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The Effectiveness of In-class, Hands-on Learning vs. Lecture for Teaching About Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Laboratory Experiences in Chemical Engineering

Tagged Division

Chemical Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

26.1525.1 - 26.1525.14



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Paper Authors


Paul B. Golter Washington State University Orcid 16x16

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Paul B. Golter obtained an MS and PhD Washington State University and made the switch from Instructional Laboratory Supervisor to Post-Doctoral Research Associate on an engineering education project. His research area has been engineering education, specifically around the development and assessment of technologies to bring fluid mechanics and heat transfer laboratory experiences into the classroom.

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Bernard J. Van Wie Washington State University

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Prof. Bernard J. Van Wie did his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D., and postdoctoral work at the University of Oklahoma where he also taught as a visiting lecturer. He has been on the Washington State University faculty for 32 years and for the past 18 years has focused on innovative pedagogy research and technical research in biotechnology. His 2007-2008 Fulbright exchange to Nigeria set the stage for him to receive the Marian Smith Award given annually to the most innovative teacher at Washington State University.

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Arshan Nazempour Washington State University

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Arshan Nazempour completed his undergraduate study at University of Tehran in Tehran, Iran in Chemical Engineering. Currently, he is a PhD student in Chemical Engineering at Washington State University and working under Professor Van Wie's supervision on two projects, synergistic influences of oscillating pressure and growth factor on chondrogenesis in a novel centrifugal bioreactor and hands-on learning solution for students.

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The Effectiveness of In-Class, Hands-On Learning vs. Lecture for Teaching About Extended Area Heat ExchangersNew technologies, such as the Armfield DLMX, are in the market that allow hands-on learningto occur in standard classrooms. While the benefits of hands-on learning are widely acclaimed,there are also benefits to more traditional teaching styles, and the instructor is left trying todetermine which pedagogy will be best suited for each topic in a course. As part of an effort todevelop and promulgate hands-on, active learning pedagogies, the authors have undertaken astudy to develop guidelines for lecture versus hands-on, active learning in fluid mechanics andheat transferStudents in a junior level Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer course weretaught in a split manner with two sections and one instructor. The sections were taught in analternating manner. For any given course topic, one section of the class received instruction in atraditional manner, while the second section was taught in a hands-on, active manner, utilizingthe Armfield DLMX. For example, section one may have received lectures on applying theBernoulli Equation to orifice and venturi meters, while section two performed hands-on learningactivities. Later in the course section one may have had hands-on learning for shell and tube heatexchangers, while section two received lectures. To determine conceptual learning gains, aconceptually based quiz, containing short answer questions, was given before and after thestudents were introduced to each topic. The quiz answers were rated using a rubric that looks atstudent reasoning. This paper reports on student learning gains in the topic of extended area heatexchangers.

Golter, P. B., & Van Wie, B. J., & Nazempour, A. (2015, June), The Effectiveness of In-class, Hands-on Learning vs. Lecture for Teaching About Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24863

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