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Nanophotonics Modules For Diverse Curricular Incorporation

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2010 Annual Conference & Exposition


Louisville, Kentucky

Publication Date

June 20, 2010

Start Date

June 20, 2010

End Date

June 23, 2010



Conference Session

Design in the ECE Curriculum

Tagged Division

Electrical and Computer

Page Count


Page Numbers

15.901.1 - 15.901.8



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Paper Authors

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Natalia Litchinitser SUNY at Buffalo

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Albert H. Titus SUNY at Buffalo

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Alexander N. Cartwright SUNY at Buffalo

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Vladimir V. Mitin SUNY at Buffalo

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NOTE: The first page of text has been automatically extracted and included below in lieu of an abstract

Nanophotonics Modules for Diverse Curricular Incorporation


Nanophotonics is a field within science and engineering that includes research to create nanoscale structures with desired optical properties as well as using photons to fabricate and characterize systems at the nanoscale. The field of nanophotonics has resulted in a plethora of new devices including highly efficient light emitting diodes, lasers, and display systems. In addition, it has been essential in the development of new imaging techniques for biomedical research, as well as in the development of new fabrication methodologies for electronics. To date, these remarkable contributions to engineering have largely been ignored in the undergraduate curriculum in electrical engineering.

Here, we present our efforts to develop educational modules for nanophotonics with an emphasis on how the resulting technologies apply to sustainability and quality of life via devices based on nanostructures: e.g., solar cells, high efficiency lighting, environmental sensing, and other lower power optoelectronic devices. Specifically, in this project, we are developing nanophotonics Knowledge Modules (KM) that explain the necessary fundamental scientific knowledge and Application Modules (AM) that allow students to acquire hands-on experience while simultaneously providing a critical link to how technology can contribute to sustainability. In addition, the education modules are designed to be easily tailored to different levels of academic preparation: high school courses, introductory college courses or senior-level college courses. These modules will form the basis for a senior level electrical engineering course, EE459, at the University at Buffalo (UB), but will also be integrated into introductory and midlevel courses in electrical engineering at UB and also are applicable to physics courses taught for engineers. Moreover, the developed modules will be used within our outreach program to students within high needs inner-city schools in the Buffalo Public Schools system. The developed modules will exploit a shared undergraduate nanotechnology education laboratory.


The integration of nanotechnology and Sensing Data Storage photonics continues to advance. Pho ton s Opt ical Lithog rap hy Electro ns Nan oscale Lit hography

Systems combining nanoscale Gro wt h and Synth esis Opt ical Structural Characterizat ion Quan tum Confined Nanophotonics structures for manipulation of optical C haracterization Op tically Confin ed Materials Photonic Bandg ap Materials Materials properties are prevalent in fiber optic Plasmonics Nanocom po sites

Nano ph otonics in B iology Et hics and Legal Policy communications systems, CD-ROM’s, Solar Bioimaging optical scanners, displays, solid-state Energy lighting, laser printers, and biological and chemical sensors. More Figure 1: This project focuses on the development of tailorable importantly, the ability to either modules for education in nanophotonics.

Litchinitser, N., & Titus, A. H., & Cartwright, A. N., & Mitin, V. V. (2010, June), Nanophotonics Modules For Diverse Curricular Incorporation Paper presented at 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky. 10.18260/1-2--16902

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