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Science and Engineering Active Learning (SEAL) System: A Novel Approach to Controls Laboratories

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2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


San Antonio, Texas

Publication Date

June 10, 2012

Start Date

June 10, 2012

End Date

June 13, 2012



Conference Session

Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning through Laboratory Experiences

Tagged Division

Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies

Page Count


Page Numbers

25.1143.1 - 25.1143.14



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Paper Authors


Per Henrik Borgstrom University of California, Los Angeles

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Per Henrik Borgstrom received the B.S. (2005), M.S. (2007), and Ph.D. (2009) degrees in electrical engineering from UCLA, where he received the prestigious Regent's Scholarship and Chancellor's Prize. His research interests include robotics, controls, and educational methods.

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William J. Kaiser University of California, Los Angeles

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William J. Kaiser received a Ph.D. in solid state physics from Wayne State University in 1984. From 1977 through 1986, as a member of Ford Motor Co. research staff, his development of automotive sensor and embedded system technology resulted in large volume commercial sensor production. At Ford, he also developed the first spectroscopies directed to microelectronics systems based on scanning tunneling microscopy. From 1986 through 1994, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, he initiated the NASA Microinstrument program for distributed sensing. In 1994, Kaiser joined the faculty of the UCLA Electrical Engineering Department. Along with Professor Pottie, he initiated the first wireless networked microsensor programs with a vision of linking the Internet to the physical world through distributed monitoring. This continued research includes the topics of low power embedded computing for wireless networked sensing, biomedical embedded computing, robotic sensor systems for environmental monitoring, and distributed sensing for energy and water resource management. Kaiser served as Electrical Engineering Department Chairman from 1996 through 2000. Kaiser has more than 220 publications and 34 patents. He has received the Peter Mark Award of the American Vacuum Society, the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement, the Arch Colwell Best Paper Award of the Society of Automotive Engineers, the Best Paper Award at BodyNets 2008, two R&D 100 Awards, the Allied Signal Faculty Research Award, the Brian P. Copenhaver Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology, and the UCLA Gold Shield Faculty Award.

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Gregory Chung University of California, Los Angeles

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Zachary Nelson National Instruments


Manda Paul University of California, Los Angeles

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Manda Paul received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from University of California, Los Angeles, in 2010. She is continuing on to her masters in the field of circuits and embedded systems for wireless health applications.

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Stoytcho Marinov Stoytchev


Jackson Tek Kon Ding Marvell Technology Group, Ltd.

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Jackson Tek Kon Ding graduated summa cum laude in 2011 from UCLA with a bachelor's of science degree in electrical engineering. He is currently an Analog Design Engineer at Marvell Technology Group, Ltd.

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Science and Engineering Active Learning System: A Novel Approach to Controls LaboratoriesLaboratory experience is critical in science and engineering curricula. Universities invest tremendous amounts offunding in establishing and maintaining traditional labs for physics, engineering, controls, and other fields. Alongwith high cost, there are other problems with this practice: First, experimental systems are often shared by largenumbers of students, imposing scheduling burdens on administrators and students. Second, students must performexperiments in laboratory settings, which can represent stressful learning environments. These issues are amplifiedin control courses, in which problem-based learning and experimental work are particularly critical. We describe anovel approach to controls laboratories, which is based around a low-cost, take-home experimental device. ThisScience and Engineering Active Learning (SEAL) System is a highly versatile, portable inverted pendulum platformthat is sufficiently inexpensive to provide to students individually or in small groups. The bill of materials is roughly$100, and the system fits inside a carrying case smaller than a shoebox. This is in stark contrast to traditionalinverted pendulum systems, which cost orders of magnitude more and require lengthy setup procedures.The objective of the SEAL system is to enable at-home end-to-end student design and implementation of a varietyof control systems. This includes assembly, implementation of electromechanical systems, sophisticated systemidentification, design and verification of control algorithms.The SEAL system, consisting primarily of LEGO parts, is provided in an unassembled state. Students are taskedwith assembling it and becoming familiar with its components, including a DC motor and an optical encoder.Electronic systems are also provided in an unassembled state, and students are assigned to implement these systemsusing provided components. This introduces students to critical motor control elements as well as other fundamentalcomponents.A curriculum based around the SEAL platform has also been generated. This consists of modules that includesystem identification, car position control, and inverted pendulum stabilization. The modules are designed to beindependent, enabling instructors to selectively assign projects according to their syllabus. An extensive suite ofsoftware components has been generated to support these modules.The SEAL system was adopted in the Winter 2011 Introduction to Feedback Control Course in the UCLA ElectricalEngineering Department. This course consisted of 140 students sharing 50 SEAL platforms in groups of 2-3students. Upon completion of the course, students were asked to rate their experiences using a 5-point Likert scaleon: learning (M=4.19, SD=0.67), development of design skills (M=4.01, SD=0.78), development of hands-on skillswith electronics (M=3.74, SD=0.94), engagement in course material (M=4.21, SD=0.69), increased effort (M=3.92,SD=0.68), and student interaction with instructors (M=4.24, SD=0.77) and other students (M=3.90, SD=0.84).These results suggest an overwhelmingly positive response. Further, students were allowed to provide write-incomments. These responses demonstrate significant advances in course objectives. One student wrote that he“would never have understood … PID” if he was “just taught the theory,” while another testified to the efficacy ofimplementing designs “on a real physical system” and seeing “the effects of adjustments.”

Borgstrom, P. H., & Kaiser, W. J., & Chung, G., & Nelson, Z., & Paul, M., & Stoytchev, S. M., & Ding, J. T. K. (2012, June), Science and Engineering Active Learning (SEAL) System: A Novel Approach to Controls Laboratories Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21900

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