Indianapolis, Indiana
June 15, 2014
June 15, 2014
June 18, 2014
24.1204.1 - 24.1204.17
Currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Materials Science and Engineering. Passionate about enhancing Engineering Education across the globe as well as continuing to learn more about Materials, Design, Manufacturing, Data Mining and Analysis, and Statistics.
Stephen J. Krause is professor in the Materials Program in the Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University. He teaches in the areas of bridging engineering and education, capstone design, and introductory materials science and engineering. His research interests include strategies for web-based teaching and learning, misconceptions and their repair, and role of formative feedback on conceptual change. He has co-developed a Materials Concept Inventory for assessing conceptual knowledge of students in introductory materials engineering classes. He is currently conducting research on web-based tools for teaching and learning, misconceptions and strategies and tools to promote conceptual change in materials courses.
The Effect of Incorporating YouTube Videos into an Intervention Addressing Students’ Misconceptions Related to Solutions, Solubility, and SaturationStudents in introductory chemistry classes often harbor or develop misconceptions about solutionconcepts related to solubility, saturation, and supersaturation. They bring these misconceptionsinto introductory materials classes and are unable understand fundamental phase diagramconcepts. As such they are unable to appreciate the relationships between phase diagrams, heattreatments, materials' microstructures and associated materials' properties. The most commonmisconception about solutions and solubility for liquid and solid phases is that a supersaturatedsolution contains both liquid and solid phases instead of a supersaturated solution containingexcess solute in concentration above equilibrium. The diagnosis of this and other misconceptionscreates the possibility of devising interventions to address the misconceptions. When anintervention in a previous materials science course was given, it resulted in only modest gains instudents' understanding of solution and solubility concepts. In this paper we are posing theresearch question of, "What is the effect of incorporating YouTube videos into an interventionthat addresses student misconceptions on solution and solubility concepts?"Pre and post concept tests were given before and after the intervention and subsequent classes onphase diagrams. The concept test consisted of three beakers that were 3/4 full of water withvarying amounts of sugar in each solution. The unsaturated solution showed a low density ofdots (representing dissolved sugar molecules). The saturated solution showed a moderate densityof dots and with a small mound of saturated sugar at the bottom of the beaker. Thesupersaturated solution showed a high density of dots that represented excess solute in solutionbeyond the equilibrium solubility limit. Students were told to choose the correct label for eachbeaker and give their reasoning for their choice. A 2013 ASEE paper on solutions and solubilityconcepts used the same pre and post test this paper for the 2014 ASEE meeting along with avisual intervention that gave modest gains in student understanding of solution and solubilityconcepts. Pre-post correct results in the 2013 ASEE paper for n=28 were: unsaturated 77% to92%; saturated 42% to 70%; and supersaturated 46% to 65%. The intervention for the Fall 2013course used the same visual intervention as the one previously use, except the students viewedand discussed a YouTube video that showed a highly supersaturated solution of sodium acetateinto which was dropped a grain of the material. Instantaneously, long white crystals grew in the 4liter beaker until they impinged on its sides and bottom. Two weeks after viewing and discussingthe video the students took the post-test. Pre-post correct results for the 2014 ASEE paper withn=33 were: unsaturated 85% to 91%; saturated 35% to 82%; and supersaturated 48% to 91%.Compared to the gains for the ASEE 2013 paper the Hake gains for the 2014 ASEE paper werethe following: unsaturated solution, 2013 - 65% to 2014 – 40%; saturated solution 2013 – 48% to2014 – 72%; and supersaturated solution 2013 - 35% to 2014 – 83%. Although the Hake gaindropped slightly for the unsaturated solution, the Hake gains were dramatically higher for the2014 intervention that incorporated the YouTube video. Further details of the analysis andexplanation of the data including the written explanations will be presented in the full paper.
Maass, S., & Krause, S. J. (2014, June), The Effect of Incorporating YouTube Videos into an Intervention Addressing Students' Misconceptions Related toSolutions, Solubility, and Saturation Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana. 10.18260/1-2--23137
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