San Antonio, Texas
June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
June 13, 2012
Laboratory Experiences with Thermal and Chemical Systems and Sensors
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
25.1168.1 - 25.1168.13
Hosni I. Abu-Mulaweh is professor of mechanical engineering currently on sabbatical leave at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. He earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly, University of Missouri, Rolla), Rolla, Mo. His areas of interest are heat transfer, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics.
Solar Water Heating System Experimental ApparatusAcquiring new instructional laboratory apparatus is a challenge due to typical budgetarylimitations. In addition, the apparatus designed by companies specializing in educationequipment may not exactly reflect the educational objective intended by the faculty. Theseobstacles had forced us to seek and search different venues to acquire experimental laboratoryapparatus for demonstrating heat transfer principles. We concluded that such an apparatus can bedesigned, developed and constructed “in house” within a manageable budget. This can besuccessfully accomplished by taking advantage of the capstone senior design project andASHRAE Undergraduate Senior Project Grant Program which has been obtained.This paper describes the design and development of an experimental apparatus for demonstratingsolar water heating. This solar heating experimental was designed to meet several requirements:1) the system is to operate using the thermosiphon concept, in which flow through the system iscreated by density differences in the fluid; 2) to increase heating to the water and improve theeducational value of the project, the solar collector must have the ability to rotate in order tomaintain a position perpendicular to the sun’s rays; 3) the experimental apparatus must bemobile. A prototype of a solar water heating system was constructed and tested. The solarcollector rotated as the sun position/angle was changing, indicating the functionality of thecontrol system that was design to achieve this task. Experimental measurements indicate that thewater in the tank was heated by the solar energy being absorbed by the solar collector. Moreover,the water temperature measurements at different heights in the storage tank demonstrate thethermosiphon effect. Solar water heating utilizing thermosiphon is attractive because iteliminates the need for a circulating pump.
Abu-Mulaweh, H. I. (2012, June), Solar Water Heating System Experimental Apparatus Paper presented at 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas. 10.18260/1-2--21925
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