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Science, Engineering, and Technology Innovation for Global Human Challenges

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2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


New Orleans, Louisiana

Publication Date

June 26, 2016

Start Date

June 26, 2016

End Date

June 29, 2016





Conference Session

Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 10

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Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation

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Melany M. Ciampi Safety, Health, and Environment Research Organization Orcid 16x16

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Dr. Melany M. Ciampi is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently is the President of World Council on System Engineering and Information Technology (WCSEIT), President of Safety Health and Environment Research Organization (SHERO), President of World Council on Communication and Arts (WCCA), Vice-President of Science and Education Research Council (COPEC), Vice-President of Fishing Museum Friends Society (AAMP) and Secretary of Education Society of the IEEE (IEEE-EdSoc). She is also Chair of Intersociety Cooperation Committee of Education Society of the IEEE (IEEE-EdSoc) since 2011, Co-Chair of Working Group "Ingenieurpädagogik im Internationalen Kontext" in IGIP (Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik) since 2002, Member of Strategic Planning Committee of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) since 2009 and Board Member of “Global Council on Manufacturing and Management" (GCMM) since 2004.

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Claudio da Rocha Brito Science and Education Research Council Orcid 16x16

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Dr. Claudio da Rocha Brito is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently is the President of Science and Education Research Council (COPEC), President Elect of IEEE Education Society (2015-2016), President of Fishing Museum Friends Society (AAMP), President of (Brazilian) National Monitoring Committee of "Internationale Gesellschaft für Ingenieurpädagogik" (IGIP), Vice President of International Council for Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH), Vice President of World Council on System Engineering and Information Technology (WCSEIT), Vice President of Safety Health and Environment Research Organization (SHERO) and Vice President of World Council on Communication and Arts (WCCA). He is Chairman of Working Group "Ingenieurpädagogik im Internationalen Kontext" since 2002, Member of International Monitoring Committee in IGIP since 2004, Member of Strategic Planning Committee of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) since 2009, Board Member of “Global Council on Manufacturing and Management" (GCMM) since 2004 and Director of Brazilian Network of Engineering (RBE) since 1998. He is also Member of Board of Governors of International Council for Engineering and Technology Education (INTERTECH) since 2000 and Member of Board of Governors of Education Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE-EdSoc) since 2001.

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Rosa Maria Castro Fernandes Vasconcelos Universidade de Minho Orcid 16x16

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Rosa Maria de Castro Fernandes Vasconcelos is a Associate Professor at the Department of Textile Engineering since 2005. Degree in Textile Engineering by the University of Minho. Professor at the University of Minho since 1984. PhD in Engineering –Technology and Textile Chemistry by the University of Minho in 1993. Rieter Award, 1993.

Responsible for several curricular units in the integrated study cycles in Textitle Engineering and Engineering and Industrial Management, in the 1st cycle course of Design and Fashion Marketing, and also in the 2nd cycle courses of Fashion Design and Communication, Textile Chemistry, Advanced Textiles and Design and Marketing.

Head research and research member of several R&D projects, has presented as main author or co-author many dozens of scientific journal papers and communications in international conferences.

President of the Pedagogical Council of the School of Engineering since 2011 and Vice-Dean of School of Engineering

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Luis Alfredo Martins Amaral P.E. University of Minho - ALGORITMI Orcid 16x16

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Born in 1960 is Associate Professor at Department of Information Systems in the School of Engineering of University of Minho.

Researches and teaches in the areas of Information Systems Planning, Information Systems Management and the Information Society, especially in the field of Public Administration.

Chairman of the Board of the GCC - Computer Graphics Center since 2005. Pró-Rector of University of Minho between 2006 and 2009. President of the National College of Informatics (Order of Engineers) since 2010.

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Victor F. A. Barros Ing.-Paed IGIP Science and Education Research Council Orcid 16x16

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Prof. Victor Freitas de Azeredo Barros, Ing.-Paed IGIP is Executive Secretary of Science and Education Research Council. He is Researcher at Algoritmi Centre/University of Minho; University of São Paulo; Mackenzie University; Pontifical Catholic University of Goias; Goiás Federal Institute; Amapá Federal Institute and Catarinense Federal Institute. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal "Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade". He is Editorial Chair of the Safety, Health and Environment World Congress; International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education; World Congress on Communication and Arts; World Congress on Systems Engineering and Information Technology and Editorial Chair of the International Conference on Engineering and Technology Education. He is Member of the Research Team in Information Systems and Technologies for Transformation of Organizations and Society; Applied Computing; Interaction and Food Plants, Science Teaching; Education, Management and Environment and member of the research team of Center for Studies and Research and Engineering Education. He has more than 110 papers published in several congresses and he has organized more than 30 congresses around the world.

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Science, Engineering and Technology permeate nearly every facet of modern life and as problem solvers, engineers are perfectly capable of managing entrepreneurial activities mastering innovative ways of business development once they spend time and efforts understanding and acting in the field. Engineers rely on science and methods for analysis to ensure the quality and liability of design; nevertheless a pinch of creativity is required in order to find innovative solutions for economic and entrepreneurial problems. This paper describes the designed engineering program by COPEC – Science and Education Research Council education research team, in which what is called Working with Communities course is included, which provides 3rd year engineering students the chance to work with consultancy to foster an entrepreneurial community in the city. The idea is to create an Innovative Office, which local entrepreneurs can refer to with a problem or project to discuss and to find sustainable solutions. Presently the project has worked relatively well. Student groups are working hard and the results have been positive. Customer satisfaction has been very good. This information is based on the result of a research that is completed at the end of the project in participant companies. The students claim that the project is a very good opportunity to know their own limits and capabilities. The difficulties they face are related to the fact that they have to combine the project work with studying hard to accomplish the engineering program. They have provided good feedback and are working hard to finish the engineering program, certain that engineering is what they want to do in life. The pedagogical aspects of the program are the key factor for its success, which are the extra courses of economics taught by specialists and the research practice that students have to develop in order to get the basis for project development. It is a very rich experience for students and shows them that they need to be very much self disciplined and to avoid procrastination.

Ciampi, M. M., & Brito, C. D. R., & Vasconcelos, R. M. C. F., & Amaral, L. A. M., & Barros, V. F. A. (2016, June), Science, Engineering, and Technology Innovation for Global Human Challenges Paper presented at 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana. 10.18260/p.26146

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