San Antonio, Texas
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
June 13, 2012
25.980.1 - 25.980.19
Normal and Abnormal EKGs and Heart SoundsElectrocardiogram (EKG, or ECG) is a transthoracic interpretation of theelectrical activity of the heart externally recorded by skin electrodes and capturedover time. It can detect hypertrophy, heart block, fibrillation, electrolyteabnormalities, rhythm problems and other cardiac conditions. Heart murmurs areabnormal sounds during your heart beat cycle and can be heard with stethoscope.Mastery and expertise in clinical EKG (Electrocardiogram) interpretation is oneof the most desirable clinical skills in bioengineering and medicine. It canprobably only be achieved if one acquires a well rounded experience inunderstanding the pathophysiology, clinical status of the patient, and correlationwith specific EKG findings.This paper presents the development and application of an innovative medicaldiagnostic tool for EKG monitoring, which can be used by engineeringtechnology and health care students for quick health screening and cardiologichealth assessment. Students progressively learn to monitor and interpret theconventional noninvasive electrocardiography by leveraging the power of java’sgraphical user interface and data structures. This paper will explain how thisinteractive learning and teaching diagnostic tool can be instrumental in earlywarning, monitoring, and diagnosis and thereby will save human lives.This diagnostic tool is in no way to be taken as a final word to replace physician’sclinical consultation and opinion, rather it is intended to be an early monitoringand warning tool which will aid in diagnosis of certain aspects of critical care andemergency medicine. This interactive teaching module will be highly beneficialsince it will facilitate progressive learning of students by enhancing theirunderstanding of clinical EKG parameters and their relationship with differentialdiagnosis of the patients.Students will begin their analysis by looking at rate, rhythm, axis, hypertrophy,and infarction and correlate the characteristic appearance on the EKG withexisting conditions, certain pathology, and drug or electrolyte effects. Thegraphical user interface will be used to correlate specific EKG findings withpathology of the heart and selectively demonstrate the diagnosis of certaincardiologic health screening and assessment parameters. This paper therebyserves as an interesting way to expose engineering technology and health carestudents to this fascinating topic and gives them a taste of java programmingwhile having fun learning the EKG interpretation, early heart monitoring,diagnosis and intervention.
Muqri, M. R., & Chng, S. E., & Muqri, F., & Muqri, A. (2012, June), Normal and Abnormal EKGs and Heart Sounds Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21737
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