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Raising the Level of Participation in Study Abroad by Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Students

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Student Development and Assessment in IE Programs

Tagged Divisions

Engineering Management, Systems Engineering, Engineering Economy, and Industrial Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

25.1095.1 - 25.1095.10



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Paper Authors


Kim LaScola Needy University of Arkansas

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Kim LaScola Needy is Department Chair and 21st Century Professor of industrial engineering at the University of Arkansas. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in industrial engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, and her Ph.D. in industrial engineering from Wichita State University. Prior to her academic appointment, she gained industrial experience while working at PPG Industries and the Boeing Company. Her first faculty appointment was at the University of Pittsburgh. Needy’s research interests include engineering management, engineering economic analysis, sustainable engineering, and integrated resource management. She is a member of ASEE, ASEM, APICS, IIE, and SWE. She is a licensed P.E. in Kansas.

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Edward A. Pohl University of Arkansas

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Edward A. Pohl is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas. Pohl spent 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, where he served in a variety of engineering, analysis, and academic positions during his career. He received a Ph.D. in system and industrial engineering from the University of Arizona in 1995, a M.S. in reliability engineering from the University of Arizona in 1993, a M.S. in system engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) in 1988, a M.S. in engineering management from the University of Dayton in 1988, and a B.S. in electrical engineering from Boston University in 1984. His primary research interests are in supply chain risk analysis, decision making, engineering optimization, quality, and reliability.

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Eric Specking University of Arkansas Orcid 16x16

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Eric Specking serves as the Associate Director of Recruitment for the College of Engineering at the University of Arkansas. He directs the engineering recruitment office and most of the College of Engineering's K-12 outreach programs.

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Raising the Level of Participation in Study Abroad by Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Students Kim LaScola Needy – University of Arkansas Ed Pohl – University of Arkansas Eric Specking – University of Arkansas AbstractIn 2003, the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas established a globalstudies endowment to provide financial support for activities designed to enhance the understanding ofthe global economy, global business practices and global cultures by their students. A primary use ofthese funds is to provide supplemental support in the form of academic scholarships to defray theexpenses of Industrial Engineering undergraduate students who wish to study abroad. The departmentwishes for as many students as possible to participate in a study abroad experience, and in its five-yearstrategic plan, calls for a goal of at least 25% of our students to graduate with a global studiesexperience. Many students report to us that studying abroad is unobtainable due to a shortage infinances. In order to verify this report and to determine if there are other factors deterring morestudents from studying abroad, an online survey was administered to the undergraduate IndustrialEngineering students to learn more about their interests in study abroad. The analysis of survey dataexamines where students would like to study abroad; the type of study abroad experience that theywould like to participate in (summer, semester or year-long); the reasons why students do not studyabroad ( financial, class selection, time, and/or other reasons); what percent of the cost associated withstudy abroad the students need to have covered in order to be able to afford to study abroad; and ifthere are differences in study abroad interest across gender or class (sophomore, junior, or senior).Detailed results from this survey are presented, but in summary, confirms that a shortage of finances isa primary factor prohibiting more Industrial Engineering students from studying abroad. Strategies willbe discussed as to what measures are being taken to remove this barrier such that we are able to raisethe level of participation in study abroad by our students.

Needy, K. L., & Pohl, E. A., & Specking, E. (2012, June), Raising the Level of Participation in Study Abroad by Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Students Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21852

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