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The Progressive Learning Platform for Computer Engineering

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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Vancouver, BC

Publication Date

June 26, 2011

Start Date

June 26, 2011

End Date

June 29, 2011



Conference Session

Technology in the ECE Classroom

Tagged Division

Electrical and Computer

Page Count


Page Numbers

22.1491.1 - 22.1491.14



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Paper Authors


David Jakob Fritz Oklahoma State University

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David Fritz is a Doctoral Candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He also received his M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Oklahoma State University in 2008. His research interests are in Computer Engineering Education and Computer Architecture. David is the lead developer for the Progressive Learning Platform.

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Wira Mulia Oklahoma State University

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Wira is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering in Oklahoma State University. He received his Bachelors in Electrical Engineering in OSU in 2007 and his Masters in Electrical Engineering in OSU in 2009. His research interests are computer architecture and computer systems. He wrote the software portion of PLP and the documentation of the software in the PLP site.

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Sohum Sohoni Oklahoma State University

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Dr. Sohoni is an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his PhD in computer engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2004 and his Bachelors in electrical engineering from COEP, Pune University in 1998.
Dr. Sohoni’s research interests are broadly in the area of computer architecture and performance analysis of computer systems. His primary field of research is the cache memory performance of memory-intensive applications. He has published in peer-reviewed conferences and journals such as ACM SIGMETRICS, IISWC, and the IEEE Transactions on Computers. His research is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Justice through the Center for Telecommunications and Network Security at OSU. He has recently expanded his research interests to include engineering education, and has published his work at ASEE’s national conference and ASEE’s Midwest section conference. He advises several undergraduate, M.S., and PhD students.

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Kerri S. Kearney Oklahoma State University

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Kerri Kearney is an Assistant Professor of educational leadership at Oklahoma State University. Her professional experience is a hybrid of both education and organizational consulting in leadership, organizational and team development, and executive coaching. She holds an M.B.A. in management and an Ed.D. in educational leadership.

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Mwarumba Mwavita Oklahoma State University

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Visiting Assistant Professor teaching graduate courses in Research, Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics in the School of Educational Studies. My research interests are in teaching and learning of STEM courses at both K-12 and college. Specifically, examination of factors influencing student performance in STEM related courses and instructional pedagogies at the college level associated with success in STEM courses.

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The Progressive Learning PlatformThis paper describes the Progressive Learning Platform (PLP), a system designed for use in anumber of courses to facilitate computer engineering education while decreasing the overheadand learning curve associated with existing solutions. The PLP system is a System on a Chipdesign with accompanying tools reflecting a contemporary CPU architecture. It is unique in thatit can be used in a number of courses (Digital Logic Design, Microcomputer Principles,Computer Architecture, Compilers, Embedded Systems), as students progress through aComputer Engineering curriculum. The system consists of a fully pipelined, MIPS like processorwith surrounding support hardware. The support hardware includes a programmable interruptcontroller, VGA controller and framebuffer, UART, memory controller, simple cache, timer, andGPIO hardware. All components are written in Verilog HDL, are open-source, and are freelyavailable. To support the hardware components, a unified assembler, cycle accurate emulator,and board interface software package is included. The software is written in Java, works onLinux, Windows, and Mac OS, is open-source, and is freely available.With only a brief learning curve on the PLP system, students can work on course objectivesimmediately. The system and accompanying curriculum emphasize inter- and intra-teamcollaborative learning by compartmentalizing components of the design process used in lab toindividual teams. The goal is to expose students to a less controlled environment representativeof real-world design practice. Student teams are responsible for the design decisions of theirassigned component, as well as ensuring that components are compatible for use in the larger,class-wide system. Other highlights of the PLP system are: a ‘hands-on’ experience with realhardware early in the computer engineering curriculum, low overall cost for students andinstitutions over the years, and cross-course application of concepts. The latter is of greatimportance, since students often fail to see how concepts learned in one course apply to another.With an overarching system like PLP, where different aspects of it are taught and operated on indifferent courses, student can directly make these connections and see how concepts incomputing are related to each other.In this paper we present a case study of the PLP system in use in an undergraduate ComputerArchitecture course at a land-grant university in the Midwest. We also provide the rationalebehind the development of each aspect of PLP, and the expected impact on student learning,motivation, and retention.

Fritz, D. J., & Mulia, W., & Sohoni, S., & Kearney, K. S., & Mwavita, M. (2011, June), The Progressive Learning Platform for Computer Engineering Paper presented at 2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, BC. 10.18260/1-2--18550

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