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SE Capstone: Integrating Systems Engineering Fundamentals to Engineering Capstone Projects: Experiential and Active

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

SE Capstone Design Projects, Part II

Tagged Divisions

Systems Engineering and Multidisciplinary Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.1279.1 - 22.1279.11



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Steven Corns Missouri University of Science and Technology


Cihan H. Dagli Missouri University of Science and Technology

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Cihan Dagli is a Professor of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, and Affiliated Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering from the Middle East Technical University and a Ph.D. in Applied Operations Research in Large Scale Systems Design and Operation from the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, where from 1976 to 1979 he was a British Council Fellow. His research interests are in the areas of Systems Architecting and Engineering, System of Systems, Smart Engineering System Design, Computational Intelligence: Neural Networks-Fuzzy Logic-Evolutionary Programming.

Dr. Dagli’s contributions to systems engineering began in 1979 with his Ph.D. dissertation at The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England titled “A Methodology for Solving the Long Term Operational Problems of the Lower Firat Basin in Turkey”. This interdisciplinary topic lead to a mathematical programming model based approach for the solution of this complex water resources system problem. In the intervening years, he continued work on large scale system based problems. He has expertise in modeling architectures for complex engineering systems such as transportation, infrastructure, water resources and energy distribution using computational intelligence techniques.

He is the founder and Boeing Coordinator of the Missouri S&T’s System Engineering graduate program. Dr. Dagli is the director of Smart Engineering Systems Laboratory and a Senior Investigator in DoD Systems Engineering Research Center-URAC. He is an INCOSE Fellow 2008 and IIE Fellow 2009. He has been the PI, co-PI, or director of 46 research projects and grants totaling over $29 million from federal, state, and industrial funding agencies

Dr. Dagli is the Area editor for Intelligent Systems of the International Journal of General Systems, published by Taylor and Francis, and Informa Inc. He has published more than 350 papers in refereed journals and proceedings, 21 edited books and cited 900 times. He has consulted with various companies and international organizations including The Boeing Company, AT&T, John Deere, Motorola, U.S. Army, UNIDO, and OECD.

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Ivan G. Guardiola Missouri University of Science and Technology

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SE Capstone: Integrating Systems Engineering Fundamentals to Engineering Capstone Projects: Experiential and ActiveThis paper highlights the use of active learning in a capstone engineering design track tocreate a distributed learning environment where students apply their knowledge ofSystems Engineering fundamentals to complete a design project for a real-worldcustomer. An organizational structure consisting of students at Missouri University ofScience and Technology and distance education students across the country wasdeveloped for use in two courses, mirroring current industry practices. Six student designteams were formed at the beginning of the first course, with each team assigned agraduate student facilitator, a faculty mentor, and a professional practitioner acting as anindustry mentor to provide additional guidance, structure, and support. The capstoneproject explored was the use Systems Engineering principles to design, specify, andconstruct a wireless vest for use in immersive training, satisfying a documented needprovided by United States Department of Defense representatives.In the first course a need statement was derived by interaction with the Department ofDefense customer through analysis of realistic scenarios and then developed by studentdesign teams to create a feasible design that met the customer’s needs. The students wereguided through a rigorous program that included project management, creation ofspecifications, and design reviews to develop this need statement into a final design whiletraversing the entire systems development life cycle. The design reviews were conductedusing video conferencing software by the graduate student facilitators under the guidanceof the faculty mentors to provide all students involved experience in a distributedcollaborative environment commonly found in both industry and academia. The studentswill continue the system process in a second course where they will tackle the challengesof prototyping and verification. The paper highlights survey results, pedagogy details,and lessons learned from the implementation of the realistic system design.

Corns, S., & Dagli, C. H., & Guardiola, I. G. (2011, June), SE Capstone: Integrating Systems Engineering Fundamentals to Engineering Capstone Projects: Experiential and Active Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18938

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