Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Graduate Studies
23.962.1 - 23.962.15
Clara Pérez Molina received her MSc degree in Physics from the Complutense University in Madrid and her PhD in Industrial Engineering from the National Distance Education University (UNED). She has worked as researcher in several national and European projects and has published different technical reports and research articles for journals and conferences, as well as teaching books. She has received the UNED’s Social Council Award for the best Didactic Materials in Experimental Sciences and is member of the IEEE. Her research interests include computer architecture, artificial neural networks techniques and information and communication technologies applied to higher education. She is currently a professor of System Engineering and Automation at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the UNED, Spain.
PhD in Education, Bachelor of Psychology Professor, Department of Educational Theory and Social Pedagogy UNED
Rosario Gil has a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED) and a Master and Bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering from The Alcalá de Henares University (Madrid). She got a grant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of UNED in 2005 and since December 2010 she is an assistant professor. Her research interest is the integration of different biometric techniques in educational environment by providing them
with security and access control.
Gabriel Díaz Orueta has a doctoral degree in Physics from the Sciences Faculty of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. He worked for 10 years for different ICT companies as DEC or Cisco. He has several different industry certifications, as those of Cisco, HP, Microsoft and ITIL or ISO 20000. He currently works, as an Associate Professor, for UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education) inside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He also is the CEO of his own company, ADSO Consultoría y Formación, dedicated to learning and consulting services. He is author (or co-author) of different publications, technical, research and teaching books and papers for journals and conferences as well as multimedia materials and radio programs. He works as researcher in numerous projects, specially related with different new techniques in the e-learning arena and with different areas of Information Security for network, systems and organizations. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Chairman of IEEE’s Spanish Chapter of Education Society,
M.Sc. degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED), Madrid, Spain, and the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2011 and 2008 respectively. Visitor researcher at the Faculty of Engineering & IT, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia, in 2012. He is an IEEE member since 2009. Actually, he is a research associate in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (DIEEC) at UNED. He is author\co-author of more than 25 publications; including conference papers, book chapters, and journal articles on remote laboratories. He is collaborating in several researching projects among them NSF Catalyzing New International Collaborations proposal “Building an Ecology of Online Laboratories”.
Manuel Castro, Electrical and Computer Engineering educator in the Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED), has an industrial engineering degree from the ETSII (Industrial Engineering School) of the Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM) and a doctoral engineering degree from the same University. He has received the Extraordinary Doctoral Award in the UPM and the Viesgo 1988 Award to the Doctoral Thesis improving the Scientific Research about the Industrial Process Electricity Application, as well as the 1997 and 1999 years UNED's Social Council Award for the Best Didactic Materials in Experimental Sciences and the 2001 Award for the Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Technology from the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. He works as researcher, coordinator and director in different projects, ranging from systems applications of simulation techniques, solar system and advanced microprocessor system simulation to telematics and distance learning applications and systems, as well as computer-aided electrical engineering (CAEE), acting now as and senior Technical Director. He is now with the UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education) as Professor of Electronics Technology inside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He was previously UNED's New Technologies Vice-Rector, UNED’s Information Services Center Director and Research, Doctorate Vice-director and Academic Affairs Vice-director of the Engineering School at UNED and Director of the Department. He worked during 5 years in Digital Equipment Corporation as senior system engineer. He publishes different technical, research and teaching books and articles for journals and conferences as well as multimedia materials and radio and TV programs. He belongs to the organizing committee of IEEE EDUCON, IEEE FIE (International and Europe Chair, 2000-2006), ISES, TAEE and SAAEI conferences as well as program and planning committees’ member and reviewer and chairman of several ones. He was co-chair of the conference EDUCON 2010 (Engineering Education Conference), TAEE 2010 (Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica) and ICECE 2005 (International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education). Is co-chair of the conference FIE 2014 (Frontiers in Education Conference) to be organized in Madrid, Spain, by the IEEE and the ASEE. He is co-editor of IEEE-RITA (Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje) and of the Electronic Journal of Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society. He is Fellow member of IEEE (for contributions to distance learning in electrical and computer engineering education) and member of the Administration Committee (AdCOM) (2005–2012) of the IEEE Education Society and Vice-chair (2011-2012) of the IEEE Education Society; Founder and Past-Chairman (2004-2006) of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society, and Chair of the IEEE Spain Section (2010-2011). He has been awarded with the IEEE EDUCON 2011 Meritorious Service Award (jointly with Edmundo Tovar), of the EDUCON 2011 conference; 2010 Distinguished Member Award of the IEEE Education Society; 2009 Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award of the IEEE Education Society; with the 2006 Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award and for the collective work inside the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society with the 2011 Best Chapter Award (by the IEEE Region 8) and with the 2007 Chapter Achievement Award (by the IEEE Education Society). He is Vice-President of the Board of the Spanish International Solar Energy Society (ISES).
Computer Science Engineer by Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED). He was a collaborator member of Telematic Laboratory of UNED (Telelab) in systems of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Nowdays is working for Innovation and Technological Development Centre of UNED (CiNDETEC). He is an expert in Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Web development applications. Currently, he is collaborating in a research project of Open services integration for distributed, reusable and secure remote and virtual laboratories (s-Labs).
Industrial Engineering degree from the Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED). Assistant teacher in Wind Energy Expert Course (Continuing Education, UNED). Managing AVIP advanced videorooms (UNED) from 2010 to 2012. Tutor and Intercampus Tutor of several Department subjects in last years.
PERFORMANCE-CENTERED ADAPTIVE CURRICULUM FOR EMPLOYMENT NEEDS In the present knowledge economy the ability to learn in a way that producesknowledge and practical insights is vital. The technology evolution has also radicallychanged today’s educational and labor market. The Small and Medium-sizedEnterprises (SMEs) across the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) andTelecommunication Industries in Europe face growing shortages of highly skilledworkers in multiple areas of engineering and information technology who have theknowledge to take full advantage of what continually evolving technology has to offerand thus to ensure that their companies will stay competitive on the market. For thisreason, Plovdiv University (Bulgaria) and the Spanish University for DistanceEducation UNED, along with several enterprises are working in the PAC project, whichhas been funded with support from the European Commission. The aim of the project is to develop adaptive to business and employment needscurriculum on master degree level, applying performance support systems concept andprinciples for education in performance-centered content management learning system.Therefore the project participants are developing complete programs on master degreelevel responding to the today needs of higher education graduates, since there is a needof new skills requirements of many jobs not only in terms of formal qualifications, butalso in terms of detailed skills and competences. Identification of new demands forqualifications and qualifications profile development input the business andemployment into curriculum development and course design, to answer to the need ofpractically oriented/occupationally specific and designed for participants to acquire thepractical skills, and know-how needed for employment in a particular occupationprograms, which usually provides the participants with a labor-market relevantqualification. The PAC workflow model is based on recent research on design anddevelopment of performance support learning and is in line with the Rational-Linearapproach. The model consists of several stepwise building blocks: Reference situation. The content of the curriculum is determined by the referent situation, that is, the (work) situation in which students who are enrolled in the curriculum will apply their knowledge, skills, and attitudes after graduation. It is necessary to determine the most important situations students will later encounter in their profession for which they should be trained during education, as well as the competences that are needed to act successfully in these situations. Learning objectives. Objectives are short but clear statements about the specific outcomes that are expected from students and specify the behavior that will serve as evidence that the learning goal has been achieved. Performance support instructional strategy. It describes how students can be supported in developing their skills, knowledge and attitude by instructional design. Performance assessment. In order to evaluate whether students have developed their competences to a sufficient level, an authentic assessment has to be carried out. The summative evaluation of students’ competences refers to formal testing of what has been learned in order to formulate a grade or mark. This paper describes the step which have been developed and the used tools andpractices.
Pérez-Molina, C., & Gomez, M. J. A., & Gil, R., & DIAZ ORUETA, G., & Sancristobal, E., & Martin, S., & Tawfik, M., & Castro, M., & Pesquera, A., & García Loro, F. (2013, June), PERFORMANCE-CENTERED ADAPTIVE CURRICULUM FOR EMPLOYMENT NEEDS Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22347
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