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Promoting Faculty Development With Asee/Nasa Fellowship Programs Parametric Study Of Laser Beam Cutting (Lbc) Processes A Case Study

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2004 Annual Conference


Salt Lake City, Utah

Publication Date

June 20, 2004

Start Date

June 20, 2004

End Date

June 23, 2004



Conference Session

Real-World Applications

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Page Numbers

9.1027.1 - 9.1027.9



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Gary Crossman

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Alok Verma

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1649 Session

Promoting Faculty Development with ASEE/NASA Fellowship Programs - Parametric Study of Laser Beam Cutting (LBC) Processes – A Case Study

Alok K. Verma, Gary R. Crossman Department of Engineering Technology Old Dominion University

Carl J. Voglewede, Thomas J. Burns Technology Development and Integration Branch NASA Langley Research Center


American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) offer a joint program for faculty and research development. This program known as ASEE/NASA Faculty Fellowship program offers opportunities for professional development for Engineering Technology faculty. This paper discusses one such experience involving applied research at NASA Langley Research Center, which resulted in professional development of the faculty member while enhancing the undergraduate curriculum in Engineering Technology.

I Introduction

Success in an Engineering Technology programs has been traditionally evaluated based upon three factors namely, Teaching, Research and Service. While the relative ranking of these factors is arguable 1,2, it is the research (and the associated requirement of publication), which causes great anxiety for faculty in ET programs. This is especially true, in view of increasing emphasis placed on the research and publication by the ET programs in the nation. A number of articles have been written on the opportunities available for faculty development 3,4,5,6. Most of these publications discuss the more common approaches for faculty development like participation in conferences, continuing education programs and internships in industry. This article discusses a faculty fellowship program, which faculty members in an undergraduate engineering technology program can use for professional growth.

The ten-week summer faculty fellowship program offered by ASEE and NASA provides an ideal setting for faculty development. These programs can also enhance learning experience of undergraduate students in the ET programs through direct involvement in applied research projects.

Proceedings of the 2004 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright 8 2004, American Society for Engineering Education

Crossman, G., & Verma, A. (2004, June), Promoting Faculty Development With Asee/Nasa Fellowship Programs Parametric Study Of Laser Beam Cutting (Lbc) Processes A Case Study Paper presented at 2004 Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. 10.18260/1-2--13071

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