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Multi-Disciplinary Integration for Design and Construction Freshman: Structural Organization and Challenges

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Construction Curriculum Development

Tagged Division


Page Count


Page Numbers

25.954.1 - 25.954.13



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Paper Authors


Yilmaz Hatipkarasulu University of Texas, San Antonio Orcid 16x16

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Yilmaz Hatipkarasulu holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in civil engineering from Louisiana State University. He is currently the Coordinator of the Construction Science and Management program at the University of Texas, San Antonio.

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Vincent B. Canizaro University of Texas, San Antonio

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Vincent Canizaro is currently the Chair of the Department of Architecture at the University of Texas, San Antonio. A registered architect for 15 years, he has practiced in Texas, Massachusetts, and California. He has published Architectural Regionalism (Princeton Architectural Press, 2007), served on the Editorial Board for and published articles in the Journal of Architectural Education, contributed a chapter in Pragmatic Sustainability (Routledge, 2010), and given many presentations in areas of interest that include regionalism, place, pedagogy, community design, and sustainability.

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John D. Murphy Jr. University of Texas, San Antonio

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John D. Murphy holds a B.S. in building construction, a M.S. in construction management, and a Ph.D. in architecture from Texas A&M University. He is currently the Dean of the College of Architecture at University of Texas, San Antonio.

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Multi-Disciplinary Integration for Design and Construction Freshman: Structural Organization and ChallengesProfessional degree programs including design, architecture, engineering and constructiontraditionally structure their curricula towards delivering the body of knowledge required by theirprofessions. In the last decade, the significant reductions in the credit hours available fordiscipline specific courses within respective curricula have forced the programs to eliminate anumber of electives and multi-disciplinary opportunities. This created further segregation of thedisciplines and disconnected majority of the student groups even when they are within the sameorganizational unit.Considering the fact that the building construction projects include active and continuouscollaboration of all of these parties, learning multi-disciplinary strategies is a necessary acumenwith which students must graduate in preparation for professional practice. New technologiesand project development approaches such as building information modeling is necessitating earlyand extensive collaboration among the professions. Integrated project delivery methods aremaximizing this need for interdisciplinary team production. Feedback from industryrepresentatives and practicing professionals unanimously supports the concept of integration.This paper describes an effort to establish a multi-disciplinary first-year curriculum for designand construction freshman which includes content from three independently accreditedprograms. The curriculum is structured as a 28-hour required coursework where more than halfof the courses are discipline specific. The students are accepted to the university as pre-majorsand asked to apply for a major at the completion of the required first year curriculum. As a partof their first year curriculum, the students are exposed to all professional career paths within thebuilt environment disciplines and experience multi-disciplinary content. A detailed discussion ofbalancing the multi-disciplinary content, university core curriculum challenges, accreditationstandard limitations, faculty preparation and assignment challenges, and establishing industrysupport are included in the paper. The paper also maps a goal of continuing collaborationapproach within the disciplines by utilizing several multi-disciplinary courses in second throughfourth year coursework..

Hatipkarasulu, Y., & Canizaro, V. B., & Murphy, J. D. (2012, June), Multi-Disciplinary Integration for Design and Construction Freshman: Structural Organization and Challenges Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21711

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