San Antonio, Texas
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
June 13, 2012
NSF Grantees Poster Session
25.964.1 - 25.964.8
Priscilla Hill is currently an Associate Professor in the Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering at Mississippi State University. She has research interests in crystallization, particle technology, population balance modeling, and process synthesis. Her teaching interests include particle technology and thermodynamics.
Yaroslav Koshka, an Associate Professor in electrical and computer engineering at Mississippi State University, has 13 years experience in academia. Koshka's research interests include semiconductors and nano-electronic materials and devices (design, growth, fabrication, and advanced characterization techniques). Koshka's teaching interests include microelectronics, semiconductor materials and devices, semiconductor physics, and nanotechnology.
Oliver Myers, an Assistant Professor in mechanical engineering at Mississippi State University, has three years experience in academia and 10 years of industrial experience. His research interests include multifunctional materials (piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, nanomaterials), composite materials, and novel manufacturing processes.
Giselle Thibaudeau is the Director for Mississippi State University's Institute for Imaging & Analytical Technologies, a university wide core facility and research institute meeting missions in research, teaching and service. Her research support role is diverse and her specific research interests include biological inspiration of color.
Carlen Henington is a nationally certified School Psychologist and is an Associate Professor in School Psychology at Mississippi State University. She completed her doctoral work at Texas A&M University and her internship at the Monroe Meyer Institute for Genetics and Rehabilitation at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha. She received the Texas A&M Educational Psychology Distinguished Dissertation Award in 1997, the Mississippi State University Golden Key National Honor Society Outstanding Faculty Member Award in 2000, the Mississippi State University Phi Delta Kappa Outstanding Teaching Award in 1998, and the College of Education Service Award in 2010. She has worked as a consultant to the Mississippi Department of Education to address disproportionality and has provided technical assistance to schools across the state. She has served as a program reviewer for the American Psychological Association and for the National Association for School Psychologists for more than eight years. Additional areas of research include evaluation of effective teaching and program administration at the post-secondary levels.
NanoExposed! – An Introduction to NanotechnologyIn both industrial and academic research, interdisciplinary collaboration in nanotechnology hasincreased to address its applications to fields such as materials engineering and biomedicalengineering. However, undergraduate nanotechnology instruction has not kept pace. Whilenanotechnology concepts are introduced in various courses, they tend to be discipline specific.As part of an NSF NUE grant, a certificate program is being developed to address thisdeficiency. This talk will focus on the introductory course in the certificate program – a weeklyseminar course that introduces freshmen to basic concepts in nanotechnology.The goals of the course are to increase awareness of nanoscience in entering science andengineering students, to demonstrate the multidisciplinary nature of nanoscience, and to get thestudents excited about taking more advanced nanotechnology electives in the nanotechnologycertificate program. This is an introductory survey course that presents practical applications ofnanotechnology, fabrication and characterization of nanomaterials, and future possibilities. Thecourse gives examples where nanoscale properties are different from bulk scale properties, andhow these differences can be exploited for the development of commercial products.The poster will focus on the implementation of this course including course topics, activities,faculty involved as instructors, guest speaker(s), and resources used. Specific topics fromdifferent disciplines will be given as examples. It will also include assessment results as well asstudent data such as the different majors enrolled in the course. The course was taught for thefirst time during the Spring 2011 semester and is currently being taught for the second timeduring the Fall 2011 semester.
Hill, P. J., & Koshka, Y., & Myers, O. J., & Thibaudeau, G., & Henington, C. (2012, June), NanoExposed! – An Introduction to Nanotechnology Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21721
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