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Using a Blended Learning Format to Extend the Influence of a Technological Literacy Course

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2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition


Seattle, Washington

Publication Date

June 14, 2015

Start Date

June 14, 2015

End Date

June 17, 2015





Conference Session

Promoting Engineering and Technological Literacy

Tagged Division

Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering

Page Count


Page Numbers

26.1647.1 - 26.1647.14



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Paper Authors


William R. Loendorf Eastern Washington University

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William R. Loendorf is a Full Professor, Emeritus of Engineering & Design at Eastern Washington University. He obtained his B.Sc. in Engineering Science at the University of Wisconsin - Parkside, M.S. in Electrical Engineering at Colorado State University, M.B.A. at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, and Ph.D. in Engineering Management at Walden University. He holds a Professional Engineer license and has 30 years of industrial experience as an Engineer or Engineering Manager at General Motors, Cadnetix, and Motorola. His interests include engineering management, technological literacy, improving the competitiveness of American companies, and real-time embedded systems.

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Terence Geyer Eastern Washington University

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Terence Geyer, Eastern Washington University
Terence L. D. Geyer is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Engineering & Design at
Eastern Washington University. He obtained his B.S. in Manufacturing Technology and M.Ed. in Adult Education in a specially combined program of Technology and Education at Eastern Washington University. He has 20 years of business experience in the IT field and 15 years of experience in education. He lives off-grid for eight months of the year using both older and newer technology. His interests include collecting and re-manufacturing older technologies.

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Using a Blended Learning Format to Extend the Influence of a Technological Literacy CourseAbstractIn 2000, an interdisciplinary course was introduced that explores a historical perspective of thedevelopment of technology in a global context. This junior level course traces the interconnectedevents and cultures in which technology developed. It investigates how technologies are inter-related and how cultural factors affect the acceptance or rejection of technology. The intent ofthe course was to enhance the student’s understanding of how technologies developed and why.This Technological Literacy course began with one instructor and only one section with 20students. Gradually over the years, as new creative ways to present the material wereimplemented, the popularity of the course rapidly increased resulting in expansion of the numberof sections offered and instructors participating. Currently over 14 sections are offered eachacademic year with over 700 students taking part in the learning process. Initially, the course wasclassroom based using the traditional model of lectures and discussions with a few videosincluded for variety. In the fall of 2002, a degree completion program was launched thatextended the reach of the course by offering it in a distance learning format utilizing electronicdelivery over the statewide K-20 network to a group of Community Colleges. This formatincluded the use of a traditional classroom equipped with television cameras and soundequipment to transmit the learning experience to the distant Community Colleges. Studentstaking the course at a Community College could view the class live as it was happening and askquestions in a real-time fashion just as if they were sitting in the traditional classroom. Inaddition, a Learning Management System (LMS) was utilized for Internet access to coursematerials and allowed for asynchronous communication between the faculty member andstudents. This type of course model has been called "blended," "hybrid," "technology-mediatedinstruction," "web-enhanced instruction," and "mixed-mode instruction." These terms are oftenused interchangeably, however the term “blended learning” is most commonly used today. Thispaper reviews the continuing efforts to promote technological literacy and describes how ablended learning format was used to extend the reach of a traditional classroom course.

Loendorf, W. R., & Geyer, T. (2015, June), Using a Blended Learning Format to Extend the Influence of a Technological Literacy Course Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24983

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