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Reinforcing K-12 Math Education through Engineering Applications

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2015 ASEE Workshop on K-12 Engineering Education


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 13, 2015

Start Date

June 13, 2015

End Date

June 13, 2015

Page Count


Page Numbers

18.25.1 - 18.25.9



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Paper Authors


Cristian Gaedicke California State University, East Bay

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Dr. Cristian Gaedicke earned the Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2009 and is a licensed professional engineer (Civil). His research interests include connecting STEM education to engineering practice, sustainable construction materials, infrastructure, and construction engineering. Dr. Gaedicke has participated in engineering education projects sponsored by the NSF and Chevron and has served as co-PI on projects with MESA and Project Lead the Way.

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Saeid Motavalli California State University, East Bay

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Dr. Saeid Motavalli completed the Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the University of
Pittsburgh. Dr. Motavalli has spent the past ten years as the founding Department Chair/Graduate
Coordinator of the Department of Engineering at California State University, East Bay. He has
authored or co-authored about fifty journal and conference proceeding publications and served as
PI or co-PI of several federal, state, and industry grants totaling more than $2

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WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease complete this form, save it as a PDF file only, and upload it through the ASEE PaperManagement System as shown in the K-12 Workshop Presenter’s Kit.All notifications will be by e-mail from the ASEE Paper Management System.NOTE: To ensure that e-mails are not obstructed by spam blockers, please make sure to WHITELIST thee-mail addresses,, and questions to Stephanie Harrington-Hurd, ASEE K-12 Activities Manager, at Additional workshop details are available at: you! Deadline Friday, January 23, 2015, by 5:00PM EST Presenters will be notified of acceptance status by March 14. Late submissions will not be accepted. Advanced Workshop Registration will open December 6, 2014. SUBMISSION INFORMATIONProvide the first and last name of each presenter, including affiliations. If there is more than onepresenter, designate one person as the organizer and provide only that person’s contactinformation. The organizer is responsible for communicating with co-presenters.Number of Presenters: 2Presenter Name(s):1) Last Gaedicke First Cristian Affiliation California State University, East Bay2) Last Motavalli First Saeid Affiliation California State University, East BayContact Person’s Name: Cristian GaedickeContact Person’s Email: cristian.gaedicke@csueastbay.eduContact Person’s Phone: 217-417-50392015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 1 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease provide a one-paragraph bio for each presenter (in the order listed above). The bio shouldnot exceed 70 words and should be written as you would want it to appear on the ASEE websiteand program materials.1) Dr. Cristian Gaedicke earned the Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign in 2009 and is a licensed professional engineer (Civil). His research interestsinclude connecting STEM education to engineering practice, sustainable construction materials,infrastructure, and construction engineering. Dr. Gaedicke has participated in engineeringeducation projects sponsored by the NSF and Chevron and has served as co-PI on projects withMESA and Project Lead the Way.2) Dr. Saeid Motavalli completed the Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the University ofPittsburgh. Dr. Motavalli has spent the past ten years as the founding Department Chair/GraduateCoordinator of the Department of Engineering at California State University, East Bay. He hasauthored or co-authored about fifty journal and conference proceeding publications and served asPI or co-PI of several federal, state, and industry grants totaling more than $2 million. WORKSHOP INFORMATIONProposed Title:Reinforcing K-12 Math Education through Engineering ApplicationsAbstract: Please provide a concise description that includes the workshop’s learning objectives(maximum 750 characters). The abstract is used on the ASEE website, program materials, andotherK-12 Workshop promotional activities.This session will present three engineering case studies that use math and science conceptsapplied to civil, electrical, and industrial engineering designs. Teaching math as an abstractsubject has been the main turn-off for students in K-12, as they do not fully realize why they arelearning math equations and relationships. The learning objective of this session is to presentpractical cases that enhance students' learning of algebra concepts through practical applicationsin engineering. Projects comprise a combination of design theory and hands-on implementation.Workshop Description. Please provide a detailed description of the proposed workshop that, atminimum, explicitly addresses the following (maximum 4,000 characters): a. Learning objectives b. Hands-on activities and interactive exercises c. Materials that participants can take with them d. Practical application for teachers and outreach staff2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 2 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAThe objective of the proposed workshop is to facilitate the teaching of math concepts throughengineering applications. Teachers will use case studies that describe how an algebra concept isapplied to electrical, civil, and industrial engineering. Each case study will include a hands-onactivity, which will promote student engagement and active learning of the math concept throughengineering experimentation.The following case studies and activities are proposed:a) Electrical EngineeringStudents will use fractions and rational expressions to calculate electric circuits’ resistance andpower consumption and will build series and parallel electrical circuits. The lesson will askstudents to imagine that they are an electrical engineer in charge of designing the lighting for theSan Francisco Christmas tree at Union Square.The lesson will include an introduction to parallel and series circuits, where fractions will beused to calculate the overall resistance of the system.Hands-on-ActivityStudents will then create a series and parallel circuit using LEDs, batteries, and a bread-board.b) Civil EngineeringStudents will use equations to calculate the moment on a cantilever bridge and will design abridge using straws and tape. Students will learn about different types of bridges and willexperience some of the challenges that civil and structural engineers face when designing andbuilding a bridge. The description of the hands-on activity is included below:Hands-on ActivityIn this activity you will explore how to design a cantilever bridge using straws and experiencehow the weight of construction equipment during construction can be a factor in bridge design.You will need: • Straws • Tape • Scissors • Rocks • A cup • A ruler2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 3 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAYou will:Using the straws, scissors, and tape, build a cantilever bridge off the edge of your desk. Recallthat a cantilever bridge “hangs” off one fixed support. Now place the cup at the edge of thebridge and measure with the ruler how much the bridge deflects downward from the horizontal.Repeat the measurements as you add one rock at a time to the cup until the bridge fails. Explainwhat you think went wrong.c) Industrial EngineeringStudents will analyze linear graphs and write linear equations to predict the time that isnecessary to improve the design of a paper aircraft as they repeat the process. Students will learnabout the principles of time studies, learning curves, and work measurement and apply it to ahands-on activity in which they will need to make paper airplanes. Each student will be timed onhow long it takes to build a paper airplane in repeated trails. Then, students will plot theirlearning curves (task time vs. trials graph) and qualitative and quantitatively analyze them.Students will primarily use their knowledge of linear functions and average rate of change toquantitatively analyze their results. Students will figure out if the time to build a paper airplanedecreases as the number of trials increases.The hands-on activity will comprise groups of 2-3 students that will complete the followingsteps: 1. Review the assembly rules. Each team member will complete 10 trials. Note that the number of trials can be changed to a minimum of 7 trials. 2. Record the team’s results. 3. Plot the task times. 4. Analyze the graph. Here, students’ graphs should most likely be decreasing. 5. Discuss. Students will reflect on their results and brainstorm on how to improve the paper-folding task to be more efficient.2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 4 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAThe materials for each team are: • 50 sheets of 8.5” x 11” paper • An electronic stopwatch • The instructions may be downloaded from o Students can decide which design to use depending on how much time they have for the activity and how many students are participating. The “Arrow,” “Delta,” and “Condor” designs are suggested. o Students should only print the instructions, not the templates. o Students may use another airplane design from another source if they wish as long as everyone in the class uses the same design. • Suggested materials: pencils, tape, scissors, and rulers.Participants will be allowed to take the devices that they create (circuits, straw bridge, andplanes) during the workshop with them. This will facilitate the implementation of these activitieswith students in their school district.2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 5 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAAuthentic Engineering Connection. Identify and describe how you will explicitly address theways in which your lesson or activity is representative of the processes, habits of mind andpractices used by engineers, or is demonstrative of work in specific engineering fields.i At leastone of those must be within the first four listed, below; i.e., do not only check “other”. Check allthat apply: Use of an engineering design process that has at least one iteration/improvement Attention to specific engineering habits of mind Attention to engineering practices (as described in the NGSS/Framework and as practiced by engineers) Attention to specific engineering careers or fields related to the lesson/activity Other (please describe below)Provide a description of how you will explicitly address these aspects of authentic engineering inyour workshop (maximum 2,000 characters):All proposed case studies in the workshop use experimentation and the engineering designprocess to develop a product. In particular, the industrial engineering case study fully focuses onthe improvement of an engineering design (e.g., paper airplane) and measurement of the learningcurve.The case studies place special emphasis on engineering habits of mind such as creativity (createdifferent devices), collaboration (work in teams), and communication (present findings to theclass). The ethical implications of engineering decisions are discussed when testing the straw andtape bridges.The proposed workshop explicitly includes cases of three different engineering disciplines tofacilitate discussion about the different career paths that engineering can offer.Diversity. This year is the American Society for Engineering Education’s “Year of Action onDiversity.” It is essential that we have a diverse engineering workforce to solve diverseproblems. To that end, and to have an engineering-literate public, it is essential that we reachevery preK-12 student with high-quality engineering education, drawing on issues of access andequity in the classroom and in the curriculum. Reviewers would like to know how your proposedworkshop will address diversity.Provide a description of how you will explicitly address diversity – e.g., diversity with respect togender/sex, ethnicity or race, special education inclusion, socio-economic status, or LGBT status– in your workshop (maximum 2,000 characters):2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 6 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAThe proposed curriculum originated as part of a project for the Math, Engineering, and ScienceAchievement Program (MESA). MESA targets school districts that have predominantly studentsof minority and economically disadvantaged groups.The case studies will emphasize the importance of diversity and how the engineering offers greatopportunities for a diverse population. We will discuss engineering work, which typicallyinvolves teams of engineers from diverse backgrounds and countries working on a productdesign. We will place special emphasis on the contributions of women and engineers fromunderrepresented groups to the engineering profession. We will also discuss the fact that inengineering diversity is a plus.Are there any online components to the proposal or presentation? (Note that these onlinecomponents may only be available to presenters or those who have their wireless subscriptions,since wireless may not be available during the workshop sessions.) No Yes Please describe:Grade Level Target Audience (check all that apply): Primary (EC–2) Elementary (3–5) Middle School (6-8) High School (9-12)Maximum Number of Participants:24 If this number is greater than 25, please describe how your workshop will equally engage all participants.All Seating is Classroom (tables and chairs).Audio Visual Equipment Requests:2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 7 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WANote: An LCD projector, screen and podium with attached microphone are provided. Requestsfor additional equipment or resources (e.g., internet connection or laptops) will incur extracharges. If you do not have additional requests, please indicate with “Not applicable.” Not applicable Reminder:Presenters must register and pay the registration fee to support their workshop attendance and audio/video costs. Thank you for completing this proposal form! Please review this document prior to submitting it to ensure that all items are complete. ASEE USE ONLYDate Received:Received By:Proposal ID Number:2015-ASEE-K12-Proposal-Form_v04 jh edits 12.13.14 Page 8 of 8

Gaedicke, C., & Motavalli, S. (2015, June), Reinforcing K-12 Math Education through Engineering Applications Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Workshop on K-12 Engineering Education, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/1-2--17106

ASEE holds the copyright on this document. It may be read by the public free of charge. Authors may archive their work on personal websites or in institutional repositories with the following citation: © 2015 American Society for Engineering Education. Other scholars may excerpt or quote from these materials with the same citation. When excerpting or quoting from Conference Proceedings, authors should, in addition to noting the ASEE copyright, list all the original authors and their institutions and name the host city of the conference. - Last updated April 1, 2015