Seattle, Washington
June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015
June 17, 2015
NSF Grantees Poster Session
26.1471.1 - 26.1471.17
Dr. Wei Zheng is an associate professor of Civil Engineering at Jackson State University. He received
his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2001 and has over ten years of
industrial experience. Since becoming a faculty member at JSU in 2005, he has made continuous efforts
to integrate emerging technologies and cognitive skill development into engineering curriculum.
Gordon W. Skelton
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Jackson State University
Jackson MS
Dr. Skelton has been involved mentoring and education of student in engineering and computer science for over 25 years. His focus centers on the development of self-regulated learning, problem solving and confidence building.
Teaching Community Approach to Prompting Effective Active Learning through Implementing Self-Regulated Learning Assessment in Multiple STEM Courses Abstract Learners not only have to manage the motivation to sustain their learning efforts, but alsoneed to strategically regulate their cognitive activities in order to effectively acquire knowledge.Educational research has provided understanding on effective Self-Regulated Learning (SRL)and revealed that optimal learning is strongly correlated to the extent to which the learner usesSRL. However, those findings have not been well known and utilized by the STEM facultymembers to facilitate learning of their students, particularly those African American studentswho had poor preparation in their early schooling and may mostly need the SRL skills forcomprehending complex STEM subjects. This paper is intended to communicate a novelperspective for prompting STEM faculty to acquire SRL and other learning theories andprompting students to develop higher-order learning skills, and presents work-in-progress ofimplementation of a proposed framework in this perspective, which is the main implementationframework of a NSF-funded Target Infusion Project. The objectives of implementing the presented framework to expand faculty’s expertise infostering students’ active learning through their participation in a teaching community andinteraction with learning scientists; and to facilitate students' SRL skill development in theirSTEM learning by implementing the SRL Assessment in diverse STEM courses. The SRLassessment is composed of various questions that prompt students to make plans, adopt learningstrategies, reflect on their learning efforts, and make adjustments on their learning efforts. It isimplemented through integration with series of course quizzes in repeated cyclic processes forfostering students’ SRL skills. Through such guided learning processes, students can have theopportunity to learn, adopt, and practice different learning strategies, and track and assess moreeffectively their academic learning, make adjustment for improvement, leading to enhancementof their academic performance, as well as their self-confidence and self-regulation skill. Thenovelty of the presented framework lies in building a broad teaching community among STEMinstructors and learning scientists, whose members can provide the peer support to acquirelearning theories and design, implement, evaluate, and publish their effective teaching practice inimplementing SRL Assessment through intellectual exchange based on their common interestand pursuit. This novelty enables STEM instructors to adapt or develop learning strategies thatare particularly suitable for a specific STEM subject in their courses, and enables students to beprompted for learning, adopting, and evaluating various regulating strategies in context oflearning subjects from multiple STEM courses simultaneously. The mixed-methods with quasi-experimental design are also developed to collect and analyze data for revealing the impacts ofSRL assessment on African American students’ learning in STEM fields. This paper, firstly, reviews relevant literature on theoretical basis and effective instructionalpractice on cultivating SRL skill; secondly, provides detailed description of the proposedframework including teaching community activity plan and SRL assessment implementationprocedures, as well as empirical experimental design and evaluation plan; thirdly, sharesimplementation experience and work-in-progress of building teaching community through face-to-face meetings and virtual communications, as well as other work-in-progress of datacollection on students’ learning dispositions; finally, discusses the limitation of presented resultsand future improvement and work on implementation of the presented framework.
Zheng, W., & Skelton, G. W., & Yin, J. (2015, June), Teaching Community Approach to Prompting Effective Active Learning through Implementing Self-Regulated Learning Assessment in Multiple STEM Courses Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24808
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