part in the National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates working as a student research associate for Oscilla Power, Inc. in Salt Lake City, Utah. His project with Oscilla Power, Inc. entailed a preliminary design and investigation into the corrosion protection of a novel wave energy harvester. Newton has also served as a teaching assistant for a Combustion Engineering course taught through the Chemical Engineering department at the University of Utah. Newton is excited to begin his graduate study in pursuit of a Ph.D. this year.

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Terry L Phipps

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Terry L. Phipps is the owner of the Terry L. Phipps & Company and First Team Video Display. He received a bachelor of science degree from Oklahoma State University in 1969.
Phipps & Company is a full-service video production company specializing in marketing, training and communications. Phipps video crews have traveled all over the U.S. shooting video for Regional, National and International clients producing programming, commercials, infomercials, streaming video, web design, on-line testing and training modules, marketing, sales and training video presentations. I have included the names of the major companies for which we are currently doing work.
Phipps’ Founder and President Terry L. Phipps has been involved in the television broadcast industry since 1971. His background includes a degree in Radio and TV Marketing from Oklahoma State University and service as a non- commissioned officer during the Vietnam conflict where he was awarded the Vietnamese Service Metal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal and the Bronze Star. In 1975, after four years as an account executive in sales for the NBC affiliate in Tulsa, he founded Phipps & Company.
Under Phipps’ leadership, the company produced and syndicated three national outdoor shows, “Fishing with Roland Martin;” “Outdoors with Jimmy Houston;” and “Sports Tips” which featured: Tennis with John Newcombe, Snow Skiing with Billy Kidd, Golf with Chi Chi Rodriquez and Bowling with Don Johnson. Phipps & Company was also heavily involved in the productions of television commercials, both local and national; corporate training and image tapes; and sporting events.
In 1981, Phipps & Company expanded its operation to include remote production with the construction of a 26-foot long, five camera mobile unit. During this time clients included: ESPN; Iowa State University Football and Basketball; Missouri Valley Conference Basketball; Mississippi State Football as well as the Kentucky Derby for WLKY-TV in Louisville, Kentucky.
1983 brought forth a major video project for Phipps in the formation of a separate remote company; Challenger Productions. Phipps, along with two other partners, constructed a three million dollar, “State of the Art” mobile unit, which at the time was the most sophisticated in the country. As vice president of Marketing, Phipps negotiated production contracts with all three television networks, as well as major cable networks; ESPN and USA. These contracts included: Monday Night Football for ABC, the Breeders’ Cup for NBC and NCAA Midwestern Basketball Regional’s for CBS.
In 2002, Union High School in Tulsa, Okla. contracted Phipps & Company to oversee the final stages of installing their Daktronics LED video board at the football stadium, provide a video production crew while helping them establish and train their own video department and staff. With the LED Display experience and Phillips' vast knowledge of the video production industry, First Team Outdoor Video Display was established in January 2005.
To date, First Team Outdoor Video Display has installed LED video boards, video control rooms and football/basketball scoreboards in major Universities, Convention Centers and High School facilities across America.

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Local and Remote Unrelated Universities Partner on Industry-Taught CourseAbout a dozen industry engineers from a single company taught a three credit elective coursecalled Combustion Engineering to chemical engineering seniors and graduate students at a localuniversity. The course included both theory and application for technologies related to industrialcombustion and pollution control. The textbook for the course was written by the company thatmanufactures equipment for a wide range of industries and is located a short distance from theuniversity. A multimedia company was hired to professionally videotape the lectures, whichwere posted online for a distance course for a similar group of students at a remote, unrelateduniversity. All three organizations benefitted from this unique college-industry partnership. Theprimary interest of the company was finding potential candidates to hire. The local universitydoes not have particular expertise in combustion, but has a history of supplying the companywith high quality engineering graduates to work in a broad range of roles, such as projectmanagement and manufacturing, that did not require prior combustion knowledge. The remoteuniversity has an internationally-recognized program in combustion and also has a history ofproviding the company with high quality engineering graduates with combustion training. Thelocal university was able to offer their students an elective in an area outside the faculty’sexpertise. The course showed the students how the theory they learned in previous courses suchas heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and chemistry is applied to real-world problems. Exposure tothe company provided the students with potential job opportunities. The city where the companyand local university are located is well known for its employers in this area of technology, so thestudents received valuable training of interest to other local employers as well. While the facultyat the remote university has considerable combustion expertise, they do not have as muchpractical experience as the company, so their students, many of whom were studyingcombustion, also saw how their previous theory courses could be applied in industry. The remoteuniversity provided a teaching assistant who helped with local issues and who graded thestudents’ work. Since the company had already delivered the lectures, there was relatively littleadditional effort required by including the remote university. The company visited the remotecampus at the beginning of the course to meet the students and at the end of the course to heartheir project presentations, which were of specific interest to the company. There were somechallenges to this arrangement. The projection system at the local university was not adequatefor producing high quality videos, so the multimedia company brought a large high definitionmonitor into the classroom each time. There was some delay for the remote university studentsgetting the videos, which had to be downloaded to their own computers because the files weretoo large to stream effectively. The paper will describe the partnership, elaborate on the benefitsand challenges, and suggest recommendations for such arrangements.

Baukal, C. E., & Price, G. L., & Silcox, G. D., & Newton, M., & Phipps, T. L. (2013, June), Local and Remote Unrelated Universities Partner on Industry-Taught Course Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--19887

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