Seattle, Washington
June 13, 2015
June 13, 2015
June 13, 2015
18.21.1 - 18.21.7
Lija Yang is an Education Specialist and Curriculum Developer at the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; she has a M.Ed. in Literacy Instruction K-12 and is a certified Reading Specialist. She has taught 1-4th grades and included engineering concepts and thinking in her curriculum. Her focus is to help teachers gain confidence and experience in STEM and enable them to inspire and teach engineering to budding engineers.
Elissa Milto is Director of Outreach at the CEEO. She holds two masters degrees in education allowing her to focus on special education and engineering. Currently, she leads Novel Engineering, an interdisciplinary engineering literacy project. Her work focuses on understanding what engineering looks like in elementary and middle school and finding ways to help teachers include open-ended, hands on engineering in their classrooms while paying attention to their students’ ideas.
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease complete this form, save it as a PDF file only and upload it through the ASEE PaperManagement system as shown in the K12 Workshop Presenter’s Kit.All notifications will be by email from the ASEE Paper Management system.NOTE: To ensure that emails are not obstructed by spam blockers, please make sure to WHITELIST theemail addresses: and and questions to Stephanie Harrington-Hurd, ASEE K-12 Activities Manager, at Additional workshop details are available at: you! Deadline Friday, January 23, 2015 by 5:00PM EST Presenters will be notified of acceptance status by March 14. Late submissions will not be accepted. Advanced Workshop Registration will open December 6, 2013. SUBMISSION INFORMATIONProvide the first and last name of each presenter, including affiliations. If there is more than onepresenter, designate one person as the organizer and provide only that person’s contactinformation. The organizer is responsible for communicating to co-presenters.Number of Presenters: 3Presenter Name(s):1) Last Yang First Lija Affiliation Member, K-12 Educator2) Last Portsmore First Merredith Affiliation Member, University Faculty3) Last Milto First Elissa Affiliation MemberContact Person’s Name: Lija YangContact Person’s Email: lija.yang@tufts.eduContact Person’s Phone: 617-627-5888Contact Person’s Alternate Phone: 857-234-03172015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form LY2nd.docx Page 1 of 6 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease provide a one-paragraph bio for each presenter (in the order listed above). The bio shouldnot exceed 70 words and should be written as you would want it to appear on the ASEE websiteand program materials.1) Lija Yang is an Education Specialist and Curriculum Developer at the Tufts Center forEngineering Education and Outreach; she has a M.Ed. in Literacy Instruction K-12 and is acertified Reading Specialist. She has taught 1-4th grades and included engineering concepts andthinking in her curriculum. Her focus is to help teachers gain confidence and experience inSTEM and enable them to inspire and teach engineering to budding engineers.2) Merredith Portsmore is the Associate Director for Tufts Center for Engineering Education andOutreach. Merredith received all four of her degrees from Tufts (B.A. English, B.S. MechanicalEngineering, M.A. Education, PhD in Engineering Education). Her research interests focus onhow children engage in designing and constructing solutions to engineering design problems andevaluating students’ design artifacts.3) Elissa Milto is Director of Outreach at the CEEO. She holds two masters degrees in educationallowing her to focus on special education and engineering. Currently, she leads NovelEngineering, an interdisciplinary engineering literacy project. Her work focuses onunderstanding what engineering looks like in elementary and middle school and finding ways tohelp teachers include open-ended, hands on engineering in their classrooms while payingattention to their students’ ideas. WORKSHOP INFORMATIONProposed Title:Novel Engineering: Integrating Engineering and LiteracyAbstract: Please provide a concise description that includes the workshop’s learning objectives(maximum 750 characters). The abstract is used on the ASEE website, program materials, andotherK-12 Workshop promotional activities.Novel Engineering (NE), an NSF-funded project at Tufts Center for Engineering EducationOutreach, engages 1st-8th grade students and educators in engineering, using books as a contextfor client-centered, open-ended design challenges. In this hands-on interactive workshopparticipants will be introduced to the NE approach and work in groups to apply it to a text. Theywill use NE to begin to learn how to integrate engineering and literacy, recognize texts as richcontext for engineering design, identify problems, scope constrains surrounding the problem, anddesign and build solutions using found materials. Participants will analyze video of NE students,focusing on their thinking and ideas, and be given sample lesson plans.2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form LY2nd.docx Page 2 of 6 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAWorkshop Description. Please provide a detailed description of the proposed workshop that, atminimum, explicitly addresses the following (maximum 4,000 characters): a. Learning objectives b. Hands-on activities and interactive exercises c. Materials that participants can take with them d. Practical application for teachers and outreach staffThe Novel Engineering workshop is designed to provide 1-8th grade educators an overview ofthe tools and experiences needed to integrate engineering design into their existing literacycurriculum using classroom texts as an accessible starting point for client-centered engineeringprojects. Ongoing NE research has shown that teachers and student find their classroom textsprovide rich ground for engaging in engineering design, in additions to supporting and deepeningliteracy engagement and comprehension. The goal is for educators to be enabled to integrateengineering using an area of strength, which typically tends to be literacy.Participants will learn ways to integrate engineering design and literacy, using books as thespringboard. We will also touch on how to integrate writing as a part of the design process andas a consolidation of student learning. They will learn to identify texts that lend themselves toNE and the myriad ways they can be used. Participants will read excerpts from grade-level textsin order to identify the problems, the needs of the character-clients, scope the constraints, engagein conceptual planning and then design and build prototypes that address the identified problems.We will have mid-workshop shares to gain feedback on designs in order to support iteration andshow how effective such moves can be in the classroom. They will share their final designsolutions with their groups, as would students. We will transition from building to viewingvideo of students engaged in NE. Participants will learn to see the productive beginnings ofengineering thinking and habits of mind in students and their designs by analyzing vides ofstudents engaged in NE in order to show the process and evolution of student thinking. Theoverall goal is to help educators understand how to implement open-ended projects that allowstudents autonomy and ownership of their learning.We will be using found materials, chosen because of the low cost and accessibility, to design andbuild prototypes in the same format that is used in NE classrooms. The workshop is designed tonot only give participants a hands-on, high-touch experience, but also function as a hybridclassroom, in which educators will learn and engage in the same manner and using the sametechniques and materials their students would.Participants will be given a sample book list with corresponding examples of how the book wasused in a classroom and a sample unit. We will also provide a materials catalog of useful andnecessary materials for building in the classroom. They will also have access to the NE website,which has further resources, videos and link for in-depth P.D. The workshop will culminate withtime to brainstorm ways to begin using NE and get further training.2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form LY2nd.docx Page 3 of 6 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAAuthentic Engineering Connection. Identify and describe how you will explicitly address theways in which your lesson or activity is representative of the processes, habits of mind andpractices used by engineers, or is demonstrative of work in specific engineering fields.i At leastone of those must be within the first four listed, below; i.e., do not only check “other”. Check allthat apply: Use of an engineering design process that has at least one iteration/improvement Attention to specific engineering habits of mind Attention to engineering practices (as described in the NGSS/Framework and as practiced by engineers) Attention to specific engineering careers or fields related to the lesson/activity Other (please describe below)Provide a description of how you will explicitly address these aspects of authentic engineering inyour workshop (maximum 2,000 characters):The Novel Engineering workshop provides an authentic engineering experience as it guidesparticipants through an open-ended, ill-defined challenge. The NE approach does not frame theproblem for participants, mirroring the reality of engineering. Instead participants must frame theproblem by reading the text to understand their clients, determining their needs, and identifyingthe constraints imposed in the context of the book and situation. NE aligns with NGSS as itdemands the defining and delimiting of an engineering problem by offering open-endedchallenges that have a diversity of possible solutions for which the students need to weigh trade-offs and constraints. This naturally leads into optimizing the design solution by using fair testsand analyzing the data and feedback from those tests to allow for improvement towards afunctional solution. As participants brainstorm and design possible solutions with a partner theycollaborate to communicate their ideas to one another and to the larger group. The NE approachincorporates a mid-way share-out that encourages iteration, communication and collaboration asideas are shared, and peers give feedback, suggestions, and ask questions. This process fostersteamwork and deeper thinking as students hold one another accountable to rigorous standards,the text and the character-client choices, and needs. These are addressed by spontaneousargumentation and discussion as teams design and build together. Literacy skills are strengthenedas participants engage deeply with the text. They closely reread books to support their ideas andbetter understand their client, write about their thinking, record their ideas with diagrams, andwrite for presentations of learning. This also aligns with the literacy strand in CCSS and theclose reading of texts for deeper comprehension.2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form LY2nd.docx Page 4 of 6 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WADiversity. This year is the American Society for Engineering Education’s “Year of Action onDiversity.” It is essential that we have a diverse engineering workforce to solve diverseproblems. To do that and to have an engineering-literate public, it is essential that we reach everypreK-12 student with high-quality engineering education, drawing on issues of access and equityin the classroom and in the curriculum. Reviewers would like to know how your proposedworkshop will address diversity.Provide a description of how you will explicitly address diversity – e.g., diversity with respect togender/sex, ethnicity or race, special education inclusion, socio-economic status, or LGBT status– in your workshop (maximum 2,000 characters):The Novel Engineering workshop will discuss how the approach lends it self to gender, socio-economic, ethnic diversity, and inclusion in some of the results we’ve seen. NE is uniquelypositioned to be appealing to both girls and boys. The research shows that girls are more oftendrawn to reading and boys more so to building and hands on work. NE brings girls toengineering through the vehicle of reading and brings boys to reading through the vehicle ofengineering. The project has documented that students with reading disabilities engage with atext deeply because of the motivation to build a functional solution, as well as seeing howengineering deepens their understanding of the text. As we worked with students at the CarrollSchool, we documented how students with ADHD, Dyslexia, and other language-based learningdisabilities were not only equal to the work at hand, but also highly engaged and successful inboth the comprehension of the text and the execution of designing solutions. NE is accessible toall schools and districts regardless of budgets. NE uses found and recyclable materials that canbe collected at school or home at not extra cost; bringing engineering to students in cash strappedschools that can’t afford expensive commercial products. The NE approach has been used with avariety of texts: fiction, informational, historical fiction and picture books. The literature that isand can be used for NE is culturally and ethnically diverse. This speaks to a wide audience ofstudents who need to see themselves reflected in the literature they read.Are there any online components to the proposal or presentation? (Note that these onlinecomponents may only be available to presenters or those who have their wireless subscriptions,since wireless may not be available during the workshop sessions.) No Yes Please describe: Website access and registration2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form LY2nd.docx Page 5 of 6 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAGrade Level Target Audience (check all that apply): Primary (EC–2) Elementary (3–5) Middle School (6-8) High School (9-12)Maximum Number of Participants:25 If this number is greater than 25, please describe how your workshop will equally engage all participants.All Seating is Classroom (tables and chairs).Audio Visual Equipment Requests:Note: An LCD projector, screen and podium with attached microphone are provided. Requestsfor additional equipment or resources (e.g., internet connection or laptops) will incur extracharges. If you do not have additional requests, please indicate with “Not applicable.”Not applicable Reminder:Presenters must register and pay the registration fee to support their workshop attendance and audio/video costs. Thank you for completing this proposal form! Please review this document prior to submitting it to ensure that all items are complete. ASEE USE ONLYDate Received:Received By:Proposal ID Number:2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form LY2nd.docx Page 6 of 6
Yang, L., & Portsmore, M. D., & Milto, E. (2015, June), Novel Engineering: Integrating Engineering and Literacy Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Workshop on K-12 Engineering Education, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/1-2--17108
ASEE holds the copyright on this document. It may be read by the public free of charge. Authors may archive their work on personal websites or in institutional repositories with the following citation: © 2015 American Society for Engineering Education. Other scholars may excerpt or quote from these materials with the same citation. When excerpting or quoting from Conference Proceedings, authors should, in addition to noting the ASEE copyright, list all the original authors and their institutions and name the host city of the conference. - Last updated April 1, 2015