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Online Electrical Machinery Course Development for University-enrolled Students and Industry Representatives

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Innovative Curriculum in Engineering Technology

Tagged Division

Engineering Technology

Page Count


Page Numbers

25.1005.1 - 25.1005.8



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Paper Authors


Aleksandr Sergeyev Michigan Technological University

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Aleksandr Sergeyev is currently an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Technology program in the School of Technology at Michigan Technological University. Sergeyev earned his bachelor's degree in electrical engineering at Moscow University of Electronics and Automation in 1995. He obtained a master's degree in physics from Michigan Technological University in 2004, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Michigan Technological University in 2007. Sergeyev's research interests include high energy lasers propagation through the turbulent atmosphere, developing advanced control algorithms for wavefront sensing and mitigating effects of the turbulent atmosphere, digital inline holography, digital signal processing, and laser spectroscopy. He is also involved in developing new eye-tracking experimental techniques for extracting 3-D shape of the object from the movement of human eyes. Sergeyev is he is a member of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and is actively involved in promoting engineering education.

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Nasser Alaraje Michigan Technological University

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Nasser Alaraje is currently the Electrical Engineering Technology program Chair, as well as a faculty member at Michigan Technological University. He taught and developed courses in the computer engineering technology area at the University of Cincinnati and Michigan Technological University. Alaraje’s research interests focuses on processor architecture, system-on-chip design methodology, field-programmable logic array (FPGA) architecture and design methodology, engineering technology education, and hardware description language modeling. Alaraje is a Fulbright scholar; he is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), a member of the ASEE Electrical and Computer Engineering Division, a member of the ASEE Engineering Technology Division, a member of Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and a member of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Department Heads Association (ECETDHA).

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On-Line Electrical Machinery Course Development for University Enrolled Students and Industry RepresentativesThe rapidly evolving technological world requires engineering skills being up-to-date andrelevant. This applies to industry employed workers, as well as the students pursuing collegedegree. To keep up with the rapid developments in technology the industry representatives needconstantly update their knowledge base. From the other hand, the current economy impacts thecollege students in a way that many undergraduates have to work to secure the funds for theireducation which in turn requires a more flexible class schedule. In order to accommodate theneeds of both groups: the university enrolled students and industry representative, theeducational units must adequately adjust their curriculum. Electrical and Computer EngineeringTechnology program in the School of Technology at UNIVERSITY is constantly revamping thecurriculum to meet the expectations of industry by supplying qualified technicians andtechnologists who have extensive hands-on experience. To further enhance and make thecurriculum model more flexible, all programs across in the School of Technology are developingand offering online courses in multiple disciplines. In this article we emphasize our attention onthe online Electrical Machinery course development and implementation model for currentlyenrolled in the UNIVERSITY students and industry representatives looking to improve theirknowledge in the subject. The online Electrical Machinery course will be offered in Track A ofsummer 2012 and will consist of the online learning modulus, online quizzes and exams, andintense laboratories. Due to the hands-on nature of educational strategy, the laboratorycomponent is an integral part of any course offered in the School of Technology, and thediscussed in this article the on-line Electrical Machinery course is no exception. The enrolledstudents will participate in two intense laboratory sessions scheduled during the weekends.Considering the seven weeks duration of the Track A, the two laboratory session will beconducted after the third and six weeks consecutively. Prior each laboratory session, theparticipating students will require to take multiple quizzes specifically designed to test theirknowledge in the subject matters being exercised in the laboratory activities.In this articles we discuss the details of the on-line course structure including the theoreticaltopics and experimental exercises of the course, the technology that has been used for the on-linematerials development, and the implementation of the assessment tools to evaluate the studentsprogress.

Sergeyev, A., & Alaraje, N. (2012, June), Online Electrical Machinery Course Development for University-enrolled Students and Industry Representatives Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21762

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