Vancouver, BC
June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011
June 29, 2011
Design in Engineering Education
22.1368.1 - 22.1368.15
Oenardi Lawanto received his B.S.E.E. from Iowa State University, M.S.E.E. from the University of Dayton, and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Currently, he is an assistant professor in the Department of Engineering and Technology Education at Utah State University. Before coming to Utah State, Dr. Lawanto taught and held several administrative positions at one large private university in Indonesia. In his years of teaching experiences in the area of electrical engineering, he has gained new perspectives on teaching and learning. He has developed and delivered numerous workshops on student-centered learning and online-learning-related topics during his service in Indonesia. Dr. Lawanto’s research interests include cognition, learning, and instruction, and online learning.
Dr. Wade Goodridge, Principal Lecturer in the Department of Engineering and Technology Education at Utah State University instructs Solid Modeling, CAD, Introductory Electronics, Surveying, and Introductory Engineering courses at the Brigham City Regional Campus. Wade has has been teaching for the Utah State college of Engineering for over eight years. He holds duel B.S. degrees in Industrial Technology Education and Civil Engineering from Utah State University, as well as an M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Utah State University. His research interests include metacognitive processes and strategies involved in engineering design using Solid Modeling, learning style impacts upon hybrid synchronous broadcast engineering education, and team teaching in broadcast environments.
Harry B. Santoso received a B.S. and M.S. from Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Computer Science. Before pursuing his Ph.D. program majoring Engineering Education at Department of Engineering and Technology Education, Utah State University, he taught some courses at UI, e.g. computer-assisted instruction. He has been an administrator of e-Learning system for several years in his department and university. He is also a member of E-School for Indonesia (Esfindo) research group that has main objective to promote a wide-access Internet-based e-Infrastructure for K-12 education. His research interest includes learning personalization, cognition and metacognition, multimedia content, e-Learning standardization, and distance learning.
Task Interpretation and Self-regulating Strategies in Engineering Design Project: An exploratory study AbstractDesign tasks are ubiquitous, complex, ill-structured, and often offer substantial challenges tostudents and professional engineering designers. Successful designing depends on having notonly adequate knowledge but also sufficient awareness and control of that knowledge, known asmetacognition. The research suggests that metacognition not only enhances learning outcomesbut it also encourages students to be self-regulated learners who are metacognitively,motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in their own learning process.This exploratory study evaluates the extent to which students’ task interpretation of the designproject is reflected on their working plans and selected cognitive strategies. Butler and Cartier’s(2005) Self-regulated Learning (SRL) model was used to evaluate the dynamic and iterativeinterplay between metacognitive and cognitive activity. SRL dimension such as design planning,design process, task management, and task value were evaluated. Twelve engineering freshmanstudents at Utah State University (USU) participated in the study while they engaged in anengineering design project for a mechanical engineering “Engineering Graphics” course.Students were asked to complete the Engineering Design Questionnaire (EDQ) at the early,during, and final stages of their design project.Data collected were evaluated qualitatively using graphical views. In addition, the mean value ofeach item from the same SRL dimension was compared across SRL episodes (i.e., taskinterpretation, planning strategies, cognitive strategies, monitoring and fix up strategies, andcriteria). From the analysis, the findings suggest that the level of understanding of the task wasclearly reflected in students’ plans. Students did not excel in monitoring and regulating theirdesign planning but did excel in monitoring and regulating their design process and taskmanagement. Low scores indicate a lack of students’ consideration in looking for alternativeapproaches to investigating the problem, design solution, time planning, and the effective use ofresources and materials during the project.
Lawanto, O., & Goodridge, W. H., & Santoso, H. B. (2011, June), Task Interpretation and Self-Regulating Strategies in Engineering Design Project: An Exploratory Study Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18458
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