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Transformation of STEM to STEAM – How a Traditionally Run STEM Camp Successfully Incorporated the Arts into its Framework Resulting in a Successful STEAM Camp (Work in Progress)

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

K-12 & Pre- College Engineering Division Poster Session

Tagged Division

K-12 & Pre-College Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

26.1600.1 - 26.1600.12



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Paper Authors


Arthur D. Kney Lafayette College

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Arthur D. Kney received his doctorate of philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Engineering from Lehigh University in 1999 and his professional engineering license in 2007. He is currently serving as an Associate Professor and Department Head in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Lafayette College. Kney has served as chair of the Pennsylvania Water Environment Association (PWEA) research committee, chair of the Bethlehem Environmental Advisory Committee, vice president of Lehigh Valley Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), secretary of ASCE/Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) Water Supply Engineering Committee and been a member of the AWWA/ASCE WTP Design 4th Edition Steering Committee. He currently serves on the states PWEA Research Committee and Water Works Operators’ Association of Pennsylvania (WWOAP) scholarship committee, and locally on the Bethlehem Backyards for Wildlife committee, the Bushkill Stream Conservancy board, the Wildlands Conservancy's Education Advisory Team as well as a number of Lafayette College committees.

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Emily Isabelle McGonigle

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Transformation of STEM to STEAM – How a traditionally run STEM camp successfully incorporated the ARTS into its framework resulting in a successful STEAM Camp (Work in Progress)The summer of 2014 marked a transition from STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, ARTS, Math) with the incorporation of the Artsinto an existing informal educational model used to enhance K-12 education in an out-of-schoolprogram – a day camp experience for 60 children. This camp infused fun with ART intoengaging activities alongside pointed educational modules to teach 4th-6th grade campers how theSTEAM fields work together to create “Our Beautiful World”; and how they influence themovement towards a more sustainable lifestyle. We operated under the Brundtland Report’sdefinition of sustainability as “development which meets the needs of the present withoutcompromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Themes ofsustainability and “Our Beautiful World” were incorporated into each of the twelve modules.Modules spanned over four days, and were to be integrated into a final group project- where eachgroup created a balanced community on the template of an island that was provided.Campers were split into six groups of 10; stratified by age. Each group was assigned a color-Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple- and 1-2 camp counselors. Counselors broughttheir group through each day with a provided daily schedule, broken up by time, and module.Module presenters, counselors, and other helpers were recruited chiefly on a volunteer basisfrom faculty, summer research students, local high schools, community partners, and familyfriends. All adults completed a Lafayette background check in order to work with children.To empirically measure the academic success of the camp, campers were given a pre and postsurvey to be completed. Parents and campers gave informed consent with an IRB-approvedform that was collected and kept in a secure location. Each camper was assigned a number towrite in lieu of their name of their pre and post surveys. Pre-surveys were given to all groups atthe start of camp before any modules or activities were completed. Post surveys were given tocampers after all modules and activities were completed, before the final group projectpresentation, where campers explained their group’s overarching project to their parents. Thecampers were also asked to draw a picture of their Beautiful World in relation to STEAM fieldsduring pre-surveys, to be added onto during post surveys in a different color.Intended learner outcomes include an increased cognizance of the environment andsustainability, the role of the Arts in the STEM fields how they can enhance practices,identification of how an individual can change their behavior to live more sustainability, as wellas the identification of how society can change present behaviors to help maintain the planet’slimited supply of resources for future generations.

Kney, A. D., & McGonigle, E. I. (2015, June), Transformation of STEM to STEAM – How a Traditionally Run STEM Camp Successfully Incorporated the Arts into its Framework Resulting in a Successful STEAM Camp (Work in Progress) Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24936

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