Atlanta, Georgia
June 23, 2013
June 23, 2013
June 26, 2013
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
23.988.1 - 23.988.11
Dr. Jeremy V. Ernst is an assistant professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Virginia Tech. He currently teaches graduate courses in STEM education foundations and contemporary issues in Integrative STEM Education. Dr. Ernst specializes in research focused on dynamic intervention means for STEM education students categorized as at-risk of dropping out of school. He also has curriculum research and development experiences in technology, engineering, and design education.
Dr. Aaron C. Clark is a professor of technology, design, and engineering education and director of Graduate Programs and Associate Department Chair at North Carolina State University. Clark has worked in both industry and education, including college administration at various levels. His teaching specialties are in visual theory, 3-D modeling, technical animation, and STEM-based pedagogy. Research areas include graphics education, game art and design, and scientific/technical visualization.
Dr. DeLuca has taught middle school, high school, undergraduate and graduate level technology education in his 27 years as a teacher and researcher. He has extensive research and curriculum development experience in STEM disciplines. His research includes the study of thinking processes, teaching methods, and activities that improve technological problem-solving performance and creativity. He has expertise in developing technology education curriculum that integrates science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts. Currently, Dr. DeLuca's research includes projects to develop curricula to teach STEM concepts associated with renewable energy technologies by providing a living laboratory of performance data from numerous renewable energy systems. The overarching goal of the project is to develop middle school, high school and undergraduate students’ higher-order thinking skills in the context of a data-rich learning environment. In addition, he is researching and developing professional development systems for technology and engineering education teachers.
Dr. Laura Bottomley received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1984 and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering in 1985 from Virginia Tech. She received her Ph D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University in 1992.
Dr. Bottomley worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories as a member of technical staff in Transmission Systems from 1985 to 1987, during which time she worked in ISDN standards, including representing Bell Labs on an ANSI standards committee for physical layer ISDN standards. She received an Exceptional Contribution Award for her work during this time.
After receiving her Ph D., Dr. Bottomley worked as a faculty member at Duke University and consulted with a number of companies, such as Lockheed Martin, IBM, and Ericsson. In 1997 she became a faculty member at NC State University and became the Director of Women in Engineering and K-12 Outreach. She has taught classes at the university from the freshman level to the graduate level, and outside the university from the kindergarten level to the high school level. She is currently teaching courses in engineering, electrical engineering and elementary education.
Dr. Bottomley has authored or co-authored more than 40 technical papers, including papers in such diverse journals as the IEEE Industry Applications Magazine and the Hungarian Journal of Telecommunications. She received the President's Award for Excellence in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Mentoring program award in 1999 and individual award in 2007. She was recognized by the IEEE with an EAB Meritorious Achievement Award in Informal Education in 2009 and by the YWCA with an appointment to the Academy of Women for Science and Technology in 2008. Her program received the WEPAN Outstanding Women in Engineering Program Award in 2009. In 2011 she was recognized as the Women of the Year by the Women’s Transportation Seminar in the Research Triangle and as the Tarheel of the Week. Her work was featured on the National Science Foundation Discoveries web site. She is a member of Sigma Xi, past chair of the K-12 and Precollege Division of the American Society of Engineering Educators and a Senior Member of the IEEE.
Professional Development System Design for Grades 6-12 Technology, Engineering, and Design EducatorsThe Transforming Teaching through Implementing Inquiry (T2I2) research and developmentproject, recently funded by the National Science Foundation, has developed a pilot version of itsinteractive, object-oriented, and networked cyber infrastructure for providing professionaldevelopment for in-service grades 6-12 technology, engineering and design educators. The T2I2system development has been guided using research-validated professional developmentpractices along with state-of-the-art course/content management and collaboration software toincrease engineering-design oriented instructional skills of teachers. T2I2 has completed theinitial development phase of the full scale research and development project resulting in aprofessional development cyber infrastructure for technology, engineering and design educators– a dynamic, interactive and collaborative online system for improving the quality of teaching inengineering and design education classrooms. Through the use of new techniques and protocols,such as Ajax, DHTM, CSS, XML and PHP, the T2I2 project team has constructed a system thatprovides: 1) the content knowledge needed to implement inquiry-based instruction, 2) dataanalysis tools to evaluate learning needs and monitor inquiry-based learning, and 3) runningaverages and variability so teachers can compare these measures against norms in order tomanage, monitor and adjust the learning environment, and conduct personal self-assessmenttechniques. The system has also been designed to archive and permit access to teacher user dataprofiles such as metric indicated teacher behavior, competency-based quiz outcomes, accessfrequency, time on task, and attempts of a unit. This information is analyzed and reported todocument competency attainment of the 16 in-service teachers and potential complications withthe teachers achieving concepts conveyed. These system development processes, systemfeatures, and user results associated with teacher progression are reported and incorporated toprovide for a data-informed architecture and professional development content examination.
Ernst, J. V., & Clark, A. C., & DeLuca, V. W., & Bottomley, L. (2013, June), Professional Development System Design for Grades 6-12 Technology, Engineering, and Design Educators Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22373
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