Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
Computers in Education
23.970.1 - 23.970.11
Shelly Clark is a graduate student at IUPUI Indianapolis pursuing a masters of Technology through the Purdue School of Engineering & Technology. Currently she works as a graduate assistant for both the Purdue-West Lafayette Technical Assistance Program and the IUPUI-Indianapolis Computer & Information Technology Department Living Lab program.
Dr. Eugenia Fernandez is an associate professor of computer and information technology and chair of the Department of Computer, Information, and Graphics Technology in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis. She is a fellow of the Mack Center at Indiana University for Inquiry on Teaching and Learning and an editor of the Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Her research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning related to learning with technology.
Podcast Usage in Higher Education: What is its Effect on Student Reading?Advances in technology make multiple tools available to educators and students in thehigher education learning environment. Podcasting, or downloadable mobile audiomaterial, when made available in a college course, is usually designed as a complementto course readings. This study is intended to compare course-related podcast usage tocourse-related reading on the part of students. Our question is: Does the use ofpodcasting by a student in a course have any impact on that student’s reading of coursematerial?Approximately 195 students from 4 graduate and 8 undergraduate courses participated inthis quasi-experimental study. Of these 12 courses, five were web-based or hybrid informat. Students were selected from the courses taught by faculty members from afaculty Community of Practice on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning onInstructional Technology Impact - a convenience sample.Course-centered podcasts less than 10 minutes in length were made available to thestudents via the online course management system. Each podcast was part of the regularcourse assignments and was designed to enhance the content already in class readingsand modules. In each course involved in the study, one section of the course served asthe control receiving course reading materials only; the other section received thetreatment of podcast supplemental material in addition to the course reading material. Atthe end of the three month pilot, students from the control groups and treatment groupswere surveyed. Students receiving the podcast treatment were surveyed on usage of bothcourse-related podcast and course-related reading. Control group students were surveyedon their usage of course-related reading.Outcomes will be presented in chart and graph forms utilizing de-identified tabulatedsurvey data from both the control and treatment groups. Treatment group survey resultsof podcast usage and course reading will be analyzed in comparison to the control groupsurvey results of course reading.
Clark, M. A., & Fernandez, E. (2013, June), Podcast Usage in Higher Education: What is its Effect on Student Reading? Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22355
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