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Use of Process-oriented Approaches in Content-Intensive Courses: Some Insight in Teaching / Learning of Machine Design

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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Atlanta, Georgia

Publication Date

June 23, 2013

Start Date

June 23, 2013

End Date

June 26, 2013



Conference Session

Mechanical Engineering (ME) Poster Session

Tagged Division

Mechanical Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

23.1296.1 - 23.1296.15



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Paper Authors


Raghuram V Pucha Georgia Institute of Technology

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Dr. Raghuram V. Pucha is a research faculty at the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, in the area of CAD/CAE and Manufacturing. Dr. Pucha teaches computer graphics and design courses at Georgia Tech., and conducts research in the area of developing computational tools for the design, analysis and manufacturing of advanced materials and systems. Dr. Pucha has three provisional U.S. patents and co-authored over 60 research papers. He is honored with excellence in teaching recognitions and Undergraduate Educator Award for year 2012 from the Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL) at Georgia Tech.

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Tristan T. Utschig Georgia Institute of Technology Orcid 16x16

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Dr. Tristan T. Utschig is a senior academic professional in the Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and assistant director for the Scholarship and Assessment of Teaching and Learning at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Formerly, he was a tenured associate professor of Engineering Physics at Lewis-Clark State College. Dr. Utschig has regularly published and presented work on a variety of topics including assessment instruments and methodologies, using technology in the classroom, faculty development in instructional design, teaching diversity, and peer coaching. Dr. Utschig completed his Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

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Steven Y. Liang Georgia Institute of Technology

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Dr. Steven Y. Liang holds a 1987 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of California at Berkeley, and is the Morris M. Bryan, Jr. professor for Advanced Manufacturing Systems at Georgia Institute of Technology. He was Georgia Tech’s founding director of the Precision Machining Research Consortium and director of the Manufacturing Education Program. From 2008 to 2011, Dr. Liang served as chief technical officer, vice president, then president of Walsin Lihwa Corp., a publicly-traded manufacturing entity with over USD6 billion in revenue. Dr. Liang's technical interests lie in precision engineering, extreme manufacturing, and technology innovation, and in these areas he has supervised over 70 post-doctoral studies, Ph.D. dissertations, and M.S. theses. Dr. Liang has authored in excess of 300 book chapters, archival journal papers, and professional conference articles. He has been invited to deliver more than 60 keynote speeches and seminars at manufacturing industries, peer institutions, and professional conferences in over 20 countries on various topics related to manufacturing science and technology. Dr. Liang served as president of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution (NAMRI) and chair of the Manufacturing Engineering Division of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (MED/ASME). Dr. Liang is a member of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering) and the recipient of many awards including the Robert B. Douglas Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award of SME, Ralph R. Teetor Education Award of the Society of Automotive Engineers, and Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award of ASME. Dr. Liang is fellow of both ASME and SME.

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Abstract: 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition - American Society For Engineering Education, Atlanta, GA Use of Process-oriented Approaches in Content-Intensive Courses: Some Insight in Teaching / Learning of Machine DesignEdelson has argued that teaching / learning methodologies have traditionally seen content andprocess as competing priorities. Integrating content and process together in the teaching/ learningactivities offers the opportunity to increase students' experience with authentic activities whilealso achieving deeper content understanding. It is also well established that prior knowledgeactivation has strong facilitative effects on learning. Prior knowledge provides learners with arelevant context in which new information can be integrated. The undergraduate “MachineDesign” course taught in many engineering universities is primarily focused on teaching thefundamentals of designing mechanical elements for meeting engineering specifications related tofunctionality and failure. It is a content-intensive course traditionally taught with informationbased lectures where student’s learning is tested with time-bound tests and exams. In this paperwe describe how prior knowledge from two prerequisite courses can be used to support process-oriented approaches for students learning in “Machine Design”. Students’ performance in thecourse is discussed from the perspective of a content-intensive approach, a process-orientedapproach, and an integrated approach combining content and process.Preliminary results indicate that explicitly utilizing prerequisite prior knowledge to supportprocess-oriented approaches was well received by students and resulted in commendableperformance in process oriented activities. However the teaching methodology with a primaryfocus on process-oriented activities resulted in worse student performance in traditional time-bound end-of-term exams. Teaching with an integrated approach combining content and processis currently under progress in Fall 2012.Qualitative and quantitative data describing student performance are being collected for analysis.In a quasi-random experimental design, the traditional content-intensive teaching approach witha focus on problem-solving skills is compared to a project-based learning approach using prior-knowledge of CAD and analytical tools. Common homework and exam problems among thetwo courses will be used to measure student performance using concepts to solve problems,while common homework incorporating process skills and prior knowledge in a more open-ended, design-like scenario will be used to measure process skills. Finally, qualitative data willbe collected using pre and end-of-term surveys. When complete, the analysis will offer insight onthe effect of various approaches on students’ learning.Abstract: 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition - American Society For Engineering Education, Atlanta, GA

Pucha, R. V., & Utschig, T. T., & Liang, S. Y. (2013, June), Use of Process-oriented Approaches in Content-Intensive Courses: Some Insight in Teaching / Learning of Machine Design Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia. 10.18260/1-2--22681

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