Seattle, Washington
June 13, 2015
June 13, 2015
June 13, 2015
18.24.1 - 18.24.8
James Holly, Jr. is a Ph.D. Student in Engineering Education at Purdue University. He received a B.S. from Tuskegee University and a M.S. from Michigan State University, both in Mechanical Engineering. His research interest is exploring formal and informal K-12 engineering education learning contexts. Specifically, he is interested in how the engineering design process can be used to emphasize the humanistic side of engineering and investigating how engineering habits of mind can enhance pre-college students’ learning abilities.
Aran Glancy is a Ph.D candidate in STEM education with an emphasis in Mathematics Education at the University of Minnesota. He has experience teaching both high school physics and mathematics, and his research focuses on supporting mathematics learning, specifically in the domains of data analysis and measurement, through STEM integration and engineering. He is also interested in mathematical modeling.
Tamara J. Moore, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education and Director of STEM Integration in the INSPIRE Institute at Purdue University. Dr. Moore’s research is centered on the integration of STEM concepts in K-12 and postsecondary classrooms in order to help students make connections among the STEM disciplines and achieve deep understanding. Her work focuses on defining STEM integration and investigating its power for student learning. Tamara Moore received an NSF Early CAREER award in 2010 and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2012.
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease complete this form, save it as a PDF file only and upload it through the ASEE PaperManagement system as shown in the K12 Workshop Presenter’s Kit.All notifications will be by email from the ASEE Paper Management system.NOTE: To ensure that emails are not obstructed by spam blockers, please make sure to WHITELIST theemail addresses: and and questions to Stephanie Harrington-Hurd, ASEE K-12 Activities Manager, at Additional workshop details are available at: you! Deadline Friday, January 23, 2015 by 5:00PM EST Presenters will be notified of acceptance status by March 14. Late submissions will not be accepted. Advanced Workshop Registration will open December 6, 2013. SUBMISSION INFORMATIONProvide the first and last name of each presenter, including affiliations. If there is more than onepresenter, designate one person as the organizer and provide only that person’s contactinformation. The organizer is responsible for communicating to co-presenters.Number of Presenters: 3Presenter Name(s):1) Last Holly, Jr. First James Affiliation Purdue University2) Last Glancy First Aran W. Affiliation University of Minnesota3) Last Moore First Tamara J. Affiliation Purdue UniversityContact Person’s Name: James Holly, JrContact Person’s Email: jhollyjr@purdue.eduContact Person’s Phone: 313-461-5663Contact Person’s Alternate Phone: 651-263-84332015-ASEE-K12Workshop-Proposal-RehashYour Trash Page 1 of 7 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease provide a one-paragraph bio for each presenter (in the order listed above). The bio shouldnot exceed 70 words and should be written as you would want it to appear on the ASEE websiteand program materials.1) James Holly, Jr. is a Ph.D. Student in Engineering Education at Purdue University. Hereceived a B.S. from Tuskegee University and a M.S. from Michigan State University, both inMechanical Engineering. His research interest is exploring formal and informal K-12engineering education learning contexts. Specifically, he is interested in how the engineeringdesign process can be used to emphasize the humanistic side of engineering and investigatinghow engineering habits of mind can enhance pre-college students’ learning abilities.2) Aran W. Glancy is a Ph.D. candidate in STEM education with an emphasis in mathematicseducation at the University of Minnesota. He is a former high school physics and mathematicsteacher and has also taught courses in mathematics for computer science. Aran’s researchinterests include STEM integration at the middle and high school level, K-12 engineeringeducation, computational thinking.3) Tamara J. Moore, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Engineering Education within INSPIREat Purdue University. Her research is centered on the integration of STEM concepts in K-12classrooms in order to help students make connections among the STEM disciplines and achievedeep understanding. Her work focuses on defining STEM integration and investigating its powerfor student learning. She is PI on two K-8 STEM integration focused NSF-funded projects. WORKSHOP INFORMATIONProposed Title:Rehash Your Trash: An EngrTEAMS STEM Integration Recycling Curricular ModuleAbstract: Please provide a concise description that includes the workshop’s learning objectives(maximum 750 characters). The abstract is used on the ASEE website, program materials, andotherK-12 Workshop promotional activities.EngrTEAMS is a curricular project that strives to increase student learning of science andmathematics (data analysis and measurement), by using an engineering design-based approachfor integrated STEM instruction. One example module is entitled “Rehash Your Trash,” usingthe context of waste management and recycling to engage students in learning math and scienceconcepts. An engineering design challenge is presented to students asking them to design anautomated sorting process for a recycling company. This workshop will provide participants with2015-ASEE-K12Workshop-Proposal-RehashYour Trash Page 2 of 7 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAan in depth, hands-on introduction to this unit, and provide access to 20+ curricular units forgrades 4-8.Workshop Description. Please provide a detailed description of the proposed workshop that, atminimum, explicitly addresses the following (maximum 4,000 characters): a. Learning objectives b. Hands-on activities and interactive exercises c. Materials that participants can take with them d. Practical application for teachers and outreach staff EngrTEAMS is a NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership involving partners fromhigher education and K-12 schools. The overarching goal of EngrTEAMS is to increase learningof science and mathematics (data analysis and measurement), by using an engineering design-based approach to professional development and curricular design. This workshop will provideteachers with the opportunity to experience a model of STEM integration that an engineeringdesign challenge to facilitate an integrated approach that emphasizes the connections betweendisciplines. The focus on engineering design and engineering thinking allows for a context inwhich students can explore the interdisciplinary nature of learning science and mathematicsthrough engineering and within a real-world context. Through this workshop, we anticipate thatteachers will gain a better understanding of STEM integration and making meaningfulconnections between STEM fields while setting the learning in a real-world context. Teacherswill also learn about implementation strategies and some of the frameworks we used to help ourteachers develop these curricular modules. In this workshop, we will present a unit on recycling called Rehash Your Trash. In thisunit, students are faced with an engineering design challenge in which they must develop anautomated sorting process for a recycling company that is transitioning from manual sort tosingle-stream, automated sorting. To develop the tools necessary for this challenge, studentsmust learn about intrinsic and extrinsic physical properties as well as chemical properties.Specifically, students learn how density can be used to separate different types of materials, andwhile investigating this concept, students collect and analyze real data and apply their knowledgeof proportional relationships. During this hands-on experiential session, participants will havethe opportunity to experience a model of STEM integration that uses the context of engineeringto facilitate an integrated approach that emphasizes the connections between disciplines. This hands-on session will highlight the middle school unit described above andparticipants will be engaged in the progression of activities with a focus on the meaningfulintegration of the science, math, and engineering lessons. Throughout the session there will be anongoing discussion of the focus on engineering that allows for a context in which students canexplore the interdisciplinary nature of learning science and mathematics through engineering andwithin a real-world context. Participants will also learn about implementation strategies, and be2015-ASEE-K12Workshop-Proposal-RehashYour Trash Page 3 of 7 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WApart of an interactive discussion about how these modules could be implemented in middleschool classrooms or methods courses. Through this session we anticipate that participants willgain a better understanding of STEM integration and making meaningful connections betweenSTEM fields while setting the learning in a real-world context. They will also be given access toa website where all 20+ units are available for free.2015-ASEE-K12Workshop-Proposal-RehashYour Trash Page 4 of 7 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAAuthentic Engineering Connection. Identify and describe how you will explicitly address theways in which your lesson or activity is representative of the processes, habits of mind andpractices used by engineers, or is demonstrative of work in specific engineering fields.i At leastone of those must be within the first four listed, below; i.e., do not only check “other”. Check allthat apply: Use of an engineering design process that has at least one iteration/improvement Attention to specific engineering habits of mind Attention to engineering practices (as described in the NGSS/Framework and as practiced by engineers) Attention to specific engineering careers or fields related to the lesson/activity Other (please describe below)Provide a description of how you will explicitly address these aspects of authentic engineering inyour workshop (maximum 2,000 characters): It is important that students’ exposure to engineering begins early and with that exposurestudents should be learning about engineers and engineering. This lessons provides students withopportunities to think and act in ways that are similar to engineers by involving them in anengineering design challenge. The engineering habits of mind listed below help to achieve thegoal of teaching students about engineering thinking skills and the NGSS standards areintegrated throughout the curriculum module that is being presented. Creativity is explicitly addressed throughout the module as students are asked tobrainstorm their own ideas and then come together to share ideas to come up with as many ideasas possible. In this workshop session, teachers will talk about how this module, and engineering,can be used as a space to facilitate students’ creativity in the middle school classroom. Systemsthinking is at the heart of this unit’s design, here students (and in this case, their teachers) will bedesigning a systematic process of how to recycle, rather than a physical product. Students willdevelop skills in considering the interactive relationships between the various aspects of asystem; as well as, the implications of modifications to the system. Collaboration is another important part of this module and teachers will be presented withhow cooperative learning components have been built into this unit to provide a structure thathighlights the idea that Engineering is a “team sport.” These skills and the structure used in thiscurriculum to foster collaboration will be explicitly discussed as participants are workingtogether throughout the engineering design challenge. Communication in engineering will bepresented in a developmentally appropriate manner through the importance of helping studentslearn to share and listen to ideas in a respectful way. Furthermore, the development ofcommunication skills is essential to effective collaboration and group planning.2015-ASEE-K12Workshop-Proposal-RehashYour Trash Page 5 of 7 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WA Finally, ethical considerations will be brought to the forefront through conversationsabout the trash in the ocean through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, biodegradability, and beingenvironmentally responsible.Diversity. This year is the American Society for Engineering Education’s “Year of Action onDiversity.” It is essential that we have a diverse engineering workforce to solve diverseproblems. To do that and to have an engineering-literate public, it is essential that we reach everypreK-12 student with high-quality engineering education, drawing on issues of access and equityin the classroom and in the curriculum. Reviewers would like to know how your proposedworkshop will address diversity.Provide a description of how you will explicitly address diversity – e.g., diversity with respect togender/sex, ethnicity or race, special education inclusion, socio-economic status, or LGBT status– in your workshop (maximum 2,000 characters): This workshop provides a context for diverse students by using a relevant topic,recycling, as the focus of the engineering design challenge. Waste management and recyclinghas implications for all humans and awareness of the consequences of mismanagement isbeneficial for students to learn at a young age. Additionally, students have the opportunity tocontribute their unique perspective in developing a solution for a universal problem.Are there any online components to the proposal or presentation? (Note that these onlinecomponents may only be available to presenters or those who have their wireless subscriptions,since wireless may not be available during the workshop sessions.) No Yes Please describe:Grade Level Target Audience (check all that apply): Primary (EC–2) Elementary (3–5) Middle School (6-8) High School (9-12)Maximum Number of Participants:252015-ASEE-K12Workshop-Proposal-RehashYour Trash Page 6 of 7 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WA If this number is greater than 25, please describe how your workshop will equally engage all participants.All Seating is Classroom (tables and chairs).Audio Visual Equipment Requests:Note: An LCD projector, screen and podium with attached microphone are provided. Requestsfor additional equipment or resources (e.g., internet connection or laptops) will incur extracharges. If you do not have additional requests, please indicate with “Not applicable.”Not Applicable Reminder:Presenters must register and pay the registration fee to support their workshop attendance and audio/video costs. Thank you for completing this proposal form! Please review this document prior to submitting it to ensure that all items are complete. ASEE USE ONLYDate Received:Received By:Proposal ID Number:2015-ASEE-K12Workshop-Proposal-RehashYour Trash Page 7 of 7
Holly , J., & Glancy, A. W., & Moore, T. J. (2015, June), Rehash Your Trash: An EngrTEAMS STEM Integration Recycling Curricular Module Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Workshop on K-12 Engineering Education, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/1-2--17112
ASEE holds the copyright on this document. It may be read by the public free of charge. Authors may archive their work on personal websites or in institutional repositories with the following citation: © 2015 American Society for Engineering Education. Other scholars may excerpt or quote from these materials with the same citation. When excerpting or quoting from Conference Proceedings, authors should, in addition to noting the ASEE copyright, list all the original authors and their institutions and name the host city of the conference. - Last updated April 1, 2015