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Ubiquitous and Smart Learning Paradigm for Preparing Qualified and Skilled Engineers

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Software and Web-based Learning in ECE

Tagged Division

Electrical and Computer

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.1274.1 - 23.1274.16



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Paper Authors


Mohamed Tawfik Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED)

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M.Sc. degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED), Madrid, Spain, and the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2011 and 2008 respectively. Visitor researcher at the Faculty of Engineering & IT, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia, in 2012. He is an IEEE member since 2009. Actually, he is a research associate in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (DIEEC) at UNED. He is author\co-author of more than 25 publications; including conference papers, book chapters, and journal articles on remote laboratories. He is collaborating in several researching projects among them NSF Catalyzing New International Collaborations proposal “Building an Ecology of Online Laboratories”.

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Elio Sancristobal uned


Sergio Martin UNED - Spanish University for Distance Education

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Sergio Martin is PhD by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the Industrial Engineering School of UNED. He is Computer Engineer in Distributed Applications & Systems by the Carlos III University of Madrid (UC3M), receiving Honor marks in his final project. Technical Computer Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). He teaches subjects related to microelectronics and digital electronics since 2007 in the Industrial Engineering School of UNED. He has participated since 2002 in national and international research projects related to mobile devices, ambient intelligence, and location-based technologies as well as in projects related to "e-learning", virtual and remote labs, and new technologies applied to distance education. He has published more than 100 papers both in international journals and conferences, being awarded in 2009 with the Best Paper Award in the Fourth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology and in 2007 with the Jean Peperstraete award for the Best Paper in the 18th Annual Conference on Innovation in Education for Electrical and Information Engineering. He is IEEE and ACM member. He joined in 2010 the Advisory Committee of the IEEE Spanish Chapter of the Education Society, and in 2009 the Advisory Committee of the IEEE Technology Management Council of Spain. He also participates as technical reviewer for several international journals and conferences.

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Rosario Gil Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED)

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Rosario Gil has a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED) and a Master and Bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering from The Alcalá de Henares University (Madrid). She got a grant in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of UNED in 2005 and since December 2010 she is an assistant
professor. Her research interest is the integration of different biometric techniques in educational environment by providing them
with security and access control.

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Alberto Pesquera UNED

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Computer Science Engineer by Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED). He was a collaborator member of Telematic Laboratory of UNED (Telelab) in systems of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Nowdays is working for Innovation and Technological Development Centre of UNED (CiNDETEC). He is an expert in Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Web development applications. Currently, he is collaborating in a research project of Open services integration for distributed, reusable and secure remote and virtual laboratories (s-Labs).

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Félix García Loro Predoctoral fellow

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Industrial Engineering degree from the Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED). Assistant teacher in Wind Energy Expert Course (Continuing Education, UNED). Managing AVIP advanced videorooms (UNED) from 2010 to 2012. Tutor and Intercampus Tutor of several Department subjects in last years.

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Maria José Albert Gomez UNED

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Dra. Pedagogy. Teacher in Education Theory and Social Pedagogy Depatment of UNED. Madrid Spain

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Gabriel Díaz Orueta has a doctoral degree in Physics from the Sciences Faculty of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. He worked for 10 years for different ICT companies as DEC or Cisco. He has several different industry certifications, as those of Cisco, HP, Microsoft and ITIL or ISO 20000. He currently works, as an Associate Professor, for UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education) inside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He also is the CEO of his own company, ADSO Consultoría y Formación, dedicated to learning and consulting services. He is author (or co-author) of different publications, technical, research and teaching books and papers for journals and conferences as well as multimedia materials and radio programs. He works as researcher in numerous projects, specially related with different new techniques in the e-learning arena and with different areas of Information Security for network, systems and organizations. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, Chairman of IEEE’s Spanish Chapter of Education Society,

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Nevena Mileva Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski"

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Nevena Mileva received her M.S. Degree in Electronics and the Ph.D. in Computer technologies in education from Technical University of Sofia, and the M.S. Degree in Educational Technology from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. She is currently associate professor and head of ECIT Department and lecturer on Information technology. She was engaged with utilization of IT in education, development of methods for Web-based engineering education, development of Internet-based PSS. She has over 35 papers and three books. She is involved currently in the instructional design and evaluation of ODL materials.

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Mihail Milev

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juan peire


Manuel Castro Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia

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Manuel Castro, Electrical and Computer Engineering educator in the Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED), has an industrial engineering degree from the ETSII (Industrial Engineering School) of the Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM) and a doctoral engineering degree from the same University. He has received the Extraordinary Doctoral Award in the UPM and the Viesgo 1988 Award to the Doctoral Thesis improving the Scientific Research about the Industrial Process Electricity Application, as well as the 1997 and 1999 years UNED's Social Council Award for the Best Didactic Materials in Experimental Sciences and the 2001 Award for the Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Technology from the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. He works as researcher, coordinator and director in different projects, ranging from systems applications of simulation techniques, solar system and advanced microprocessor system simulation to telematics and distance learning applications and systems, as well as computer-aided electrical engineering (CAEE), acting now as and senior Technical Director. He is now with the UNED (Spanish University for Distance Education) as Professor of Electronics Technology inside the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He was previously UNED's New Technologies Vice-Rector, UNED’s Information Services Center Director and Research, Doctorate Vice-director and Academic Affairs Vice-director of the Engineering School at UNED and Director of the Department. He worked during 5 years in Digital Equipment Corporation as senior system engineer. He publishes different technical, research and teaching books and articles for journals and conferences as well as multimedia materials and radio and TV programs. He belongs to the organizing committee of IEEE EDUCON, IEEE FIE (International and Europe Chair, 2000-2006), ISES, TAEE and SAAEI conferences as well as program and planning committees’ member and reviewer and chairman of several ones. He was co-chair of the conference EDUCON 2010 (Engineering Education Conference), TAEE 2010 (Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica) and ICECE 2005 (International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education). Is co-chair of the conference FIE 2014 (Frontiers in Education Conference) to be organized in Madrid, Spain, by the IEEE and the ASEE. He is co-editor of IEEE-RITA (Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje) and of the Electronic Journal of Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society. He is Fellow member of IEEE (for contributions to distance learning in electrical and computer engineering education) and member of the Administration Committee (AdCOM) (2005–2012) of the IEEE Education Society and Vice-chair (2011-2012) of the IEEE Education Society; Founder and Past-Chairman (2004-2006) of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society, and Chair of the IEEE Spain Section (2010-2011). He has been awarded with the IEEE EDUCON 2011 Meritorious Service Award (jointly with Edmundo Tovar), of the EDUCON 2011 conference; 2010 Distinguished Member Award of the IEEE Education Society; 2009 Edwin C. Jones, Jr. Meritorious Service Award of the IEEE Education Society; with the 2006 Distinguished Chapter Leadership Award and for the collective work inside the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Education Society with the 2011 Best Chapter Award (by the IEEE Region 8) and with the 2007 Chapter Achievement Award (by the IEEE Education Society). He is Vice-President of the Board of the Spanish International Solar Energy Society (ISES).

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Ubiquitous and Smart Learning Paradigm for Preparing Qualified and Skilled EngineersAbstractUnskilled and non-qualified graduates are considered to be two of the most common threatsthat have been associated with most of the official engineering curricula around the world.While the theoretical content is always being emphasized and well-imparted, the practicalcontent is usually dismissed or ignored. This is, substantially, owing to the high cost of theequipment and laboratory personnel. The time and mobility availability are other importantfactors as well. On the other hand, most of the engineering curricula are not oriented, to someextent, to labor sectors’ characteristics. As a result, most of the graduates are struggles duringtheir shift from the academic to the industrial real world. In order to mitigate this issue, someenterprises have endeavored to prepare engineers, and to help them to acquire specific skillsdemanded by the labor market, by means of sponsored training courses. However, thissolution is not affordable for all the majority of graduates.The advent of computer and information technologies has revolutionized the learning processand has yielded new learning models known as e-learning, blind learning, distance learning,or online learning, which allows efficient learning that is adaptable to predominant students’lifestyles without time or distance constraints. E-learning was confined to theoretical contentfrom its inception until the appearance of remote laboratories few years later, in the late1990s. Remote laboratories allow managed access to, and control of real, instruments onlinein real time. Moreover, they promote collaboration between universities by sharing theirlaboratory facilities, which results in the offset of cost and increase of experiments range andavailability. Thus, offering e-learning including modules that provide access to remote labs,by far, is the most ubiquitous, low-cost, and adaptable solution for defying the deficit ofqualified and skilled engineers.In this article we present a unique initiative of the online learning paradigm in the form ofofficial European master degree program, that is due to start in the academic year 2013/2014,which enables real-world experiments remotely, along with a pool of learning resourcesonline, in the Information and Communication Systems (ICS) curriculum. The program isoriented to the labor market and delivered by five European institutions. Each partnercontributes with at least a subject, in addition to access to a remote laboratory. The programis realized online and is totally administrated by a learning platform (DIPSIEL) initiallydeveloped by the partners. This article describes the development process, organization, andobjectives of the program. This is followed by a description of the contribution of ouruniversity, Spanish University for Distance Education (UNED), in the subject PowerSupplies for ICT equipment and the scheduled practices to be realized by the state-of-the-artremote laboratory for wiring and measuring electronic circuits, known as VISIR, which iscurrently installed at UNED.

Tawfik, M., & Sancristobal, E., & Martin, S., & Gil, R., & Pesquera, A., & FERNANDEZ, S. M., & García Loro, F., & Gomez, M. J. A., & DIAZ ORUETA, G., & Mileva, N., & Milev, M., & peire, J., & Castro, M. (2013, June), Ubiquitous and Smart Learning Paradigm for Preparing Qualified and Skilled Engineers Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22659

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