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Modifying the Student's Resistance Towards Active Learning with More Active-learning

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Teaching and Learning Strategies II

Tagged Division

Educational Research and Methods

Tagged Topic


Page Count


Page Numbers

26.1166.1 - 26.1166.14



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Paper Authors


Matias Recabarren Universidad de los Andes

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Dr. Recabarren is currently Professor of Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Universidad de los Andes, Chile. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His research interests focus on engineering education, blended learning, and human computer interaction.

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Claudio Alvarez Facultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias Aplicadas, Universidad de los Andes

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Claudio Alvarez is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile. He was awarded his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile in 2011. His research interests include collaborative systems, computer-supported collaborative learning, human-computer interaction and Web Engineering.

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María Ignacia Díaz Universidad de los Andes

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María Ignacia is an Industrial Engineer from Universidad de los Andes, with interests in the areas of education, mathematical modeling and logistics.

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Modifying the student's attitude towards active learning with more active learningUse of methodological innovations in engineering education has been promoted andjustified for several years, especially proposing innovations based on active learning andproblem-based learning. However, the adoption of these new methodologies by universitieshas been slower than expected. While most of the justifications are related to academicconstraints (e.g. lack of time for implementation) are also those that are based on student'sconstraints, particularly their attitude of distrust with these innovations that expect a greaterparticipation. But if the students during their life have mostly involved in passive learning-based methodologies, how valid is to ask them about a methodology that they don’t know?To test this, we conducted a study in a Latin American university on the perception ofengineering students about learning methodologies. The study considered two stages. Thefirst stage consisted of change the methodology of a course for active learning, and thensurvey the students in this course (N = 49) both at the beginning and at the end, askingthem to describe their ideal class. The results showed that the selection of the attribute'Participatory', which is key to active learning methodology, going from 41% before thecourse to 68% after completing the course. The second stage consisted of analyze theperception about learning methodologies of engineering students after 2 years to startmaking methodological innovations based on active learning in 3 career courses. This studyinvolved 581 students (62% of students of the Faculty of Engineering) those who describedtheir ideal class. Then we compare the perception of the freshman (N = 198), with the oldstudents who have had active methodology courses (N = 210) and those who had not (N =173). We found different cases where the description of ideal class was a result of previouscourses in which the student had participated, such as that old students chose significantlymore 'participatory' attribute than freshman, which coincides with the passivemethodologies that are common in schools in the country where the study was conducted.Thus, this paper presents some cases where the influence on the perception of students frommethodologies that have previously participated is evidenced. In addition we show howthrough the same methodologies we can change that perception and transform it into afavorable attitude toward new learning methodologies.

Recabarren, M., & Alvarez, C., & Díaz, M. I. (2015, June), Modifying the Student's Resistance Towards Active Learning with More Active-learning Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24503

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