Seattle, Washington
June 13, 2015
June 13, 2015
June 13, 2015
18.26.1 - 18.26.9
Jessica S Ward has over 9 years of Engineering Education experience and is currently the Director of Operations for the DragonsTeach program supported by the National Math and Science Initiative and UTeach Institute and serves as the National Science Foundation STEM GK-12 Program Manager at Drexel University.
WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease complete this form, save it as a PDF file only and upload it through the ASEE PaperManagement system as shown in the K12 Workshop Presenter’s Kit.All notifications will be by email from the ASEE Paper Management system.NOTE: To ensure that emails are not obstructed by spam blockers, please make sure to WHITELIST theemail addresses: and and questions to Stephanie Harrington-Hurd, ASEE K-12 Activities Manager, at Additional workshop details are available at: you! Deadline Friday, January 23, 2015 by 5:00PM EST Presenters will be notified of acceptance status by March 14. Late submissions will not be accepted. Advanced Workshop Registration will open December 6, 2013. SUBMISSION INFORMATIONProvide the first and last name of each presenter, including affiliations. If there is more than onepresenter, designate one person as the organizer and provide only that person’s contactinformation. The organizer is responsible for communicating to co-presenters.Number of Presenters: 4Presenter Name(s):1) Last Fontecchio First Adam Affiliation NSF Drexel STEM GK-12 Director2) Last Ward First Jessica Affiliation NSF Drexel STEM GK-12 Program Manager3) Last Burks First Gabriel Affiliation NSF Drexel STEM GK-12 Graduate Fellow4) Last Shultz First Bob Affiliation Drexel STEM GK-12 Graduate FellowContact Person’s Name: Jessica WardContact Person’s Email: jward@drexel.eduContact Person’s Phone: 215-895-6918Contact Person’s Alternate Phone: 815-383-81472015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 1 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAPlease provide a one-paragraph bio for each presenter (in the order listed above). The bio shouldnot exceed 70 words and should be written as you would want it to appear on the ASEE websiteand program materials.1) Adam Fontecchio is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and the Associate Dean ofAcademic Affairs in the College of Engineering (CoE) at Drexel. He has served as PI or Co-PIon >$10M in sponsored research funding, and authored >80 peer-reviewed papers.2) Jessica S Ward has over 9 years of Engineering Education experience and is currently theDirector of Operations for the DragonsTeach program supported by the National Math andScience Initiative and UTeach Institute and serves as the National Science Foundation STEMGK-12 Program Manager at Drexel University.3) Gabriel Burks is a 3rd year PhD student at Drexel University studying Materials Science &Engineering, specializing in Polymer Nanocomposites. He received his bachelors degree inPhysics from Grambling State University. He is a very active participant and leader in outreachactivities within his college.4) Bob Shultz is a 3rd year PhD student at Drexel University studying Tissue Engineering in theSchool of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems. Bob currently conductsresearch in the field of spinal cord injury, and works with 10th grade biochemistry students tointroduce engineering principles and applications of their coursework material. WORKSHOP INFORMATIONProposed Title:Reinforcing Learning Concepts via Engineering Lesson PlanningAbstract: Please provide a concise description that includes the workshop’s learning objectives(maximum 750 characters). The abstract is used on the ASEE website, program materials, andotherK-12 Workshop promotional activities.This workshop is intended for university faculty and staff or K-12 educators that are interested inSTEM K-12 programs. Workshop attendees will become familiar with the NAE GrandChallenges, how to connect the NAE Grand Challenges with elements of high school science2015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 2 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAcurriculum, and how to develop corresponding activities that are cost effective and usable in theclassroom. They will also take away experience with alternative assessment techniques,including the application of scientific principles in an engineering design challenge setting, aswell as the process of reviewing learned material to construct new lesson plans.Workshop Description. Please provide a detailed description of the proposed workshop that, atminimum, explicitly addresses the following (maximum 4,000 characters): a. Learning objectives b. Hands-on activities and interactive exercises c. Materials that participants can take with them d. Practical application for teachers and outreach staffa. Participants will explore the field of statics in a hands-on setting, apply statics principles todesign a structure capable of bearing maximal loads, and finally reflect on newly gainedknowledge to design a lesson plan aimed at teaching statics principles to younger students.b. This workshop will include 3 phases: learn, build, and review. Learn (30 min): Working in groups of 2-3, participants will be given time to build two separate structures from 8.5 x 11 paper and scotch tape, according to clear instructions. After building each type of structure, participants will weight-test each structure and record the maximum load prior to mechanical failure. Participants will then regroup and participate in a class discussion outlining underlying statics principles that explain why one design performs better than the other under mechanical loading. Build (30 min): Using the provided materials, participants work in the same groups to build a structure that stands at least 1.5 inches off the table and can hold the most amount of weight. Provided materials include one piece of 8.5 x 11 computer paper, 2 feet of string, and 1 foot of scotch tape. The build process will include a 10-minute planning time, during which groups are encouraged to sketch their designs, and conduct small-scale tests on design components. After deciding on a structure, participants will be given 20 minutes to build their design. Finally, all designs will be tested, and a winner of the design challenge determined. In addition to providing participants with an opportunity to apply their newly gained knowledge of statistics, the “build” phase of this project gives participants experience with the general engineering design process, including iterations of prior designs, adhering to design criteria, and operating within externally determined design constraints. Review (15 min):2015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 3 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WA Working in the same groups, participants will create a new lesson aimed at teaching younger students one statics principle addressed previously in the workshop. A lesson template will be provided, and participants will be clear and concise in filling out each section of the template. The ultimate deliverable of this phase is a participant-composed lesson plan that can be provided, along with appropriate materials, to a high school or middle-school teacher for immediate use his or her classroom.c. All participant-composed lesson plans will be made available to all participants upon close ofthe workshop.d. This activity serves to (1) introduce an engineering topic, (2) allow participants to practiceand apply the taught content within the context of a traditional engineering design challenge, and(3) require participants to review the content and consider how they might teach this content tosomeone else. This learn/build/review model is an excellent tool for reinforcing student learningand can be applied by teachers and outreach staff is their further educational endeavors.2015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 4 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAAuthentic Engineering Connection. Identify and describe how you will explicitly address theways in which your lesson or activity is representative of the processes, habits of mind andpractices used by engineers, or is demonstrative of work in specific engineering fields.i At leastone of those must be within the first four listed, below; i.e., do not only check “other”. Check allthat apply: Use of an engineering design process that has at least one iteration/improvement Attention to specific engineering habits of mind Attention to engineering practices (as described in the NGSS/Framework and as practiced by engineers) X Attention to specific engineering careers or fields related to the lesson/activity Other (please describe below)Provide a description of how you will explicitly address these aspects of authentic engineering inyour workshop (maximum 2,000 characters):Many of these aspects of authentic engineering are directly addressed during the “build” phase ofthe workshop. Applying knowledge to construct a paper structure capable of carrying the highestload requires the use of engineering design processes with at least one iteration/improvement.When planning their design, participants are expected to conduct small tests of designcomponents and tailor their final design accordingly. Similarly, specific engineering habits ofmind are addressed in this section of the workshop: designs must follow pre-determined criteriaand fit within specific constraints, such as limited building supplies. Identifying and operatingwithin such criteria and constraints is an integral component of the engineering design process.Throughout the workshop, the participants will naturally experience and practice all eight of thescience and engineering practices as the NGSS Framework lays them out. Participation in thedesign challenge requires a clear definition of the problem and construction and testing ofmodels of the final design. Evidence-based argument and mathematical thinking are requiredduring this stage as well. Finally, participants will construct and test the planned design,providing an opportunity for data collection. During the testing portion, comparisons will bemade between different groups’ designs and their performance under loading, based on thecollected data. Finally, the final write-up activity provides participants with an opportunity toexercise evaluation and communication skills.Lastly, this workshop provides an excellent framework for discussing careers within the fields ofcivil and mechanical engineering. Follow-up activities could include a discussion or descriptionof load analyses of bridges, building structures, automotive components, and aviationcomponents, among others.2015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 5 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WADiversity. This year is the American Society for Engineering Education’s “Year of Action onDiversity.” It is essential that we have a diverse engineering workforce to solve diverseproblems. To do that and to have an engineering-literate public, it is essential that we reach everypreK-12 student with high-quality engineering education, drawing on issues of access and equityin the classroom and in the curriculum. Reviewers would like to know how your proposedworkshop will address diversity.Provide a description of how you will explicitly address diversity – e.g., diversity with respect togender/sex, ethnicity or race, special education inclusion, socio-economic status, or LGBT status– in your workshop (maximum 2,000 characters):Our workshop is a direct representation of diversity in engineering, and we believe that extendedencouragement along with the sharing of our past experiences will further reinforce thatengineering and science is a human problem and not a privilege directed at any specific race,gender, social, or economic status. We understand and practice that tough problems requirediverse perspectives and that everyone's opinions must be respected and heard in order forprogress to occur.Group activities such as this workshop require cooperation between individuals of diverse andvarying backgrounds—emphasis will be placed on the importance of listening to and discussingevery group members’ suggestions and input.Finally, hands-on activities of this nature present the instructor with ample opportunities toencourage all participants, including those traditionally under-represented in engineeringdisciplines and those who may feel as though they do not belong in engineering fields. Wepersonally have watched shy or uneasy participants initially express discomfort with engineeringdisciplines, only to grow confidence as they successfully build the first structures in the “learn”phase and progress to produce thoughtful and meaningful designs in the “build” phase of theproject.Are there any online components to the proposal or presentation? (Note that these onlinecomponents may only be available to presenters or those who have their wireless subscriptions,since wireless may not be available during the workshop sessions.) X No Yes Please describe:Grade Level Target Audience (check all that apply):2015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 6 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WA Primary (EC–2) Elementary (3–5)X Middle School (6-8)X High School (9-12)Maximum Number of Participants:N/A If this number is greater than 25, please describe how your workshop will equally engage all participants. Because students work in groups to complete this workshop, there is no limit on how many participants can be involved. If there are more students, simply form more groups. Cost of materials also is not prohibitive to large numbers of groups.All Seating is Classroom (tables and chairs).Audio Visual Equipment Requests:Note: An LCD projector, screen and podium with attached microphone are provided. Requestsfor additional equipment or resources (e.g., internet connection or laptops) will incur extracharges. If you do not have additional requests, please indicate with “Not applicable.”Not applicable Reminder:Presenters must register and pay the registration fee to support their workshop attendance and audio/video costs. Thank you for completing this proposal form! Please review this document prior to submitting it to ensure that all items are complete. ASEE USE ONLYDate Received:Received By:2015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 7 of 8 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL FORM 2015 Annual ASEE K-12 Workshop on Engineering Education “Authentic Engineering: Representing & Emphasizing the E in STEM” Presented by Dassault Systems Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Sheraton Seattle | Seattle | WAProposal ID Number:2015-ASEE-K-12-Proposal-Form_DrexelGK12.docxPage 8 of 8
Ward, J. S., & Fontecchio, A. K., & Shultz, R., & Burks, G. (2015, June), Reinforcing Learning Concepts via Engineering Lesson Planning Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Workshop on K-12 Engineering Education, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/1-2--17116
ASEE holds the copyright on this document. It may be read by the public free of charge. Authors may archive their work on personal websites or in institutional repositories with the following citation: © 2015 American Society for Engineering Education. Other scholars may excerpt or quote from these materials with the same citation. When excerpting or quoting from Conference Proceedings, authors should, in addition to noting the ASEE copyright, list all the original authors and their institutions and name the host city of the conference. - Last updated April 1, 2015